• Member Since 18th Sep, 2018


I'm a male and a fan of G4 and G5. I support the Sparity and Hitch/Zipp shipping. Go to my group Reviews of MLP:FiM to see my reviews of the show.

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The girls think their days are just fine at best and at worst boring.

So what's a cracking cheese-loving inventor and his more intelligent but silent canine companion to do with them?

Show off their inventions of course. What could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (10)

Long ago, in the realm of Equestria, the Alicorn Princesses played a game of enormous and terrible power. But those Dark Games unleashed a war that threatened to destroy the universe ... until a brave and powerful alicorn warrior caught the magic, locking it in the mystical Elements of Harmony, and sending them to another dimension.

Now, 5,000 years later, a girl named Twilight Sparkle has revealed the secret of the Element of Magic and ancient magical forces have invaded it. Since the fate has chosen her to defend the universe from the Dark Games, just as the brave warrior did 5,000 years ago.

Chapters (2)

What will Spike do on Heart's and Hooves Day to gain the love of Rarity?

In Honor of Valentine's Day, because I both love and hate it and feel like the message contained within is one of the most important things that you'll ever hear.

Also a very big thank you to PegasusMesa for advice on my drafts, thanks a lot.

(Version 2.11)

(This is in Hiatus until the final draft, which means that I need you to comment so that I can improve, please.)

(Anyhow this was another great picture for this story.)


Chapters (1)

Currently being edited

The Main 6 and Spike find that their world will be under the threat of the Sacred Beasts. In order to stop it, they must go to the human world of Duel Monsters. While there, they will attend Duel Academy and learn about Duel Monsters.

Chapters (13)

The student six are trying to enter Twilight's School for Dueling and Friendship, once they are in they learn about dueling and the importance of friendship and how the two are essential to each other. They also go on fun adventures together and end up dueling some interesting creatures. They will soon discover a deck so powerful, that it threathens the entire world. Basic rules of Yugioh (no link, or pendulums, and 4000 life points)

Character's deck
Sandbar: Gaia/Black Luster Soldier
Ocellus: Insects
Smolder: Red Eyes
Gallus: Blackwing
Yona: Gladiator Beasts
Silverstream: Legendary Ocean

Chapters (27)

As the weather turns cold, Izzy finds the perfect way to stay warm and comfortable. And she finds it in Sunny's drawer.

Now with a Russian Translation courtesy of NovemberDragon!

Chapters (1)

It's a slow day for everypony. While Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp all decide to take a nap, Pipp gets a new idea for online content and even gets Hitch to play along.

Chapters (1)

Something keeps stealing Izzy's art supplies, and she won't stand for it! Don your detective cap, because it's time to figure this out.

Chapters (10)

Sunny and her friends need to find a new place to live, before they drive each other crazy. But first, Sunny has to admit that to herself...

In "Tell Your Tale", the Crystal Brighthouse sort of came out of nowhere. Here's one possible take on how it came to be.

Chapters (1)

(Takes place immediately after the events of "A New Generation". Featured on 7/22/2022.)

It's never easy to realize you were wrong, but that's just the sort of dilemma that Phyllis Cloverleaf now faces. Especially since magic has returned to Equestria, and Sunny Starscout has become an alicorn.

Now Phyllis desperately wants to talk with Sunny, hoping for a chance to make some long overdue amends. After all, there's a lot Phyllis has to be sorry for.

Sunny, for her part, doesn't seem overly concerned. But why? Is it possible that there's something she wants to apologize for?

Chapters (1)