Read It Later 532 stories
  • Read It Later 532 stories Stories that I have found and have interest in but have yet to read
    Created by rainsilent
    - September, 2018
Found 518 stories in 58ms

Total Words: 27,415,387
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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To begin, a young colt makes a mistake. A dead dragon revives from his tomb and serves justice to all his fellows. The radio claims a blue sky in the middle of the night. A pair of adults succumb to the ideas of a child.


And then! is based heavily on Paranoia Agent by Satoshi Kon.

(This story takes place in the same universe as Sometimes they call me Super, but only references to things within that story, and the events of this story do not lean on it. Reading Super is not required to understand this.)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Tempest

Upon arriving at the royal wedding in Canterlot, all the foreign delegates have to do is show face on behalf of their nations, wish the happy new couple well, and try not to die.

You wouldn't expect the third of these to be that difficult.

Cover art from the gallery of Alumx. Proofread by themaskedferret, Georg, and Infernus Noctis.

Chapters (7)

(8/24/2020 update - I commissioned new cover art for the story from ! I've wanted an image like this for a long time and finally got it.)

Applejack has tried everything she can think of to turn things around at her family farm, but every month brings disappointing sales and further expenses. She feels the weight of responsibility for the farm and its imminent failure bearing down on her harder every day, and every failed attempt to fix things drives her deeper into depression.

Old habits kick in, and friends' searching questions are deflected, sidestepped, and eventually even answered with outright lies.

Sweet Apple Acres, the Apple family, and even the Elements of Harmony are all in greater danger than all but one mare knows, or will admit.

(Approved by Twilight's Library once upon a time.)

Chapters (10)

Strange symbols have started appearing all across Equestria that nopony can read, except Discord. As he comes to grips with what this message means, he is determined that nopony find out its secret. If they do, absolutely everypony in Equestria will die.

This story is a cosmological crossover with The Three Body Problem trilogy by Cixin Liu, and thus contains spoilers for that universe. But can be read without prior knowledge of that story.

Audiobook available on YouTube!
Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

"Oh, no, no, no. That’s not why I’m here, Twilight. But I’m kind of in trouble, and you’re the only one who can help me."
Just as Twilight was about to reply, Pinkie Pie spoke once more. "Like, trouble trouble.”

Rukuy Qhepa - Retrospective

Many thanks to Fome, and the other gentlemen of the FiMFiction threads who helped whip this story into a far better shape.
Finalist for The Writeoff Association's February 2018 event: "No Turning Back".

Chapters (1)

As Starswirl the Bearded ponders what stayed and what was forgotten on Hearth's Warming Eve following his disappearance, he finds that his two pupils might have forgotten him.

[Set after S7 finale]

Written for Eroraf89 via Petrichord's 2017 Jinglemas gift-fic exchange event.

Chapters (1)

The Elements of Harmony didn't work. Nightmare Moon won. Her beautiful night has been unending for over two years now, and her reign over Equestria is total.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie never gave up, even after everyone else did.

An infinity of praise be to Harwick for the cover art.

Chapters (20)

Pinkie Pie preemptively apologizes to Twilight: she's going to ruin their friendship.

Twilight agrees.

Pinkie suits her better as a girlfriend anyway.

Chapters (1)

You will be Fluttershy, and you will have difficulty facing what will happen to Twilight.

(This fic was written in response to a kind-of-sort-of challenge... dare... thing... from an Equestria Daily pre-reader.)

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been writing a book for a few weeks, about her friends and all of their adventures. The only problem is she can't seem to end it.

Expanded from my entry for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting group's prompt "A Worthy End".

Special thanks to Moonshot, Syke Jr and Zontan for some proofreading and comments during the contest.

Chapters (1)