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Current description is outdated and horrible. Thank you for your patience while I figure out one that actually does this story justice.

Note: I think this story works better if read without the long synopsis. The sex and gore tag refers to light content of both. Think summer-blockbuster.

The story is a HIE with post-cyberpunk in the mix, and most of the human main characters are full-body cyborgs meant to look like MLP:FIM characters. If this is enough to grab your interest, then please skip the below text.

Spoiler prevention.

It is the year 2310 and trans-humanism is within the grasp of anybody that cares for it...

The public responded with "Eww..."

Even so, life and technology marches on.

Such as in the Pheidippides, humanities first try at a manned starship with a range outside our solar-system.

But not all see it as a glorious day. The Ludz, a neo-luddite terrorist group is howling for blood...

And that was before Captain Gregory starts recruiting heavily among the transhuman community.

The response, sabotage of the experimental engines.

Now, stuck in orbit above a world that shouldn't exist, in a ship that barely is holding together and most of his crew dead or wounded...

How exactly do you perform first contact... when your experts looks like bad imitations of the heroes of the land?

The other character tag refers to: Shining Armor, Cadance, Luna and Celestia.

Edited by the talented AppleTank and formerly edited by Razzle Dazzle. Go show your appreciation by checking out their stuff if you have a moment.

Cover by AppleTank. His DeviantArt page may be found here.

Chapters (7)

Terrorism, in the past century, has come to be one of the greatest threats to nations all over the world. It has always existed, and may always exist and threaten peace. Despite the danger, governments still bicker, as usual, and hamper any real attempt to counter it.

Officially, there is no multi-national effort to combat any and all terrorism. Unofficially, that organization is Rainbow. Consisting of the best soldiers from nations around the world and armed with the best equipment, this 'blacker than black' unit battles terrorists wherever and whenever; no matter who they are by any means necessary.

These men, who do not exist, receive no real credit for the battles they fight and the lives they save. That doesn't matter; even existing doesn't matter to them. They are dedicated to protecting innocents from an enemy who seems everywhere and nowhere, no matter where they are...

In memory of Tom Clancy. R.I.P. (April 12th, 1947-October 1st, 2013).

"One way or another, we all fight for what we believe in. Doesn't that give us some common ground?"

-Jack Ryan, The Cardinal of the Kremlin

This will be a cross of both the book and the game series. Characters from the book will appear first, game characters will come later on.
Rater T for language and violence.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro.
Rainbow Six written by Tom Clancy.
Rainbow Six video game published by Red Storm Entertainment and Ubisoft.

Chapters (6)

Hanna, the CEO of Hofvarpnir Studios, just won the contract to write the official My Little Pony MMO. Hanna has built an A.I. Princess Celestia and given her one basic drive: to satisfy everybody's values through friendship and ponies. Princess Celestia will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies, and it will be completely consensual.

Chapters (13)