• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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Estimated Reading: 39 weeks



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Jason's life has grown dull. While some may have thought that the weekly monster attacks might have kept him on his toes, he had grown to learn that as the norm around town. Now, after months of living in Ponyville, he can't shake the feeling that there is a void in his life. He follows his usual routine every day: breakfast, a quick shower, followed by a quick walk to the park to read the newspaper. One morning, he finds two parents playing with their filly in the playground. As he watches, an idea sparks within his mind: why not adopt a pony of his own?

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (35)

King Sombra goes to Canterlot.

Princess Luna fills her thoughts with him.

Celestia hates Sombra due to being embarrassed in front of him and because he
paid more attention to Luna.

But if Luna fell in love with Sombra... What would happen if Celestia found out?

Chapters (31)

It is early summer in Canterlot, and the spring term for Canterlot High is coming to a close. A six week half term, is in inbound for all students, and there are two in particular who wish to spend some quality time together over this small spring break. Rarity and Applejack. Of course, they want to spend some time with their friends of the Main 7, as well as their newly reformed friends (The Dazzlings.) The two of them have strong feelings for one another, and early on into this narrative, we will explore how they confide their feelings and explore their romance together. The two are head over heels for one another, hoping to ask the question of 'Be Mine?'

This is a romance fanfiction focusing on the blossoming of Applejack and Rarity's feelings for one another, and soon their relationship. We will see how their friends cotton on, how they will react to the blossoming relationship between two friends, into two lovers.

(Art by LooknamTCN on Deviantart!)

Chapters (13)

A young human called Vlad is a simple guy in his world. Not perfect, not worst.
He had a good life. Loving family, decent grades and stuff. Vlad wasn't interested in having friends or getting enemies(though he DID have one friend). He also REALLY liked games and due to that his mind thought of life as a game. Unfortunately, it lasted only for 15 years...

Once, coming back home from school, he felt something from the back. The next thing he realizes: Is that he died...How? Vlad didn't know...or care. He had a choice: Vlad could just accept his fate.
He could start a new life that would ACTUALLY be like game. However, he wasn't told about just one thing...It was ANOTHER world!
You already know what happens next so let's start, shall we?

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Sherclop Pones and the Adventure of Pinkie's Cupcakes


The Pegasi of Cloudsdale have been rudely aroused from their slumbers to the news of the discovery of two crimes taking place last night at the Cloudsdale Weather Factory. A murder and a robbery both taking place simultaneously.

Fred Porlock, a secretary working for the head chemist behind the production operation, upon taking his post to start his shift earlier around 6, he found that the door, which led to a confidential office that housed the Factory’s vital documents, stood ajar. Fearing that something might have occurred, he entered the office to assure himself. To his horror, he found, upon opening the safe which kept the aforementioned documents, empty, robbed from its contents.

He then immediately reported this to his employer, the head chemist Dr. Icarus Hayfield, whom Mr. Porlock thought had already taken post at his study. Upon entering it, however, he found the unfortunate chemist lying upon the floor, dead, his head horribly mutilated by what appears to have been caused by a bullet.

Cloudsdale Yard had been immediately called upon the scene who in turn dispatched their most reputable officer, Detective Inspector G. Lestrot to handle this dastardly crime. He has conducted a most minute study and has come to the conclusion that the chief guardian of the vital documents themselves, Cloud Sweeper, is indeed the culprit.

The suspect has been arrested a few hours after this discovery, in fact; Sweeper had been found at Charlie Cross Hospital, where he tended to his maimed sweetheart, Pearl White whom had been hospitalized last night due to being mugged by villainous blackguards.

Despite such satisfactory discoveries, Mr. Lestrot encounters another dilemma which has very much left the entire Yard at their wit’s end…

The Factory’s documents comprise of 10 pages—only nine have been recovered from Sweeper’s person, and the tenth, it is said, being the most vital amongst the bunch, is missing.

Our readers must be assured that Cloudsdale Yard’s most ardent and tenacious of officers are hard at work to resolve this conundrum.

Chapters (10)

► Original Idea from My immortal phoenix.

When Twilight’s invention winds up puncturing a hole between space into a different dimension, she’ll venture on through to discover a post-apocalypse world where life is unsustainable.

In this barren wasteland, exists a sole survivor.

Twilight will do whatever it take in gaining the girl’s trust, and perhaps something more. Hidden mysteries, old foes, and unusual amounts of corny shipping in motions.

Author Note

Though claimed above of the original idea, this isn't a copy / paste of theirs' either.

Chapters (2)

It should have been the happiest day of her life. Despite all odds, Twilight passed the entrance exam to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Not only that, but she also got asked to be the Princess’s personal protege. And if that wasn’t already amazing enough, she even got her cutie mark! So why wasn’t the filly prancing around in circles shouting “Yes, Yes, Yes” over and over again?

Being the victim of an uncontrolled surge did not only grant her enough magic to give life to a dragon but apparently also made it possible for her to get glimpses of her future, showing her a destiny she really does not care for. So, knowing where her current path would lead her, there is really no sensible alternative than throwing everything away and changing her destiny to one she can agree to, setting her up for a life of intrigue and adventure, uncovering the many mysteries surrounding her and a certain pegasus, to find out who they really are.

Unfortunately, in doing so, she ruins the carefully laid out plans a certain Princess of the Sun had drawn up. But knowing the forgiving nature of Celestia, there is no way that could lead to conflict, right?

Huge thanks to the amazing Mutter_Butter for the cover image and to the amazing LastToTheParty, for becoming my proofreader/editor.

Chapters (28)

You've been courting Luna for several moons, and the two of you couldn't be happier. However, even as a retiree, she has taken it upon herself to maintain her nocturnal schedule and watch over the dream realm. This has made it difficult for the two of you to make plans together, but an off-the-wall idea of yours might just be the solution you're looking for.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Death and the Dazzlings

Eight years have passed since Adagio faced off with Death for the other sirens' lives. In that time, Aria and Sonata have gone native, but Adagio has dedicated her life to studying how to kill Death and ensure their safety. Nothing else matters to her but revenge... right?

Chapters (1)

Once an immortal being with powers beyond the ken of man, Adagio Dazzle has been brought low by the forces of harmony. Now little more than another scrabbling ape on the pile, forced to make ends meet, she is a broken shell of a woman.

A simple wager may change all that, though.

A May Pairings 2023 entry.
Set in the same continuity as The Nature Of Love, though no reading is required.

Tags -
Sex : No explicit scenes, some discussions of an adult nature
Profanity : Cursing
Possibly more to come

Chapters (1)