• Member Since 18th Sep, 2018


I'm a male and a fan of G4 and G5. I support the Sparity and Hitch/Zipp shipping. Go to my group Reviews of MLP:FiM to see my reviews of the show.

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While helping Trixie clean out her wagon, Starlight finds a dusty old magic kit that makes her ask a question she hadn't really thought of before, "How did you become a magician?" And so our tale goes back to long before Trixie was Great and Powerful... back when she was simply a teenage babysitter trying to earn a few extra bits.

Cover art by JimboJam, go check them out on Twitter

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the fanart Nurse Izzy
By artist higglytownhero

Sunny's feeling a tad under the weather and needs a doctor. However, she doesn't get the doctor she expected.

Reading By StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

"What will happen once we are all gone? Will the future know who we were or will we be forgotten and erased from history?"

Having recently saved Equestria from the most powerful enemies it had ever seen, a victory bought with the strongest fighters of the kingdom, Twilight can't stop thinking about these questions and what the answers might be.
After several sleepless nights and still without any answers on the questions that plague her mind, Twilight decides that the ponies and creatures of Equestria have to take historical matters into their own hooves and claws.
No one knows what the future will bring, but what if they would bring themselves to the future?
The friendships of Equestria are worth fighting for and they are worthy of being preserved. Ponies and creatures die and make room for new generations, but ideas, experiences and stories live forever.
All she needed to do was to ensure that Equestria's future generations can learn about their friendships and what made them special. And Twilight had just the plan for that.

A love letter to all the ponies and creatures of Equestria and to the show, comics and books that gave me the chance to learn who I truly am.
We don't know what the future holds, but as long as we don't forget and don't stop to care about the ponies and creatures we've met, the friendships forged in Equestria will never leave us.

2021/30/9; 02:19 AM CET: My love letter to Equestria made it into the Popular Stories section on the front page, on Rank #11! :scootangel: Thank you to everyone who brought it there! :heart:

2021/30/9; 03:03 AM CET: Now the story has climbed higher after falling down on Rank #14 for a bit, it is now on Rank #9!^^

2021/30/9; 03:24 AM CET: And now "A Letter to the Ponies of the Future and Equestria's New Generations" has ascended to Rank #5! :scootangel: I can't believe this is happening! :scootangel:

2021/30/9; 03:52 AM CET: And now we are doing Rank #4, everypony! :yay:

2021/30/9; 04:14 AM CET: And now the story has jumped up to Rank #1..... And that even though it has sunken down to Rank #7 again before that. I don't know what is happening..... I didn't expect this story to be so popular..... This is unexpected. Unexpectedly wonderful. :heart:

Final Popular Stories update: "A Letter to the Ponies of the Future and Equestria's New Generations" was in the Popular Stories section on the front page for a total of 15 Hours and 28 Minutes! Again, thank you to everyone who made that possible! :scootangel: :heart:

Chapters (1)

Sunny, Izzy, Hitch, Zipp, and Pipp found the Locket of Souls and it called the spirits of the Mane 6, Starlight Glimmer, the Young Six, and the Pillars. But trouble arises, when an old foe has returned to reign destruction upon the world. The Main 5 will have to team up with the veterans if they wish to save their world.

The past will be revealed.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 1

This story takes place between after 'Sunny-Day Dinners' in MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale.

Months later, Sunset, Sunny and their friends embrace the new age of Equestria as the magic and the friendship has returned and the three tribes are together again. But there are someponies that doesn't like the change and wants things the way there were while there something out there that might cause the disaharmony and might cause trouble for the magic. Join Sunset and her new generations friends as their adventures continues to keep the magic stable and keep the magic of friendship sparkling.

Cover art from: BronySonicFan (I know Sunset isn't in a 3D thing like the cover but it's hard to find a 3D render Sunset so understand okay)

This story is an inspiration to Phantom-Dragon since it was his idea that inspired me to make this, so give credit to him.

Chapters (27)

Ever since Hearths Warming Eve, Spike is acting distant around Twilight but Twilight can’t seem to figure out why so she tries to get Starlight to help her figure it out. The unicorn will be surprised to know what caused Spike’s discomfort and knows she’ll have to explain to Twilight the reason for it.

Chapters (2)

(Dedicated in loving memory of her majesty: Queen Elizabeth II. 1926-2022. Takes place within the same universe as "A Tale of Two Lovebirds", "The Griffon Who Came to Mount Aris" and "Don't Give Your Love Away". But familiarity with those works is not required. Featured from 9/09/2022 to 9/10/2022.)

Gallus and Silverstream have settled into newly wed life, and couldn't be happier living in Equestria together. That is, until they learn of some truly shocking news: Queen Novo has died!

With her cousin Skystar due to ascend to the throne, Silverstream immediately begins making plans to return to Mount Aris to be there for her grieving cousin. Not wanting to let his wife go alone, Gallus pleads with Princess Twilight to be allowed to accompany Silverstream back home.

When Princess Twilight gives her blessings, Gallus prepares to return to a place he has little familiarity with. But nothing will stop him from being there for his wife, as she and her extended family join all of Mount Aris and Seaquestria in mourning the passing of their queen.

Chapters (1)

Notice: The Crossover Tag is just to be on the safe side

After Twilight Sparkle convinced Starlight Glimmer to let the Rainboom happen and returning to the proper timeline, the time vortex mysteriously didn't close after swallowing up Starlight's modified spell, and what's more, more time vortexes were popping up all over Canterlot and Ponyville alike; one even popping up in the everfree forest itself as the earth itself began to shake.

Meanwhile, in the far-off future Sunny Starscout had gathered her friends, Sprout, and the leaders of the respective races to try and figure out the secrets of the merged crystal. While running tests, the crystal suddenly went critical and sucked all of the ponies across the globe into mysterious portals.

Things are about to get hectic for both sides as the two generations will suddenly find out what happens when their times collide.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to When Times Collide

Notice: Just like last time, the crossover tag is being added just to be on the safe side.

With Sunny and her friends now stuck in the era of Twilight Sparkle, the two heroes and their respective groups will have to work together in helping to prevent the three pony tribes from ever separating again. All the while, Sunny will be forced to witness the ponies she was told stories about, both the good times and the bad.

With the ponies from the future stuck in the past and the future of the world in question, can these two groups work together to prevent the same mistakes that caused Sunny's future in the first place; or is the hand of fate the one thing that even the magic of friendship can't stand up to?

Twilight, Sunny, and their friends are going to find out the hard way either way.

I would like to be upfront about something: Only specific "Episodes" will feature romances. So while the Romance genre tag is not marked, it's not a main featured genre as this story is more focused on the action & drama that will come about having the Generation 5 ponies in Generation 4. If I spy any comments about ships that are hidden in this description by the spoiler block, those comments will be deleted.

Other Tag notes:
Main 6 character tag incudes Starlight.
Various Romances in Specific "Episodes".

Currently Featured Ships:
FlashLight AKA Flash Sentry & Twilight Sparkle
SoarinDash AKA Soarin Winds & Rainbow Dash

Notice: Due to extrunanting circumstances, I've become unable to do this story justice. Thankfully, Fimficiton User Mlp4ever has decided to adopt this story as their own. I will be keeping the original up for those that just want to look back on this now debunked version. There's...really no other reason. I know I normally delete cancelled projects from my profile, but this one? Well, it'd be better to keep the original up so people know where to go.

Chapters (11)

For many years, Scootaloo has proudly worn the label of an official Cutie Mark Crusader. She's happily enjoyed many adventures and life changing events with her fellow Crusaders: Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

Now, however, the fully grown pegasus is considering the possibility of spreading her wings elsewhere. Her own pursuits seem poised to take her away from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, at least for a good long while.

Naturally, Scootaloo decides to share this consideration with her friends and fellow Crusaders first. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle in turn want to give Scootaloo a little bit of parting advice, advice about what it truly means to be a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Chapters (1)