• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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While Twilight Sparkle plans her grand Friendship Festival, Tempest Shadow diligently plans out her invasion of Equestria's capital city. While she is confident in her own abilities as well as those of her troops, she's taking no risks. Before departure, she requests one of the Storm King's most capable and devious units. Creatures, who like her, were promised something for their service.


Chapters (10)

A Gogmazios is awoken for its one purpose in life: to avoid its horrible hunger by eating everything. The crystal tree looks to sate his appetite well. The Royal Guard, plus the girls, try to stop his attempt, but it's only Fluttershy that's able to see beneath the surface of everything.

But can her kindness stop the wicked beast?

Commission for Viper Pit!

Want a story for yourself? Then check out my commissions page!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to An Exercise In Management

- Huh, featured on 27.11. by chapter THREE. I smell black magics!

The little drone who made his way into becoming the loved and respected boss of his tiny hive has been through a lot, good or bad. He found friends, purified the hive mind of furious and toxic echoes of the ancient changeling rulers, and even earned respect of Chrysalis herself (well, the echo of her imprinted inside the hive mind).

He was so close to building peace in the big city of Las Pegasus as a scary and somewhat sexy tourist attraction (love and lust go hoof in hoof, of course), but in the end Celestia's paladins found him and his friends, deeming them a threat to Equestria which had to be purged with no mercy. Unable to help protect his hive due to undergoing physical metamorphosis into a proper king, he was left in the care of Eight, and carried off who knows where along with his cocoon while the paladins rampaged through their hideout.

Now his hibernation is over, and it is time for the boss to either find anyone who might have survived, or enact his revenge on the paladin leading the hunt for him - Star Trail.

(Suggestions or any comments are always welcome.)

Chapters (37)

!!Woo, featured on 16.10.2018!! Thanks everyone.

It was supposed to be simple. After drone 200234 learned about the incoming invasion into ponyland's capital city of ponytown, or whatever the thing was called, his only dream consisted of finding a pony to suck (that's what we do, right?). Changeling drones normally don't own anything, nor are they allowed to take love on their own from captured prisoners, that is for infiltrators or warriors (smug buggers). Anyway, a drone's job is to do what it's told. So, this little guy ended up in a much unwanted position of leadership.

How? Well, it started like this...

(Suggestions or any comments are always welcome.)
AU - added AU tag for the origin of changelings story.

Chapters (54)

Ponies are like those weird experimental dishes my broodmother sometimes makes: really interesting and probably good for a story, but never the type of thing I’d want to poke, for fear it might take off my hoof. I already learned my lesson the first time something I ate came back to haunt me. Sure, they're flavorful, but I’d like to be a bit more discerning when I’m trying to distinguish “edible” and “by-the-queen-it’s-looking-at-me.”

C-can I please leave the table?

I’m Nymph, and I'm now a changeling infiltrator.

Special shout-out to Georg for giving my chapters a final passover before publication! He is equal parts terrible and wonderful, and I am thankful for every bit of it.

Chapters (38)

After getting advice from Spitfire on how to increase her speed Rainbow Dash gets Pinkie Pie to clock her and compare only the method requires less clothing

Chapters (1)

(11/17/17 Featured!)
(2/12/18 Featured again!)

The Lone Wanderer.

A young man who has seen so much in so little a time. He was only nineteen when he left his home, vault 101, in search of his missing father. He trekked the Capital Wasteland in search of him, gunning down raiders, super mutants and all other sorts of abominations to finish what his dad has started and bring back life giving water to the Capital Wasteland. Now, ten years later, he is thrown into a whole new world to explore. A world where humans are pets and horses can talk.

This is going to be a loooong day.

(I do not own Fallout or MLP)
(Part of the'Your Human and You-Verse')

Chapters (5)

I was just an average brony who played a lot of video games, but then I took an arrow to the knee... well actually it was more like a black goo to my everything. Now I'm surrounded by snow in every direction except up with a weird set of numbers at the top left of my vision that looks freakishly like the Minecraft debug menu. (My attempt at a 1st person story) [starts in season 5 premiere]

Sorry, I lost ALL motivation with this story. I might do a heavy rewrite a long time into the future maybe(probably not) but for now, it's canceled. Sorry to disappoint everyone who actually read this trash.

Chapters (7)

Rainbow has a lot of things going for her. And she should. She has friends, family, she's one of the Elements of Harmony, and she has her best friend Fluttershy. But what would happen.......if they all didn't want to be around her anymore? Even Fluttershy?

*P.S. Twilight is not a princess in this, even though it is after season seven. Just thought I'd put that in there.*

How do you guys like my new cover? I think it looks great and portrays the image of the main character very well! Tell me what you think in a comment!

URGENT AS OF MARCH 28th, 2018!!! Read Here NOW!!!

Chapters (36)

Twilight hoped that mare-do-well would teach Rainbow to be humble. Instead, she leaves; just leaves. When they find her later, she lashes out at them. When even the Princess fails to mend fences between them, she along with the rest of the mane 6 attempt drastic action to fix their friendship. An accident during this leaves to Rainbow heavily wounded and with few supplies, in the hostile and merciless lands outside Equestria. Can she rebuild her life? Maybe make something more? Or will she fall, starving, thirsty, wounded, far from home, broken, and abandoned?

Whatever may happen, bear witness.....to Rainbows Lonesome Road.

Chapters (42)