• Member Since 29th Mar, 2018

The Cowardly Christian

For everyone seeking guidance, I recommend looking up Ravi Zacharias, he's gotten me out of some dark times. His FULL sermons are available online for ALL...

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AppleJack is sick and tired of watching her sister get bullied left and right. She decides to hatch a plan to fix it by "raising a barn".

Chapters (4)

Anon-A-Miss. They happened, people were hurt, the mess was cleaned up, people are begrudgingly forgiving the trio responsible, if only for Sunset, and everyone in the school is starting to become friends again. The problem was solved, right?

Not if you ask Rainbow Dash. She's still pretty mad at herself about it, after getting all the details shown to her. So are her friends, just slightly less so than her.

Yes, this is another Anon-A-Miss story, but at least it doesn't happen during the fiasco like nearly every other one I've read. I was considering a way I could write a story about the entire thing that wasn't done to death. Then I realized there weren't many stories that followed this particular line of thought, so I went with it to see what would happen when it was filtered through my brain.

Edit 2: Now has a Bookshelf to keep track of all the stories related to this one. TADAAAA!

Chapters (6)

Things have been going pretty well for Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, lately. She's been resolving friendship problems left and right, and even Rainbow Dash has gotten in on the action, helping Twilight perpetuate her mad schemes (or just outright overriding them). As bold as Twilight has been, though, there are some lines she won't cross, even in the name of helping a friend.

Or she wouldn't, until now. Seeing Rainbow Dash's boldness in handling problems has inspired Twilight to bring her schemes to the next level, weaving a scheme of political intrigue, betrayal, forgiveness, pie, heartbreak, and oxford commas.

This insanity can be read on its own, or you can see the stories that led up to this tragic conclusion:

Librarian Twilight Sparkle: Tutor of the CMC

Librarian Twilight's Plan Gets Bodychecked By Rainbow Dash

(Cover image came off of My Little Face When. Source unknown.)

Chapters (4)

Guards, Sheriff's deputies, and reporters all swarm around the Pie family's home. One reporter interviews a local, who's more than happy to ramble on about his neighbors and their shocking secret...

Based on the song of the same name by Shel Silverstein.

This is the T rated version of this story. There is also an M-for-gore version if you're into that kind of thing.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has grown more confident in her role as the Princess of Friendship, though her methods - primarily, hatching crazy indirect schemes to solve friendship problems - are a tad unorthodox. Still, she hasn't turned anyone into houseplants or destroyed any historic monuments lately, so things are looking up... until she shares her latest scheme with Rainbow Dash, who proceeds to ruin it, mostly with a volatile mixture of violence, honesty, loyalty, and even more Rainbow Dash.

( References to Equestria Girls movies, and some comics. Reading the comics beforehand is unnecessary. This story works as a standalone, but is also a sequel to Librarian Twilight Sparkle, Tutor of the CMC)

( Now has a sequel! Librarian Twilight Commits Abduction, Extortion, And Treason To Solve An Inconsequential Friendship Problem )

( Cover picture is from MyLittleFaceWhen. Artist unknown )

Chapters (3)

Ever since the Twilight Time incident, Twilight has wondered why the foals in Ponyville would be hesitant to approach her without an introduction, and learning that she is apparently the most popular princess from Sassy Saddles - despite not having seen evidence of it herself - only served to reinforce her concern that ponies were avoiding her due to her status. Her suspicions are confirmed when she attends a royal function and notices guests getting nervous as she draws near.

Twilight decides this needs to be addressed. Wacky hijinks ensue.

(Inspired by Appellation Mountains and Twilight Verbs Article Nouns. The concept could almost be considered a mashup of the two.)

Now with added sequelitis! Librarian Twilight's Plan Gets Bodychecked By Rainbow Dash

Reading the full description of the story, and realizing the author may one day update their fics, fills you with TWILIGHT SPARKLE

Chapters (7)

3 years ago, Princess Ember became Dragon Lord thanks to Spike. Her reign was satisfying, but it soon became too much for her to handle alone, and thanks to an old lost rule discovered, Ember found the key to all of her problems........Spike, becoming her consort to all of the Dragon Lands. Will the 2 of them be able to handle the new tasks and challenges that lie ahead of them?

This story takes place after 3 years from the episode "Gauntlet of Fire". Whatever events happen after the episode that deal with Spike and/or Ember will have no context whatsoever in this story.

Other tag is for the dragons, Garble, Ember, etc.

Chapters (8)

One day Twilight Sparkle finds an old photo album of pictures from her past with her family and friends, but as she looks through she notices that there weren't any pictures of her as a foal. Surely, it's just that the book doesn't have any photos of her...or maybe, it's something a little more deep.

Chapters (4)

Made in honor of the ‘Whispers of the Old Gods’ set leaving Hearthstone’s Standard Mode. Goodbye, C’Thun, you were essential for a newbie like me claming so many wins.

Our heroines try, and fail, to stop a cult named Twilight’s Hammer from resurrecting an unfathomably powerful creature from beneath the very earth. With anypony that could stop them captured and defeated they can only watch helplessly as it rises from its sleep to bring doom to all...

Turns out, it really just wants a snooze button.

This stupid thing got featured!? HOW!? And on Friday the 13th, no less...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Terrifying Traps

A week has passed since all of their counterparts came over from the other side of the portal, and Sunset's friends are starting to get back to a more relative state of normal. It's not perfect, but then again, neither is life. However, an off comment from one of Sunset's friends prompts her to ask Twilight to help her set up something special to help their friends with getting past the events and the consequences thereof.

Who knows what they'll do after though. If it goes over well enough, she might even have some others meet with themselves.

And here we are, adding another addition to the story I never thought would actually be turned into a series that you can find (HERE). I know it is stated in the previous story's description that I was going to release a collection of short stories, but I realized that it would be better to tie them all into a third installment instead and add a little more to the plot while I'm at it.

I know, hard to believe. This is me after all.

But worry not! This little story is designed (and hopefully won't fail) to answer a lot of the little questions that popped up in the comments of the prior two. That being said, I would recommend reading them first, as it would probably aid in understanding what the ever living Tartarus is going on.

Please enjoy the story and remember,
May comedy guide you.

Chapters (14)