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Queen Chrysalis. She is evil, cruel, manipulative and downright mean. So there's no way anypony could love her for just being herself. However, the captured Mane 6 would soon learn that there is a special somepony for anypony.

Chapters (1)

In "A Canterlot Wedding," Twilight Sparkle was screamed at by her brother and banned from the wedding, and immediately after her friends and mentor walked out on her in disgust, not even looking at her.

But what if they didn't?

What if instead, they saw how miserable she was at how her brother treated her and stayed behind to comfort her and assure her that things would be okay?

Chapters (6)

One day, just like that, Twilight decides she's going to die.

Edited by Pearple Prose, MrNumbers, and Themaskedferret.

Chapters (2)

Twilight wakes up in the middle of the night with a burning question on her mind,
Does the Cloudsdale Library have stairs?
A Unicorn or Earth pony might say yes,
To a Pegasus who has lived in the clouds their entire life,
Would they say no, to something so obvious as stairs?
Twilight intends to find out.

Chapters (1)

Seeing potential in Tempest Shadow and Discord's budding friendship, Twilight Sparkle assigns them the task of helping the Storm King's old soldiers reintegrate into society. But the appearance of a vicious creature in one of their southern towns threatens to destroy their newfound freedom, and so far from Equestria, it's up to Tempest and Discord to defeat it.

I also have a Discord! Rather quiet right now but feel free to join if you wanna talk fics or just ponies in general! Ask me for the link if you want in, I had to remove it because of too many spam bots.

Like my content? Buy Me a Coffee!

Chapters (32)

Twilight is searching through boxes in her storage room under the castle from salvaged pieces of the library. While looking through them she finds a tape. She invites her friends over so they can watch it together for movie night. What they see isn't expected.

A wonderful, fantastic VOCAL READING has been done of this by Flash Photo Reads. Please go to his channel and give him some love.exe.

Chapters (1)

After the events in the movie, Twilight still isn't sure about her actions. Feeling too many emotions she's not prepared to deal with, she searches through the library books to find an answer. When her friends make mistakes, she always forgives them. So why is forgiving herself any different? Starlight gives some advice.

(I've been writing fanfic for decades but this is my first attempt at a MLP fanfiction. )

Chapters (1)

Every one thousand years, alicorns release a pheromone that makes everypony around them become obsessive snugglers, and since this is Twilight’s and Cadence’s first time, Celestia summons them to Canterlot. Upon their arrival, Celestia is horrified to see her sister magically seal them all in her bedroom, but she is quick to discover that being locked in a room with three snuggling-obsessed alicorns isn’t that bad.

Edited by Ponysopher

Chapters (1)

The war has been over for months and yet it still lingers in many. Not a day passed by without them remembering the horrors and sadness the war was brought.

Major Rainbow Dash, national hero and renowned soldier of the Equestrian Army, is praised by ponies no matter where she goes. Her exploits during the last day of the war is a well known story as her face is easily recognized anywhere. Considered as a great icon, somepony who ended the war and saved thousands, she is looked up upon by many and adored by the entire land. But for her, she just wishes to be left alone. The parties, the speeches, the praises, she would trade that for the lives of those she lost or for a chance to join them in their eternal sleep.

When this war hero finally snaps from all the strains she had to go through, she is sent to Ponyville for the long awaited rest she wanted. Having trouble finding quiet and peace in the large cities because of her fame, the small quiet town of Ponyville seems like the perfect place for her stay and get away from it all.

But with the memories of the pass always shrouding her, would she finally be able to make peace? Or will she continue to suffer and wage war in her mind, even after the last shot was fired.

Chapters (11)

Twilight doesn't feel good about this. But surely she has no reason to be worried, right? Pinkie would never ever think her friends didn't care about her.


Chapters (1)