• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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This story is a sequel to The Secret Life of Rarity

After the events of The Secret Life of Rarity, Sweetie Belle must find a way to cope in a world that she does not understand anymore.

There is a threequel too.

Now with a TVTropes page!!!

Cover art by the wonderful Viofriedsebe

Chapters (18)

Demon Shimmer and Nightmare Moon find each other inside the Element of Magic.

A story for ManlyMan.

Chapters (1)

Cadance starts a paid dating service, doubling as a firm for both marriage and divorce law, and hires a 'reformed' Chrysalis as an intern.

Nopony's relationship is safe, least of all her own.

Chapters (1)

'Three months.

It's been three months since Augustine got knocked off her concrete throne.
Three months since Delsin rewrote the book on Conduits.
Three months since I've been out of that nightmare of a prison.

Now I'm getting enrolled into a school in the middle of nowhere, and I've got to deal with all these annoying people dancing and singing like some fruity kid's movie.

And I don't know why, but this one girl, Sunset Shimmer...

She's different. Like me.


Sort of a crossover with INFAMOUS: Second Son and Equestria Girls (takes place after Rainbow Rocks).

Playing the games is NOT needed, it is mostly unrelated.

Thanks to DIO Brando on fimfiction for making the sick art for this story!

Chapters (14)

Twilight has been brought into the land of Lothric, with no clue how she got there. Searching for answers on why she was brought here and how to go home again, she must adapt to survive the harsh new land. If she's lucky, make some friends along the way.

Author's Notes

Hello, my good lady's and gents, I am OpenPage and I am bringing you my first ever story! A grand magical story that will set twilight on a whirling adventure through Lothric where she will make friends and die... like die a lot.

This is my first story so I wish for as much feedback as possible. Anyway, I hope you like the story, and all that might come with it.

Chapters (4)

An A.I. awakens aboard the HKS Dancer, a desolate and quiet ship. The crew of which is nowhere to be found. And in the wake of all of this the A.I. discovers something.... something peculiar.

A super cool 3d model that is relevant to this story.

Chapters (15)

I've killed a lot to get here. Time to do it again. This'll be funny.

Title Tribute.

Cover art by Seriff Pilcrow!

Chapters (1)

Everyone says that Flash Sentry is sweet, gentle, kind, good-looking, a total goofball, and honest-to-earth a good man. Sunset knew that, and she used it to her advantage. Now that she’s really given him a second look, she realizes just how right everyone is about Flash. After everything they’ve been through together, maybe she wants something else from Flash; something aside from forgiveness and a platonic friendship. But how can she do that when he was the one who she hurt most in the past?

My first fimfiction story, which is part of a whole folder of other stories than I'm currently brewing up in my knoggin. I hope you guys enjoy!

Chapters (5)

Sunset lives with Starlight, the vampire who turned her. One day she and her friends, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity hear that a new student is transferring to CHS. They are all excited to welcome a new wondercolt to their school. Sunset and Pinkie Pie are the ones who decide to greet the new student. Upon meeting the student, whose name is Twilight Sparkle, Sunset realizes she has developed a crush on her. But being a vampire means that she could pose a danger to Twilight. She struggles to keep her vampiric nature a secret. But when an old enemy from Starlight's past comes into town, she realizes they are in danger. She and Starlight must keep their much stronger, much older enemy out of town. If they don't they could risk revealing their secret to all of Canterlot, if not all of Equestria.

Chapters (34)

Everyone at Canterlot High saw what happened to Sunset Shimmer. She turned into a demon and became trapped in a rainbow vortex. But what about Sunset? What did she see on the other side?

This is a special one-shot that takes place within Not Just Any Old Continuity, but it can be read on its own.

Featured on 1/23/19!!

If after reading this story you want to read through N.J.A.O.C., you can start at Sunset Shimmer's Sick Day.

Click here to see all of my stories!

Chapters (1)