• Member Since 19th Jan, 2012


Just a Brit who likes writing fics about ponies (with a very high percentage chance of Trixie turning up).

Favourites 232 stories
  • Favourites 232 stories - 125 unread chapters
    Created by Stryke
    - October, 2014
Found 188 stories in 54ms

Total Words: 5,131,607
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks


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It can be troubling at times, when you like nice quiet evenings, and your marefriends have a much different idea of fun. But then, being out of your comfort zone is what brought you together.

Written as a part of a group polyamory challenge for the Intelligent Shipping Discussion Group.

Chapters (1)

As the sun gives way to the night, a pegasus knocks on a window. She has a secret. One that, if revealed, would shame her forever. Yet she can't stay away.

Featured on Equestria Daily 1/29/2013

Chapters (1)

Ever since moving to Ponyville, Twilight has neglected something: her other residence. The rooms she used in the Canterlot Archives are still filled with her possessions. It's been nearly a year, and the Archives want her to clear out already so the place can go to the new departmental librarian. She has until sunset -- or anything still there just might remain so. Spike, knowing the deadline is hours away from arriving, recruits the Bearers to help her.

But Twilight doesn't want help.

A deadline is in front of her, and she's -- stalling.

They have until sunset...

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Minuette is determined to have a nice date with a nice stallion, no matter what that takes.

Twilight Sparkle just wants her to stop wreaking havoc on the time-space continuum.

Things get complicated.

Edited by Exuno
Preread by Barbeque

Chapters (3)

Twilight invents speed dating.

Rarity tries not to perfect murder.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

It's Sisterhooves Social time again. This year, Dash catches wind of two new competitors and gets Spike to bet on the race. When her team is revealed to be a rather famous set of siblings, it looks like poor Spike will be her slave for a week! However, due to a team of masseurs, a minor invasion, unfortunate addictions, and dubious barrel components, victory might not be as near as she thinks...

Chapters (2)

After miscasting a spell Twilight's friends begin to feel differently about her. When Luna and Trixie show up in town things really start to get crazy. It seems a new competition has begun on who can win the purple unicorn's heart. Meanwhile Twilight struggles to understand why everypony seems to be falling head over hooves for her. Well not literally everypony, but you know what I mean.

WARNING: This pretty much ignores Season 3 entirely. Well Trixie's part anyways.

Chapters (8)


The newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle has set up a bold new initiative to discover new magic, and is sending out an open call to the unicorns of Equestria to apply for her research team. No experience in magical theory or research necessary. Enthusiasm and out-of-the-box thinking a must. The Equestrian government is not responsible for any physical, emotional, or magical trauma experienced during the course of the project or the application process.

Cover art by Page Turner

Chapters (5)

Spike has had it. It's not his fault the library is a shambles. In fact, he tried his very best to save it.

And now he's supposed to take the blame? Not this time! Until Twilight starts to fully appreciate his worth, Spike goes on strike!

He will not falter! He will not give in! He will stand his ground!
...if at the end of it all there is still some ground left to stand on.

Chapters (6)

When Spike asked Twilight to help him create The Noble Dragon Code, he hoped a lot of things would happen.

Getting worshipped as a god by legions of theologically-inclined dragons wasn't really one of them but, hey, whattcha gonna do? Them's the breaks, kiddo.

Chapters (5)