• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 8 392 stories
  • Season 8 392 stories - 1211 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 8 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2018
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spoiler warning for season 8 episode 13!

Starlight Glimmer felt restless and uncertain,
after those strange events deep in the Everfree Forest.
Something did not feel right.
But when she wakes up,
she will find out
that things are far worse
than she ever imagined.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's clone barely escaped her grisly end, and is seeking refuge in the large city of Manehattan. She's quite fine with going it alone, until she spots somepony just like her.

Inspired by the Cover Art by Badumsquish

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer's father, Firelight is coming to visit Ponyville for Father's Day.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Six Discoveries

Silverstream and Smolder start to discover all the fun and joy there is to BMX and skateboarding. Scootaloo soon joins in with her scooter, and they decide to form a trio team called "The Synthesizers". However, their stunts, tricks, and high speed runs are soon picked up by newspapers and photographers... and The Washouts.

As the three set out on a journey to have wild and daring fun, conflicts with legal authorities, the lingering effects of injuries, fame, and money start to drive the close-knit trio apart, threatening their friendship.

NOTE: "Sad" tag for the low and solemn moments in the story. Also, the bike and skateboard shown on the front cover are mere placeholders - they are not exactly the same as the ones mentioned in the story.

Loosely inspired by the Bones Brigade skateboard team from the '80s. Learn more about them here.

Cover art (c) me and Nathan @bookcovermall
BMX image (c) WeThePeople Bike CO.
Skateboard image (c) Birdhouse Skateboards
Scootaloo's scooter vector (c) CaffeineJunkie

Chapters (17)

Having been assigned a project about researching lost civilizations, and learning how friendship could have helped them survive, the Student Six try to find something unique. They find in the form of a sphere hologram projection, which tells about a different world that is plagued by ghouls, deathclaws, and super mutants. A world where various factions fight for survival, and to rebuild the human race in their image. A world that is both harsh and dangerous where friendship and decent kindness are a rarity.

A World Of Fallout.

Thanks to Chaotic Note, Titanium Dragon, Black Hailstorm, and Anonymous for helping with this.

The Storyteller series belongs to ShoddyCast who I recommend you follow. I also suggest watching the series of the Storyteller if you are a Fallout Fan or want to get into the Fallout series which belongs to Bethesda.

Chapters (23)

Set after Marks for Effort, The Cutie Mark Crusaders have finally been let into Twilight's school as friendship tutors, but the CMC's are still feeling hurt over the way she treated them earlier, so they call her to their clubhouse to talk about it.

Chapters (1)

The Astral Plane is a place of cosmic peace and serenity, a realm of gentle mists and alien but not unfriendly stars. Mortals who access it do so only after reaching a pinnacle of spiritual development and enlightenment, where those who have reached the peak before them may ease their transition to a higher state of existence.

However, immortals have an easier time of things, which can lead to rather less enlightened conversations.

Spoilers for S8E13, "The Mean 6." Rated Teen for discussion of realities that are rated Mature.

Chapters (1)

A newly-winged Spike has a frank conversation with Rarity about their relationship.

Chapters (2)

Starlight Glimmer, former dictator turned guidance counsellor, is given an anonymous note, seeking help and advice. As she asks her friend Rarity for advice, her day is set to take an unexpected turn.

Chapters (1)

Jacob was having a regular day, he was excited about the day though since there was a new episode of Mlp about to come on, but before he could sit down there was a knock on the door.

When he answered it he found a woman with red hair standing there, she asked if he was a fan of mlp, he was weirded out about the sudden question and denied, he also found it embarrassing to tell anyone that he liked the show due to the fear of being ridiculed.

The woman smiled and told him to have fun with the rest of his day before she left, still weirded out he closed the door and went back to watch the new episode, he unpaused the TV and the episode began playing, that was when he blacked out.

When he woke up he realized he wasn't in his house anymore, nor his body, now he has to deal with no one believing a word he says.

I wanted to do a story relating to the newest episode of Mlp: The Mean Six

Chapters (2)