• Member Since 19th Jan, 2012


Just a Brit who likes writing fics about ponies (with a very high percentage chance of Trixie turning up).

Favourites 232 stories
  • Favourites 232 stories - 125 unread chapters
    Created by Stryke
    - October, 2014
Found 188 stories in 47ms

Total Words: 5,131,607
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks


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When the Great and Powerful Trixie manages to vanquish an Ursa Minor rampaging through Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle finds herself with a ruined reputation. And as Trixie continues to gain in popularity, Twilight finds herself more and more alone.

Revenge may seem like the only available option, but maybe there are more things going on than it seems...

Addenum: No, this is not in any way a Twilight-bashing story. Please read before you make up your mind.

Chapters (1)

While touring Canterlot with her new magic act, the Great and Powerful Trixie finds herself invited to the royal wedding at the castle.

But who's getting married? Why did they invite Trixie? And why are those ponies from Ponyville attending?

The story art is drawn by the talented Amenoo at Deviant Art, originally commissioned by EvanKestral. Used with permission.

Chapters (1)

It was a wonderful morning. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and Applejack was snuggling up with her. What more could Rarity want?

How about a shotgun wedding when the rest of the Apples come back early?

Chapters (4)

After her whole life as one of only two alicorns, Cadance is finally introduced to Luna. To call it awkward would be an understatement of the highest caliber.

A silly little something I wrote for a good friend of mine when she was having a bad day. Here's hoping it gets a laugh or a smile or two out of somebody else. Sex tag is for risqué jokes and discussions.

Featured on the front page from December 22nd to 25th, 2013!

Chapters (1)

The Great and Powerful Trixie joins the battle to save Ponyville!

So why did she wake up in a waiting room?

Contents by: Gravekeeper & Wanderer D

Chapters (1)

Derpy Hooves is secretly a changeling.

Nopony particularly notices, or cares.

(New 9/15/19: Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi! Thank you!)

Chapters (1)

When Trixie finds a magic mane pin that will make everypony love and adore her, she decides to use it to get revenge on the residents of Ponyville, one group in particular. But there are some things about friendship that she never expected...

This story replaces "Magic Duel" chronologically.

Approved for The Goodfics Bin!

Chapters (1)

The graffiti did not bother her. The art of vandalism was, in some form or another, as old as civilization itself. The content, on the other hoof, was an entirely different issue. “Princest Is Wincest,” it said. Bad grammar and spelling were one thing, but this was an attack on the Equestrian language.

Luna frowned. She would have to ask Celestia about this at the first opportunity. Perhaps there were spare funds for a literacy program. If nothing else, Tia might be able to explain what exactly the phrase meant.

Thanks to Wade and Sereg for prereading. Thanks to Burraku_Pansa and especially Midnight Rambler for editing.

Dramatic reading, courtesy of CaptainBron3y.

Chapters (2)

Ponyville's premier pranksters pull Ponyville's princess into their latest prank, but after the town's rumor mill completely misconstrues the situation, Twilight finds herself in rather hot water.
Still, maybe getting that license isn't ALL bad...

Now with 100% more dramatic readings!

Chapters (1)

An ancient tradition, a balance of power, political maneuvering of the highest order.

None of these appear here. Instead, enjoy a lighthearted look at the princesses as they try to figure out how to fit Twilight into one of their favorite activities.


I've never seen a second of Game of Thrones nor read a single page of A Song of Fire and Ice. This is is no way based off anything from that. You may thank Stryke for the impetus for me to get this done and for the cover art..

Chapters (1)