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Twilight was willing to forgive Tempest and move on. But Tempest felt she needed to face consequences for her actions against Equestria and asked the princesses to pass judgement. But her sentence wasn't anything she could have expected, and where it takes her even less so.

Shipping: Twilight x Tempest

WARNING: May contain some spoilers as to The MLP Movie. Nothing major, but just a heads up for people that are trying to avoid *anything* spoilery.

Traducción al español de mi fanfic por SPANIARD KIWI: La Sentencia

Chapters (1)

The Battle of the Bands had been a week prior and the Sirens were not taking it well. Without the ability to feed, they can't survive very long. Deciding to just wait for their time to come, the sisters spend their last night out at a restaurant, dealing with the symptoms of their hunger. They were expecting the Grim Reaper to come for them, scythe in hand. They were not expecting someone else to show up.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Dazzling Sunset: Sunset Amulet

It's been two weeks since the Battle of the Bands and around a week since Sunset Shimmer saved the lives of the three Sirens. Now, Canterlot High is trying to push the trio to reform the same way they had Sunset Shimmer. Unfortunately, the Dazzlings aren't so easily broken as their savior.

Speaking of, Adagio and her sisters have been keeping an eye on Sunset, wanting to know why the jewel saved them. They find out more than they expected and immediately jump in to help the person who selflessly helped them.

Warning: Mention of self-harm

Chapters (5)

Princess Luna ordered the Tantabus to torture her dreams every night so that she would never consider returning to the dark path she once trod as Nightmare Moon.

Luna should have remembered just how difficult it was for her to obey rules before she used her own essence to create what was, in effect, a smaller, more headstrong version of herself.

The Tantabus is determined to follow the true purpose of her command, no matter the consequences, large or small.

Or very, very small.

Now with a reading by ABagOfVicodin (who is open for fanfic reading commissions)
Done to go with the episode Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?

Editors: Tek, Peter, Hilltopper2, Winston, Monarch Dodora

Now on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

In another life, they may have threatened the world, but here they merely changed Anon's. It's an odd little family, but he wouldn't trade it for all the treasures in the world.

Chapters (1)

Fizzlepop Berrytwist, the mare once known and feared far and wide as Tempest Shadow. But before that, she was just another pony like you or me. As much as she's been wanting to avoid it, not everyone can run from their past forever. Has a way of catching up to you like that. And now Tempest has to face hers, and she returns to her home village to see just what became of her fillyhood friends. And perhaps, just perhaps make a few amends.

(Featured on 1/10/19)

Chapters (1)

A few weeks after Scootaloo's camping trip, and her experience with those nightmares, Luna's concern for the filly still persists. Intent on making sure that Scootaloo is alright, she goes to visit her one morning.

(This takes place just after Sleepless in Ponyville)

(No icky pedo-junk in here.)

(Not fanfiction on Equestria Daily)

Chapters (1)

It's been several weeks since Sludge's departure, and despite their relationship being stronger than ever, there are still some awkward moments as Twilight Sparkle and Spike adjust to finally figuring out what they are to each other.
But there are moments when that isn't an issue.
A rainy morning is one such moment.

Chapters (1)

"Then Twilight looked up at me with this shattered look, and I realized....
Her foal is dead on account of I let him realize that we’re all just Winonas."

The first draft was a co-bronze-medalist in the the MLPChan /fic/ writeoff for December 2012.

The talented Ponychan /art/ denizen Spirit Shine provided us with a beautifully poignant portrait of Spike's First New Year's Alone as a picture prompt (also: was gracious enough to let me use the image as a cover). I ran with it and decided to have Applejack kill Spike.

It's not as bad as it sounds. Luna's there to keep him company.

Chapters (1)

When Discord hears that his botanical creation, poison joke, continues to flourish in the Everfree, he simply cannot resist a good prank. Poison joke in hand, he storms Canterlot Castle.

Needless to say, the princesses are not impressed. But then, neither is Discord, since the joke also has an unexpected effect on him. And none of them know the cure.

Chapters (1)