• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2012


Hello there, friends. My main job here is to peruse the stories on this site, and read them. I can work as an Editor in my spare time though. I have high hopes for my new story, as well. Best of luck.

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Total Words: 14,237,697
Estimated Reading: 5 weeks



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One night starless night Twilight attempts to force the stars out using an ancient spell. Equestria now has to deal with another alicorn. Luna is furious, Cadence is estatic and Celestia is curious? Now Twilight finds herself having to leave to prove herself and settle 'the old lands' ponies lived in before equestria. Well she succeed? How much are her friends willing to give up to support her? Answers well be revealed inside.

Chapters (2)

After the disastrous invasion of Canterlot, an injured changeling wakes up near a small cottage and is quickly discovered by two of the last ponies she ever wanted to see. Now, with the help of her new "friends," she has to remain undetected in a town high on changeling hysteria that would not hesitate to throw her in the Canterlot dungeons should her true nature be revealed.

Simple, right?

Too bad she couldn't have picked a worse form to stay inconspicuous...

Many thanks to ZuTheSkunk for the cover image!

Chapters (12)

Flight 19, one of the many disappearances over the Bermuda Triangle. But maybe they didn't just disappear? Maybe they went somewhere else? The Bermuda Triangle is a very strange place, full of unknowns and horrible tales. This is the tale of Flight 19.

Note: This is a collaberation between GoldenArbiter and myself. We will add the main cast as we progress through the story. Thank you everyone and please, enjoy. Cover Art by the very talented Athanix.

Note the second; By GA. We have also Added Dave Morris to the cast of writers, and he has added much already. So yah, it's okay, when it's in a three way.

Chapters (12)

A slightly insane inventor who survived the atomic destruction of all living things on the Earth escapes to Equestria using his most advanced device yet with his only goal being that of escaping his past. Will the inventor be able to achieve his goal and overcome the dark past that haunts him or will the madman drag everyone he meets down to the self same darkness?

MLP is owned by Hasbro
Pic is not mine. (check the source if interested)
(Pic was changed due to copy right issues)

Chapters (16)

I, Talon Sharpbeak, am a griffon, banished from my clan. I try to start a new life in Equestria, but everything turns against me from the moment I enter the Equestrian borders.

How will I cope with all the injustice and the corrupt nobles of Equestria? Or will I strike back at them? Read and find out.

(First Person. Characters and themes will be added once they appear in the story.)

Chapters (3)

While wandering about Manhattan, and attempting to escape Blackwatch, Alex Mercer is ripped from reality and thrown into Equestria, where he has to attempt to fit in and make a living for himself. But when a long lost evil arises, Alex will have to make a life-changing decision.

Prototype/MLP:FiM Crossover

Tags/Characters will be updated accordingly. Please go easy, this is one of my first fics.

Chapters (9)

Everypony needs somepony to love! With that thought in mind, three stallions set out on their own journeys of self-discovery, friendship, and the magic that binds Equestria together.

When the shy and aloof Bubblegum finally defeats Ponyville's resident party-pony in a battle of desserts and culinary creations, he is thrust into Ponyville's spotlight as the town's most eligible bachelor! As many mares vie for his attention, he worries that he has lost the chance to be with the one he really loves!

As Scoop Daily continues to seek out hottest news and juiciest gossip, he fights to keep down the rising tide of emotion that threatens to break the dam of his resolve. Will he finally face his demons and confess his love once again to the only mare he's ever loved? Or will he settle for something easy and unfulfilled?

Love Struck has never had a problem with mares, and has never once been single for more than a few weeks. Arriving in Ponyville for the semi-annual Ponyville Flea Market, he is surrounded by mares! Will a pegasus whose special talent is to make ponies fall in love with him finally find true love? Or will he continue to live his raucous mareizing lifestyle?

Note: If you'd like to read the mature version, make sure the "View Mature" icon is selected and search for "My Little Love Story: M"

Chapters (3)

ShadowBurn isn't happy with his life or where its going so, he decides to change things,

I don't have a long term plan for this but expect shipping and teenage angst, as well as other crappy parts of the story that'll make you cringe.

Also don't be put off by the first chapter, that's going to be the only use of Halo for quite some time.

Chapters (1)

Elliot Drake, an ordinary young man, wakes up in a strange forest and appears to be suffering from retrograde amnesia. He soon discovers that this forest is a long way from Earth and located in a land known as Equestria. While trying to regain his memories he does his best to cope with the world the he was thrust into. Elliot will make new friends and enemies all during his quest to remember and to find a way home.

Note: This is my first fanfic so please be gentle with the critiques. I will add more tags and characters whenever they will be first implemented in the story.

Chapters (10)

If you were given the chance to trade bodies with a pony, Would you take it? Even if that pony was Blueblood? I did. All for the love of a certain lavender unicorn mare.

Chapters (21)