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After a series of nightmares an urgent letter summons Twilight to Canterlot but the reason is far from what she expected. As she is introduced to a secret that has been kept hidden for centuries how will the new princess respond and will her dreams allow her the choice to begin with?

Edit: 20/04/15 This story is currently on hiatus until I can get my head around it again. The original plotline has become a bit derailed and I need time to think things out. Stay tuned!

Chapters (10)

TD, the human first seen in No, I am NOT a Brony, GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!! has been in Equestria for a little over a year now and he's just beginning to fully adjust to his life there. However, when he wakes up one morning to discover that five of the Mane Six have switched cutie marks, he endures a significant change when he helps them out.

He is less than pleased.

Edited wonderfully by Strike89

Buy a print copy here!

Chapters (48)

Raine is a strange filly, with an even stranger appearance. Half Unicorn, half Thestral, or Bat Pony for those a bit less forgiving, she has little luck in the orphanage she has grown up in since birth. With little hope left, will a certain fashionista show her that second chances come to those who wait, or will Raine already be too far gone?

Chapters (5)

"The sun's gonna die some day!"

Celestia finds out that the sun will die but the moon won't. Grabbing her awesome sidekick, Twilight Sparkle, she heads out to stop Luna this catastrophe from happening.

(AU tag added as OOC speech/thoughts will be shown. It's also non-canon.)

Chapters (3)

They call it the Starlight Rose. Roseluck sells them at her shop, although she only has one a day.

Everypony has at least heard the rumors about what happens to those who buy the rose and sleep alone. Could one simple blossom truly bring secret fantasies to life, if only for a night?

Only Roseluck knows for sure.

(A collaboration between myself and Einhander.)

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Project: Sunflower

After the events of Project: Sunflower, Erin Olsen has returned to Ponyville, happy to pursue her studies in magic. After everything that happened the year before, she's looking forward to spending her days studying and having fun with her friends.

Meanwhile, on the newly discovered world of Harmony, humans and ponies work together to study this strange new world. However, their arrival causes something ancient to begin stirring. Something that may end up changing everything.

Erin will need all of her courage, all of her cleverness and, of course, all of her friends to see herself through what happens next.

Cover art by Valkyrie-Girl
Editing provided by:
Brilliant Point, Coandco, Ekevoo, Ludicrous Lycan, Merlos the Mad and Razalon the Lizardman.

Chapters (22)

Twilight Sparkle never was a Unicorn and she didn't even know it.
What happens when her true heritage comes to light? Will she willingly embrace it? Or will she be forced to?

Beware of spoilers in the comments!

Edited by uTTerAbsurdity, Zervziel, Stormwatch and Gwenio

Cover art by the talented Cartoonlion and colored by the equally talented Stormwatch, original can be found here

Click here for the Tvtropes page

Chapters (28)

This story is a sequel to Becoming One With the Night

It was supposed to be a good day. Twilight and Luna were sharing the news of their relationship with their closest friends and family. However, Celestia's largest secret yet finally came out. Now, relations are strained between Celestia and everypony else. After all, what's Twilight to do when she finds out her second mother is actually her birth mother?

On top of this massive bombshell, soon Twilight will be sporting a pair of wings of her own. If she thought things were complicated now, just wait until Canterlot gets wind of a new alicorn. Life is about to become one giant nightmare for Twilight. But hey, at least she has Luna, right?

As stated above, this is a sequel. I highly encourage you to read the first story (the writing is extremely rough early on, mind you), but it's not entirely required to understand most everything that will be going on here.

EDIT: Takes place during S3, when it was originally conceived, thus the Alt. Universe tag. There was no redemption of Discord. There was no ascension. Yes, the Crystal Empire is back, and Cadance and Shining Armor are the leaders there. This should cover the more critical aspects of the season in regards to the story.

Chapters (5)

Secrets. Everypony has them, and as they get older the more numerous they become. Their benevolent ruler Celestia herself has lost track of just how many secrets she holds, but Twilight and Luna are going to find out quite a few of them. Follow Twilight and Luna as they discover things about themselves, and those dear to them, as memories and secrets are brought to the light.

Image - Done by Archonix.

Note - The writing is the earliest I have of what I've done. As such it's quite sloppy compared to my standards today. Slated for a rewrite/full editing in the future. At some point.

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Who Needs the Sunshine

Trust is the foundation of Equestria. The foundation of harmony.
Changelings are a threat to that trust. Their lies have already disrupted Equestria. Even now, neighbors watch, waiting for one another to crack and crumble... into a changeling.
Their lies have already corrupted my faithful student, Twilight, and through memory magic unknown they have turned her to their side. As a final insult, they even forced her to become a consort to one of their Queens.
I hear their lies for what they are when they tell me that they are the last. I know there are hives out in the Badlands, plotting their next move. Before then, we must prepare. Before then, we must wrest my faithful student from their grasp.
I can only hope we have time.

This is a direct sequel to "Who needs the sunshine" read that first as this contains spoilers.

Editor credit goes to [REDACTED]

Chapters (24)