• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

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Discord lives in a world where the Pegasi control the weather, the Earth Ponies make plants grow, and the Unicorns even control the very sun and moon.

Everything is controlled by ponies. Everything is orderly.

There is no chaos.

And that is a problem.


Written for Choices: A Species Change Contest.

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, a teenager by the name of Juniper Montage was having a happy life, and her life got even happier as she was making a promising acting career. Her parents couldn't be any happier, that was until Trixie Lulamoon, a jealous rival actor, got an experimental face clay known as Renuyu, and after falsely congratulating Sunset on her stunning performance one night on a crime noir film, poured the renuyu all over her body, ensuring that would look so ugly, she would never be able to act again.

However, what she didn't know is that the experimental clay was starting to change her molecular structure, turning her bones and flesh into clay.

At first, Juniper looked a grotesque clay monster, but with enough practice, she was able to not only shape-shift into her normal looks, but also into anything she wanted.

Soon, she would run into others that had the same affliction, but each with different powers.

What happens then...only time will tell.

Chapters (2)

Chamomile isn't a train conductor. She isn't an engineer, either. She's just a widow taking care of her lonely Bridlewood tea shop and disabled son. Yet, when she receives word of a job opportunity from the newly instituted Equestrian Railroad Company, asking for ponies to extend the railroad to a forgotten realm in the Frozen North, she is intrigued. Perhaps such a place holds the key to changing her son's life for the better.

This simple task is colored by the group she's paired with: a reserved unicorn, a gung-ho pegasus, and an earth pony no less burdened than herself. As they journey forward, she'll find they bring out sides of her long since buried, and new sides altogether—not least the earth pony, whom Chamomile finds herself growing inexplicably closer to.

It'll be up to her how to react to this change—and what kinds of memories she wants to make.

This story is complete, and will be updated every Tuesday and Friday.

My eternal gratitude to all of my pre-readers and editors who, with all their various contributions, comments, and concerns, helped me bring out the best in this story:
Stinium Ruide
Ghost Mike

Little Tigress provided the cover art. Their deviantart can be found at this link. Thank you so much!

This story was written and revised to be set during the Tell Your Tale YouTube Series and after the Make Your Mark special, and as such, departs from the Make Your Mark series. That said, I have tried to make it so that watching either the special or the series is not necessary to understand the story's contents.

Chapters (20)

Trixie loves Starlight. Twilight loves Starlight. Sunburst loves Starlight. Starlight loves to have her options.

It's always good to have options.


Written in August 2021 for Themoontonite. Special thanks to gara, wish, seer, silent, snow, rice, red, flash, shas, and mushroom. Love you all :heart:

Coverart edited without permission from legionsunite.

Chapters (1)

In the land of Siderea, there are the modern science of magecraft and the ancient art of the old magic. Summoning falls under the latter. Anyone can perform the ritual to call forth a nature spirit, but the trick lies in the offering used to draw their attention. Arcane scholars agree it should be something incredibly rare and/or valuable. Gold, jewels, exotic spices and unguents...

Applejack has a jug of cider, and she hopes figures any djinni with working taste buds will be more than happy with it.

Humanized Equestria AU. An entry in Choices: A Species Change Contest. Thanks to EileenSaysHi, Krack-Fic Kai, Mishkiel, and Mockingbirb for prereading. Rated Teen for some of the reasons behind the Romance tag.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Winter's Child

Twilight is pregnant. She has told her her friends, her brother, Cadance, and Celestia. All that's left is to tell her parents. (And reveal who the father is.)

After seven years of waiting: The unofficial ending to Winter's Child. Prior reading is strongly recommended!

"A sequel to (arguably) the best incest fan fiction in this fandom, penned by the unquestionably-best incest author in this fandom.
Taking an unfinished work and giving it an ending that is funny, heartfelt, suspenseful, and cathartic is just a f*cking feat. Glued to the screen, on a rollercoaster of emotion, it is every bit a story that will keep you entertained all the way through."

Chapters (1)

After an urgent summon from Fancy Pants, both Celestia and Luna attend Day court. However, a new precedent is set when Fancy Pants presents a male alicorn to the two princessess, one he found dumpster diving behind his house.

Not much else to say without spoiling a lot of the story. Just jump in and heave a read!

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer Hunts the Undead

Principal Celestia and a bunch of other middle-aged high school teachers hunt the undead.

So does her adoptive daughter, Sunset Shimmer, alongside a farmer, an ex-siren, a forgettable nobody, and a dark mistress of unholy mad science.

These are their ongoing stories.

(Ask the hunters anything, here!)

(This story almost entirely consists of reader-submitted chapters. All ideas welcome, submit them here!)

Chapters (26)

Despite Princess Luna being rescued from the cruel embrace of Nightmare Moon and returned to her sister’s loving side, there is a dark secret of death and betrayal lurking in the moon’s shadow. Soon it will threaten the Royal Sisters’ reunion and ignite the flames of their deadly conflict again, unless a mere child can show them the way.

The last Nightguard is coming. Nothing will stop him until his nemesis is destroyed, not even death.

Fantastic cover art by Harwick
Now featured on Equestria Daily

Editors include: Tek, Irrespective

Chapters (25)

Sunset struggles against the chains around her. Bound by Princess Celestia's will, her flames, and her degrading morality. Seeking powers to reclaim what was promised, turning away from the ever-watching sun.

Cadance seeks purpose and answers to questions that had been long left unanswered. Entering into a new and unforgiving world. With every pony seeking to use the newest Princess to their end, she must find her path through the shadows and light.

Two sisters begin their cycle anew. The shadows start to dance once more as the darkness swallows the light. Ponies long since thought lost, return. Those shrouded by shade wait with bated breath for their plans to come to fruition. As ancient powers find new hosts, relics lost to the ages beg to resurface.

"Beware pony for you walk the blade's edge between Love and War. Ensure that you do not lose more than you bargained for." -author unknown

"When one peers into a mirror you see your reflection. However upon glimpsing into a broken mirror, you see your heart." -author unknown

"One pony can grow a plant, cast a spell, control a cloud, it is only together that we can change the reality around us." - Princess Celestia

"The light smothers and burns all those that it rejects. Darkness embraces all for it knows that rejection all too well." -author unkown

Chapters (44)