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Sequel is now live!

Revenge. It has been the only thing on Chrysalis’s mind during the months of her exile. What should have been her greatest triumph turned out to be her ultimate downfall. After months of waiting, she has at last developed a plot to win back the support of the changelings and take over Equestria: Run a dating service.

Disguised as the lovely unicorn Cherub, she starts up her business, ready to reclaim what she had lost. However, she soon discovers that the dating world is not as simple as it appears. Realizing that she cannot do this alone, she is forced to seek help from the most unlikely of sources.

Cover image created and permitted by FeliXao.

Chapters (23)

The Discord Association for the Reformation of Villains, Evil Doers, Rivals and Ne’er Do Wells is a support group founded by the God of Strife himself to help former criminals, monsters, enemies of Equestria, and general enemies of the peace reform and reintegrate into society. They haven't been around for long, but there are high hopes for the project.

Twilight Sparkle has been asked to attend, and she has no idea why.

Written for and Honorable Mentioned in the EFNW Fanfiction Contest

Edited and Preread by the Estimable SoloBrony, Pwnego, and The Wizard of Words.

(I wanted to add a Sad tag but apparently wistful or sad comedies are just not things that exist on Fimfiction, so be warned.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Gifts and Curses

While preforming a forbidden trans-dimensional teleportation spell, Lyra accidentally drags her mentor, Princess Luna, to a reality separate from their own. Disrupting the magic of the spell, Luna must find a way back while Lyra attempts to fix her mistake with the only humans who can help her succeed, Andrew Fera and his friends.

They explore what makes humans different, but very much the same.

Chapters (5)

When one unbelievable event happens, nothing is considered impossible anymore. For one unfortunate human soul, he must find answers to an unlikely truth to understand just what makes the fictitious, a reality. What is in store for him unfolds one thing at a time, and if he thought it couldn't get any stranger, he might have to rethink his whole life.This misfortune becomes something of an rewarded experience, but this gift can also be his curse.

As for Twilight and Lyra, they are prepared for anything out of the ordinary, ...well almost.
The search for answers is motivated by curiosity and interest that may lead to unpredictable outcomes.

Cover Image self-arranged with vectors from deviantART
Vector credit:

Chapters (24)

Everyone thought King Sombra was dead. Or lost. Or lost and headed towards death. But for a pony with magic, it's not too hard just to teleport someplace else, out of the terrible snow and somewhere where light shines. Somehow King Sombra ends up teleporting to Ponyville, wanting to escape from his horrific past.
It turns out, the only way to get away from his bloodied path is through music - the last thing anypony was expecting.

{Everfree Northwest Writing Contest}

Chapters (1)

Spike has tried to become the perfect knight; unfortunately Rarity rejects him. His cries of anguish do not go unheard in the moonlit night. Luna comforts the ailing dragon however her hurting heart yearns too. Meanwhile Rarity realizes what she is missing and sets forth to undo her mistake. However, as Spike gets closer to the Night Princess intrigue is sure to follow.

Spike x Luna, one insane ship, no paddle!

Art by yours truly!

Executive Editors - SpilledInk
Editor - Ignis

Chapters (29)

"A being of pure arcane energy. No limits, no boundaries. Unstoppable, until it was chained up in Tartarus. I suppose that's still fair game, right?"

There are still those in Equestria who dare to practice the "dark magic" as it is known. Their power is legendary. Unbridled power is theirs to control, but nothing with which to use it. I suppose that's why they opened a pit to Tartarus.

1. The sex is implied. No clop for you. 2. This is written in first person. I don't write in this person much, so gimme a chance. 3. Ever read The Catcher in the Rye? Because in that case, this character is Holden Motherfucking Caulfield minus the depression and bullshit. So, yeah. Cursing. Yeah...

Chapters (6)

"Twilight Sparkle, you are hereby sentenced to exile!" From those words her entire world changed. Is her happy life gone forever? Or can it only get worse? What will befall the dethroned princess and will she have to bare her fate alone?

My entry for This contest

And I officially have an editor! Much thanks to pinkiepie17 and Twilight Scratch

Chapters (7)

Gothic and Shine Paladin, recognising their own limited lifespans, set out on a quest to attain immortality, so that they can be with their wives and daughters forever. (Cover art by Ebony Stallion)

Chapters (6)

It has been two hundred years since Celestia’s funeral, and Equestria has changed. Mighty ships sail between the stars, great cities scrape the skies of half a dozen worlds, and what was once a humble nation has become a vast empire.

And now, Twilight Sparkle writes to her dearest mentor once again.

As of Season 4, LttS is fully re-integrated with canon.

Chapters (8)