• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2018

Tallow and Port

You write fic for fun, you share fic on the off chance someone might find it fun to read.

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Pinkie Pie is being tormented by horrific nightmares. Unable to deal with it by herself anymore she seeks out Twilight's help, but will it have been the best decision when she finds herself alone in an abandoned, fog filled Ponyville?

Sequel: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/4676/Too-Shy-for-a-Rainbow

There have been a LOT of high-quality readings of Silent Ponyville, but this one is my personal favorite:

Chapters (12)

Thirty years after the once prosperous town of Ponyville was abandoned for an unknown reason, two photography class fillies travel to the town to find out why the once-upon-a-time famous landmark had suddenly become a deserted wasteland erased from Equestria’s maps. So when they find a hospital that appears to be in almost perfect condition unlike the rest of the town, their curiosity burns brighter, encouraging them to enter in hopes to discover the truth of what happened to the abandoned land.

Their exploration leads them deeper into the hospital as they find clues explaining what happened to the town. However, it's not until too late that they realize those clues were never meant to be found.

Chapters (2)

What does it mean to be the most powerful unicorn in Ponyville, maybe even in the whole of Equestria? When you can fix everything with magic, what do you do when everypony expects you to do just that? Are there limits to what Twilight´s magic can do, and what lies beyond those limits?

Cover art by Izeer: http://izeer.deviantart.com/

Chapters (11)

Beyond the limits of Equestria, creatures sleep and dream.

It's a chance in a thousand years to capture such a sight; a glimpse of another world. A vision that should never be forgotten.

Chapters (1)

A normal end to a normal day -- at least, that's what it was supposed to be.

But it wasn't.

Luna went to raise the moon as usual, but something went wrong. Terribly wrong. She felt it, but she couldn't stop it.

None of us could.

It appeared too suddenly -- acted too quickly.

The only warning we received was a roar and a bright flash of light, then everything was gone. No more Canterlot, no more ponies, no more anything.

Nothing survived.

Nothing... except for us and whatever 'it' is.

We may be immortal beings, but that doesn't make things any better -- if anything, it makes the pain all that much worse. The only thing we can really do now is try to avenge those dear to us. Our subjects... our families... my friends...


I don't care how long it takes, and I don't care if it's a pointless battle. All I care about now is making sure we put that thing down for good.

After that?


Cover art done by Little Tigress. Check out her other stuff on deviantart if you wanna see more!

Chapters (30)

Once upon a time there was a very lazy dragon who did not want to find a town to pillage.

So he decided to make one of his own.

Editors: Mitch H, Dlafrferg
Jake the Army Guy has done an amazing reading of this on YouTube
Excellent cover picture credit: Harwick on Fimfiction or Harwicks-art on Deviantart.com
Also, the Audio Project has done a reading of this and other stories on YouTube

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle of the Royal Guard

Between castle gossip, professional rivalries, a blooming romance, and a mysterious malefactor still at large, Decurion Twilight Sparkle has a lot on her plate. Hopefully, she'll make a few new friends as she moves towards the destiny she's chosen for herself.

As per usual, big thanks to Magello for the rad cover art!

Chapters (14)

A flip of a coin. A twist of fate.

Twilight Sparkle, younger sister of Princess Celestia's personal student, Shining Armor, grew up listening to her brother's bygone dreams of joining the elite of the elite: The Royal Guard.

Now, fresh out of the Academy, this young mare is ready to prove herself equal to the deeds of the great soldiers she read about as a filly. Too bad the princess she ends up protecting isn't Celestia.

Chapters (7)

A human suddenly found himself as an Earth Pony in the fictional land of Equestria. Unfortunately, Equestria didn't look the same as in the show. Regardless, it was still a little girl's show, so returning home shouldn't be a problem. Now if only he knew where the cliché ponies were located in this version of Equestria. You know, the ones who could help him get back home?

Special thanks to mix-up for drawing the cover art. :3 You can check his deviantart page as well for more of his art works~

Chapters (65)

Special talents.
That thing that sets ponies apart from each other and gives them a path in life. The one thing that they excel at, broadcast to the world by their cutie mark.
The spectrum of special talents is as wide as the day is long and twice as varied as you think it is.
But, interesting talent or mundane, everypony needs a job to put food on the table and not every talent lends itself to one.

After all, not everyone can be blessed with specific high-demand talents like "growing plants" or "cleaning" or "flying". Even less often does a pony get a particularly nebulous concept or multi-faceted skill like "magic" or "partying" that can apply to any number of jobs.

Sometimes, no matter how good you are at what you do, it's just not something you can make a career out of.

But for those unlucky few, there's a group filled with other ponies who face the same problem that they do.


Editted and proofread by the wonderfully helpful NecroHorse!

Chapters (1)