• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 8 392 stories
  • Season 8 392 stories - 1211 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 8 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2018
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On the way back to Ponyville, the girls intercept Maud to get Pinkie's things. With some help from her, they come up with a way for Pinkie Pie to enjoy the yovidiphone without disturbing others. "Tag" to the episode "Yakity Sax".

Chapters (1)

Spike has often felt hindered throughout his life, especially after moving to Ponyville. He took pride in being Twilight's number one assistant, but there were plenty of times where he felt like an errand boy. One who got into situations that required him being saved. A recent development has changed things however. Not to a grand scale, but it was still significant. And he loved it. So much that he needed to enjoy it. And the night was a perfect time for it.

Art by succubisamus on derpibooru.

Chapters (1)

Chancellor Neighsay sees his opportunity to shut down the school and sues after Applejack and Rainbow Dash endanger students. Things go horribly right and, soon enough, the two are to become the first executions in Equestrian history.
Their friendship is about all they have to keep them sane.

Warning: Very grim and things will get rather nasty; things aren't gonna go well for most ponies, and that toilet isn't just for show.

My first attempt at a teen rating, as well as serious shipping and death. Well, that didn't go well, rewrote from scratch as a new story with a less chop-happy premise.

Chapters (4)

During a teachers meeting at the School of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash end up being left alone together in the teachers lounge, and things start to get real romantic between them

Chapters (1)

Spike and the rest of the Student Six visit Mt. Aris, where Silverstream can't wait to show off her culture. Her brother, Terramar, offers to take them out for a swim, but he hasn't had much experience transforming dragons. Hijinks ensue.

Cover image by https://derpibooru.org/profiles/Foal

Chapters (1)

Determined to share her culture with her friend, Smolder invites Ocellus on a brief outing to teach her how to play Colt Toss. It's everything Ocellus imagines it to be, for better or worse.

Cover image by https://derpibooru.org/profiles/Foal

Chapters (1)

Having learned that one of her fellow students can't swim, Silverstream takes it upon herself to correct that oversight. To that end, she calls up her brother, Teramar, and ropes Ocellus into a make-shift swimming camp for Yona.

Although a part of Yona understands why she needs swimming lessons, the more dominant part of her would rather be anywhere but in the water. However, Silverstream is determined to get Yona to be able to swim.

Will Silverstream, Teramar, and Ocellus succeeded? Or is Yona destined to never be a swimmer?

Chapters (1)

The countrysides of central Equestria are known for a few things. Their beauty, friendly locals, and to those interested in finding them several live action roleplay communities. Relatively recent changes in Equestrian politics have seen a renewed interest as foreigners move into these areas. Changelings especially love going to them, and are especially prized if they can be convinced to help staff. After all, making immersive costuming is a breeze when you can look like anything you can imagine!

Ocellus is still new at this, but she's going to give it her absolute best. Unfortunately, players will always take the path of least resistance, and that's frequently her.

All violence and death is purely fictional from within the story's own perspective. In other words, the characters people are playing get hurt and badly, but not the "real" people behind them.

Chapters (1)

Roseluck loves the plants in her shop very much. Above all, she loves a unique specimen: a rare cactus from the Appleloosan Desert. One day it is purchased, and she is sad to see it go. But soon she has to deal with more than her disappointment, when she sees somepony with a mysterious injury that she suspects is related.

Written for the School for New Writers June prompt.

Chapters (1)

Starlight, upon seeing her mother flee the house, can't help but break down into tears. Abandoned. Little Starlight can't believe her mother would abandon her and her father. She grows up hating her mother because of this.

Chapters (4)