• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2012


Hello there, friends. My main job here is to peruse the stories on this site, and read them. I can work as an Editor in my spare time though. I have high hopes for my new story, as well. Best of luck.

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Retiring isn't always easy. Especially when your job title is Evil Overlord. Most of the time retirement from that particular position comes on the sharp end of an opportunistic hero's sword. But Damien didn't survive the past six centuries by playing by the rules. His retirement plans involve running. Running from his country, his continent, and his very universe to escape Fate's long reach. And what better place to run to in an attempt to live peacefully than the utopian land of Equestria?

Currently being edited by the ever amazing Frederick the Saiyan.

Since I've had a number of comments on this I figure I should clear it up here. This is not a crossover witht he overlord game series. Note the lack of a crossover tag.

<subtle hint>I am open to submissions for a better title image</subtle hint>

Chapters (31)

He was an outcast of a previous society. His family, friends, and everything he knew was...gone. And everypony blamed him for it. He was kicked out, and abandoned. Before he left, he left one last surprise as a thing of revenge. Before he knew it, they were all dead.

He then arrived in Equestria, more specifically, Ponyville. He wanted to make a new life. It seemed everypony cared, but one stood out to him. This one, beautiful, mare. Her name of course, was Twilight Sparkle.

Meanwhile, the Templar are moving toward Equestria, and a big war is about to happen. Tranquilius must reveal his identity before it is too late, but will Twilight accept him for who he actually is, a professional killer?

Chapters (1)

A single changeling is blamed for making Chrysalis' plan to take over Equestria fail. He's banished and thrown out of the hive, ending up somewhere far away.

Luckily, he ends up not too far from a certain well-known village, where he can feed to his heart's content.

Needless to say, not everything goes according to plan.


Now with a French version, courtesy of Wansdich, here.
Fanart! Check it out here. And even more here!
Now in ereader-friendly PDF version, by Starflower Hooves! You can view and download it here.
Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (10)

Imagine being in paradise, but be completely blind to it.
This is what Travis McLuck has to deal with. Arriving in a world of pure beauty, and no way to actually see it.
Being blind can be one of the worst things to happen to a person... but in some cases, it makes life more enjoyable.

Chapters (2)

Democracy has been introduced to Equestria. But the alien concept didn't work for the ponies and now Equestria is at an all out civil war between The Solar Empire and The New Lunar Republic.
After three years of endless fighting, everypony is tired and just wants it to end. And now the end might actually be close...
When news of a third party reaches the two princesses, they send their most trusted officers to figure out who they are and if they can help win the war... Twilight, Applejack and Flyttershy from The Solar Empire and Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity from The New Lunar Republic.
Now the six (former) friends go on their quest to find the strange third party and hopefully bring the war to an end...

Chapters (2)

In the wake of the wedding between Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, Twilight begins to experience problems she had never had before, including a mysterious noble who seems to want her hoof in marriage! What's more, Pinkie seems to be acting strangely to her, as well as this strange stallion. What could be going on to fuel these events?

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust (especially Lauren Faust)

Chapters (1)

The last thing you remember was being blown out a hole in the side of a crashing star cruiser, catching fire in the upper atmosphere and falling to your death upon an alien world below, yet there you are, whole and mostly unscathed and without a clue how you got there. But just because you survived the crash, it doesn't mean you're anywhere near out of the woods yet. With nothing but your power armor, rifle and wits to guide you, can you survive the depths of the swamps and forests of Everfree? And even if so, what about beyond?

[Second Person POV] [Sci-Fi]

Chapters (2)

Stargazer has had very many past experiences. Whether it be saving the world, meeting many strange ponies, and even death. Now, Stargazer has to face the biggest experience of all. Only then will he be able to continue his life without being attacked every passing day.

HELL YES. I needed a fresher start, so here we go. Constellations. The "sex" tab doesn't really apply to the story, except for one part basically "hinting" sex. With thanks to... a lot of people... for helping me make this sort of "story" even though it wasn't what I thought it would turn out. This is basically the sequel to Shoot for the Stars, and will continue until further notice.

Chapters (6)

The year is 2027, and the world as we know it is torn apart by war between Russia and the United States of America. The Russian government had hired the country's top scientists to develop a transporter that would grant them access to a safer, more peaceful place. Join Andrei Solovyov, a Russian physicist, as he wakes his final day as a citizen of Earth, and as he meets somebody who he would have never expected.

Very special thanks and shout out to Coal Buck for allowing me to use one of his characters. Tags and other things may change as the story progresses. Rated teen for mild language (some gore), and all copyrights go to rightful owners.

Russian talking to Russian = English text
Russian talking to himself = English text
Russian talking to English = Russian phonetics
A " *** " will be placed as necessary to show readers where English is being changed to Russian phonetics and vice versa.

Chapters (9)

One changeling is sent far from the swarm, hurt and stranded; forced to listen and unable to act as terrible events take place that will change her future forever.

When everything she knows is lost, she'll have to find her own path. She will confront the demons of her past, the harsh realities of the present, and the uncertainty of her future.

Season 2 based story.

Follows the prequel "In the Shadow of a Special Day", which is not required to understand the story.

Rated T for mild to moderate violence and minor obscenities. Dark, but not a shock fic.

Cover art is "Changeling Angst" by the-ghostcat-pir8nin at Deviantart.

Chapters (12)