• Member Since 10th Nov, 2017


What fun is there in making sense? -Discord, Lord Of Chaos.

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Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


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It has been nearly sixty years since humanity witnessed the devastation of a World War, or any other kind of large-scale conflict. Equestria's abstinence has been even longer, with battles that rage across the entire land not being seen for centuries. Though both have seen their share of small-scale skirmishes, a duel of total annihilation across a large scale has been avoided by both sides time and again.

But peace is never lasting. For both sides, it lies on a cliff, requiring only one good push to send the participants into a plunge of death. Equestria's unexpected appearance may turn into that final push, as alliances, deception, and distrust threaten to launch a conflict that will lead both worlds to utter ruin.

This work contains characters and parts created and written by other authors. I am grateful to have become friends with each of them.
Captain Jack R. Williams of the U.S.S. Boxer (LHD-4) created and written by An A10 Warthog
Captain Wilbur Hart and the U.S.S. Tippecanoe (CG-74) created and written by Totallynotabrony
Captain Starry Skies and the R.E.S. Horseshoe Bay (CSG-2) created and written by The Grey Pegasus
H.M.A.S. Sydney created and written by An Iowa Class Battleship
H.M.C.S. Presence created by Sockeye101 and written by The Rainbow Brony
USAF Pararescue team Prancer Two created and written by CptBrony
Carter Jones of the 130th Engineer Brigade written by Routine Blast
1st LT. Silverglow and the Karalian Army created and written by Silverstein.
Sergeant Jeff Thompson of C Troop, Royal Canadian Dragoons created and written by Goldenarbiter
Junior Sergeant Korrector and the 115th Motor-Rifle Division created and written by Kalash93
(More may be added over time)

Rated T for violence and language.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro.
Any and all other works belong to their respective creators.

Chapters (82)

Okay, it goes like this.

I was supposed to get married today, but fate had different plans. Those plans included me inexplicably appearing on an alien world of sapient horses who speak an entirely different language. Not only am I totally screwed with my wedding, but these sparkling horses are apparently hostile.

Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but I'm not the kind of guy who can make up something like this.

Chapters (15)

A strange creature is found in the Canterlot castle and is brought to the Canterlot dungeons for containment and research, but it proves just a bit more cunning and resourceful than anticipated, not to mention fearsome, and escapes.

What will happen, what will the vile beast do and where are Celestia´s cakes?

Chapters (9)

[First person/second person] [Ghost]

Theme song:Dead Man's Lullaby-Gordo

Ponyville, is a peaceful yet often random place to live in. The young play outside in the warm weather, while the adults sit around and chat about their daily routine, wondering how the day will pass on, and what to put on the table tonight for dinner. Even the animals are friendly to one another.

Yet, something feels...different about Ponyville, and the adults are not sure why. It feels the same as any other day, getting up, go to work, sleep, and repeat the process.

But for some strange reason, colts and fillies laugh, and not with each other, but with a new friend. Not only do the youngsters like this new friend, the elderly seem to take a liking to this friend as well. It bothers some, but most ignore and let it be.

But sometimes, if you are very quiet, you can hear a voice. A voice filled with sadness and anger. Often times, the voice settles down, and does not speak, but when it does, this voice repeats the same question. Again, and again and again.

"Where Will I Go?"

Chapters (17)

Nobody really likes to move, you leave friends and loved ones behind, familiar surroundings and move to someplace that is different from what you are used to. You have to learn the ropes all over again, make new friends and find your way around, not an easy or fun thing to do.

But what makes a move like that worse, is when it happens and you sleep through the whole thing, doubly so when you didn't plan said move.

(Featured April 5, 2014)

Chapters (63)

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome Queen of the wasteland.

This started out as an exploratory idea, that patrons requested more chapters of and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a chance of adding onto this story for just 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

Chapters (49)

A new land is merged with the My Little Pony world by a different way in each chapter, while there are humans living on the surface, its true ruler is the emperor of the underworld. The emperor's personality will be different each chapter, and the other countries will react accordingly to his behavior and actions.

Note: This series has some religious and mythical references in it, please do not argue over religions or mythology in the comment section.

Chapters (23)

When humanity is on the brink of destruction, they shine brightest. When men have nothing left to lose, they put everything on the line. When the children of Adam have everything taken from them, they return the favor. With interest.

I've read a few TCB fics with humans winning, but I don't think I've seen it done this way. Enjoy the ride. First serious fic, will still have a few jokes though. I can't take anything too seriously. Hope you like it.

Edit: Popular stories bar on the same day it was posted? wow o.O

Chapters (1)

The Conversion Bureau never made any sense anyway, but here are some places where it would have made less sense.
Not necessarily worlds where the ponies would lose the fight - just worlds where conversion wouldn't logically work.

Before suggesting a World, read the index to make sure I haven't done it already.

Chapters (27)

Aryanne moves to Ponyville, things go as expected.

Content Warning: Nazi pone, stupid

Should Fimfiction add an Aryanne character tag, or ban any content featuring her? Can't it be both?

Please be as polite as possible if you're going to discuss things in the comments.

Chapters (1)