• Member Since 10th Nov, 2017


What fun is there in making sense? -Discord, Lord Of Chaos.

Favourites 395 stories
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Total Words: 13,533,650
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks


  • Favourites 395 stories

  • Featured stories! 3 stories These are stories of mine that have been featured, regardless of how surprising it is that I would have any featured,


  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

While moving to her new home, Zecora find the strangest creature - a large, nigh-hairless talking monkey-thing. Seeing how it lacks basic knowledge on surviving in the wild (and that it's quite tall and probably good at manual labour) she decides to adopt it as her assistant. Hopefully, she won't come to regret her decision.

Chapters (10)

Let's summarize a bit shall we? First guy named Ghost (not real name you can think of a name of you want) goes to a con dressed as the Courier. Second he has multiple weapons with infinite ammunition of each type, like .50 explosive rounds. Finally he is OP as all fuck and probably cannot die.

Complete supplies list
Anti-Material Rifle (GRA)
A Light Shining in the Darkness
Riot shotgun
Survivalist's Rifle
This Machine
Sprtel-Wood 9700
Rad Away
Med + Rad x
Doctor's bag
Sunset sarsparilla
Infinite ammo for each weapon
Infinite ammo types for each
Elite Riot Gear

Picture used without permission.

Chapters (5)

Sugar Crush has been working at the Crystal Empire's bakery ever since she had the chance to arrive at the ancient kingdom. Thanks to the crystal ponies and their accepting nature, the thestral found it very easy on fitting in. To compensate for their kindness, Sugar Crush made an active effort to give every customer she had a hug. And with every hug she gave a customer, a free small item came their way.

But one bright afternoon made everything she did change. One customer named Mineral Water refused her hug and free item, prompting Sugar to make the endeavor on giving the resistant crystal pony a simple sign of affection. Little did Sugar know her pursuit would lead into a much bigger picture than she realized.

11/2/17 Made the popular story list! Thanks for finding the story interesting! :D
11/6/17 Holy crap! My story is being featured?! So soon?! D:

Also, a special thank you to Crystal Wishes. You are a huge part of my inspiration when it comes to writing. Thank you.

Chapters (51)

This story is a sequel to Tales From the Crystal Empire

In an Equestria much different from what we know, Princess Luna has ruled the young nation fairly for several years now and has recently earned her cutie mark when she raised both the sun and moon together.

Now though, a letter has come from the Crystal Empire, a country that is still little known of. It seems that the reigning monarch's daughter is soon to come of age, and her mother is eager to help establish ties with Equestria.

Now more than a little curious, and also eager to establish ties with a country that is much older than her own, Luna accepts the invitation to the young mare's Royal Crystaling.

But Princess Mi Amore Amicitia is much more than her mother let on. A fact that will shock and surprise Luna when they finally meet.

Chapters (3)

Prototype Aegis is the first living tank Pony made by humans to try and replace infantry. She loves her job as a tank for the army, protecting her country. But one day, while running from a German super weapon she falls into an unknown laboratory, she finds herself in a fight for her life as she fights mysterious soldiers that she can't seem to defeat. She becomes gravely injured and sacrifices herself for her friend. She wakes up, injured and noticing that some of her armor plates are missing and are nearby. She finds herself in a strange world, one filled with happiness and peace. Will she want to go back to her world, that is filled with death and destruction, or will she want to stay in a world where there hasn't been a war in thousands of years?

Dark tag only near the beginning of the story and possibly in the future. Rated teen for language and violence.

Chapters (5)

It is 1918. The Allies have defeated the Central Powers and now US marines and US army troops are being sent to Germany for occupation duty. Among them are the men of B company, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment. Gunnery Sergeant Nathan Blackburn has seen the war through from beginning to finish and is relieved it is over. But when a strange cloud transports him and his comrades to a strange new land where they themselves have taken on strange new appearances, Blackburn soon realizes that his fight is far from over.

Chapters (11)

The caribou are pushing back and pushing hard against Equestria, wanting nothing more then to enslave the whole lot of them and turn all of the mares into willing whores for Diann's pleasure. However... they didn't expect a long dead race... to aid Equestria in their time of need.

Even in death... we fight.

Story hit the feature box 1/24/2017

Chapters (2)

It's always been known that Canterlots elite has been full of scummy ponies that benefit off of the ponies under them, reaping the reward of what others have sown.

But what if there was a new contender to oppose them? What if that contender was otherworldly? What if that contender was benevolent towards the common pony? What if that contender was... Undead?

The Dungeons and Dragons crossover is mostly for lore and names, and that the main character is an original character I had made when I was extremely tired. I had enjoyed the concept so much that I decided to try writing about it a bit. I'm not completely sure how long this Fic will be, but I hope long enough to be satisfying.

Rating is for mentions of alcohol, fantasy fighting, and the fact that the main character is living impaired.
Gore tag is for the 4th chapter that is skippable.

Featured: 1/15/2021 and 5/29/2021 and also 9/6/2021 with the last chapter.
Thank you so much!

Chapters (11)

Nicholas doesn't really know Princess Celestia. Sure, he's met her once or twice, when Twilight was still trying to find a way to get him home. Exchanged pleasantries and what not. But never had he had a real, sit-down conversation with her.

Now, he's been summoned to Canterlot to work as Celestia's advisor. He has no other options but to accept.

Cover art used with permission by Miokomata. Go check them out!

Audio reading of prologue by StraightToThePointStudio. Go check them out!

Chapters (3)

Humanity send in a mechanical beast to explore a new world they just recently discovered; however, this world wasn’t uninhabited. Now the machine documents everything these unusual, yet intriguing creatures have to show…but will the creatures the machine discovered be welcoming to its creators, or not? Only time, and the future will tell.

Small Update: considering there are going to be more than one robot than I planned to be using for the story, I decided to change the title. credit for the new title is thanks to a fic-reader by the name of, RanBro.

Update 11/08/2020 - okay so....I'm at a lost for how to take this fic further, at the moment! so for the time being, I'm deciding to label this fic as Complete, but will make a sequel that will continue the story.

-now this fic just popped into my head and i couldn't get it out of my head, so i could focus on my other fics. not sure if this is going to be a frequently updated story, as it was spur of the moment that i just had to write down.

-the official size prompt is this. When compared to Ponies.
Adult Pony: 4 - 4.5ft. tall.
Foals: 2 - 3ft. tall.
Luna & Cadence: 5 - 5.5ft.
Celestia: 6ft.

-R.O.V.E.R (is basically twice the size of an African male lion.)
Height: 14.4ft. (head to feet)/Length: 21.5ft. (head to tip of tail)/Weight: 1505lbs.

Chapters (16)