• Member Since 29th Mar, 2018

The Cowardly Christian

For everyone seeking guidance, I recommend looking up Ravi Zacharias, he's gotten me out of some dark times. His FULL sermons are available online for ALL...

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After storming into Princess Celestia's personal study unannounced, Twilight Sparkle soon learns her yearly battles against the forces of evil are a little more scripted than she'd thought.

And this year, Princess Celestia might've just outdone herself.

Now with a youtube reading! Here!

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle always does things. Today, she's not going to do anything.

I don't know what made me come up with this.

Thanks to Timaeus and Majin Syeekoh for prereading!

Now with a reading by ChefSandy!

Chapters (1)

A fun, delightful romp in which Twilight learns an important lesson about friendship, harmony, and why cobalt-jacketed atomic weaponry is a bad idea.

(cover fixed, apparently there were some technical difficulties)

Chapters (2)

You all know those stories: the ones with the black and red alicorn OC's that are completely Gary Stu?

I do. I started writing a story with one.
Then I got bored with him.
That's a bad place to be in, when your author is bored with you.

I'm gonna cancel this story now, but first....

(A one-shot parody inspired by a line in this song:)

Chapters (1)

Twilight tries to bring something from our world to Equestria, but she fails. Unfortunately, failing a spell of this caliber doesn't guarantee you a perfectly healthy human.

A twist on the overused HIE plot point.

Chapters (1)

When The Ghostbusters defeated Shandor by crossing the streams, a blast sent them all flying back to their world except for one, The Rookie. Now The Rookie, real name Bryan Welsh, has been sent to a year before the summer sun's celebration. Alone and on his own, Bryan must find a way back to the other busters and fast for if he takes too long, there's a chance he could be stuck there forever.

(Note: Rated teen because some swears might be in it.)

Chapters (3)

A newly-winged Spike has a frank conversation with Rarity about their relationship.

Chapters (2)

During Spring Break, Sweetie Belle decides to help her sister deliver a dress for Sunset Shimmer. What she doesn't realize is that the former unicorn has a secret. Despite spending so much time as a human, Sunset still finds clothing uncomfortable and enjoys living in the buff whenever she can.

Although reluctant to embrace the idea at first, Sweetie decides to follow Sunset's example and try the clothes-free lifestyle for herself. The young teen comes to realize that she loves the feeling of freedom it offers and wants others to enjoy it too. Thus, the Natural Living Appreciation Club was formed.

*Please note that this story primarily focuses on naturism as a lifestyle. It does not contain exhibitionism or graphic depictions of sex.

Collab Authors: Blake Skies Enclave2277

Chapters (20)

As Twilight attempts to get Starlight Glimmer to see the error of her ways, Spike can't help but interject. If Starlight had a portal to take her to any place or any time, why fixate on one single event when she could accomplish so much more?

As it turns out, Starlight Glimmer has an answer. Several in fact.

Inspired by a conversation with the story's editor Tired Old Man.

Chapters (3)

Starlight Glimmer assembles the townponies of... the town to finally pick a name for the village they all dwell in. However, finding a name that does not promote any form of inequality proves to be harder than she imagines.

Inspired by a brief chat with Tired Old Man

Chapters (1)