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Twilight has been to the human world and met her counterpart there. Something about the encounter is bothering her, though. More specifically, something about the other Twilight.

With the help of her friends, Twilight does a bit of soul-searching and arrives at a conclusion that she may not like.

(Possible Friendship Games spoilers)

Chapters (1)

Being away from one's wife can be hard; nopony knows that better than Shining Armor. So when he has to go to Manehattan on business his wife decides to call him to see how he's doing. One thing leads to another and the Royal Couple find themselves having an... intimate phone call.

And by intimate I mean Lewd. Very, very lewd.

Art is from the amazing GASOKU

Chapters (1)

Hello, friends! My name is Lemony Cutewhistle.

I am probably a normal pony.


Editing thanks to Aquaman and Masked Ferret.

Chapters (1)

Mac and Dash end up having drinks with a couple they meet in Manehattan. The couple makes some assumptions they shouldn't have about Dash, and she gets her feathers ruffled.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Where Did Daddy Go?

Even after many years... his love for her never faded... The one, who held a special place in his heart. Well, no more waiting! No more hoping! He was going to find her, and damn anypony to Tartarus that would try to stop him.

Prequel by UniqueSKD
Collaboration with Lucky 424
Edited by Flamer_Brony
Artwork by Neko-Me

Chapters (39)

Over Summer break, Sweetie Belle was surprisingly left with nothing to do. Usually she was out with her two fellow crusaders getting into various dilemmas and situations, but not this Summer. This Summer was a very uneventful one, and Rarity can agree. Not even a single trip to Canterlot was planned since it wasn't even necessary.

So what else was Sweetie to do but laze about and eat, eat, and eat a little more. This continued for a little longer until Summer ended and it was the first day of the sophomore year for Sweetie Belle. But as she got dressed for school, she came across something hideous. Something she couldn't hide for the life of her.

She had gotten fat. She panics and overreacts, but luckily her big sister knows just the words to tell her.

Chapters (1)

Discord feels Fluttershy needs to be a little more assertive when it comes to expressing her own views and maintaining her beliefs against the weight of other arguments, especially when those counter-debates turn... well, personal. Fluttershy doesn't want to risk it.

So Discord mentions a simple fact: two plus two equals five.

Fluttershy naturally disagrees.

It gets worse from there.

(A stand-alone, no prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page (with new Recap section) and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Sirens eat by channeling magical energy through their gems.
The Rainbooms broke the Dazzlings' gems.

...well, who needs food, anyways?

Chapters (1)

Midnight Sparkle has destroyed everything, leaving her and Discord.

But now that she's consumed all of existence, what's left?

Chapters (1)

A few hours after saving the Friendship Games, Sunset Shimmer and her good friend Twilight Sparkle are relaxing on the CHS lawn. The two are so close that Sunset finally feels like she can ask a question that's been on her mind for a while.

"Can I go home?"

Chapters (1)