Read It Later 532 stories
  • Read It Later 532 stories Stories that I have found and have interest in but have yet to read
    Created by rainsilent
    - September, 2018
Found 518 stories in 60ms

Total Words: 27,415,387
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Candy Apples are Always a Little Tart

Celestia is tired. Raising children is hard, she's a very old mare, and these times of peace are beginning to show cracks at the corners. Her little student is bright and rebellious, but maybe it's time Sunset learns why Celestia took her in...

Written for Moonshot's Quils and Sofas Speedwriting contest, prompt: [Well, here we are again]

Chapters (1)

Twilight, in the midst of her last days, rediscovers one of her favorite fairy tales.

Cover art by Skyline19.

My submission for the Monthly Contest Club.

Chapters (1)

Death is not the end, but a journey through the Equestrian Gate.

However, the destination is not as it seems. Without any guiding powers of harmony, the land has fallen into chaos. An eternal struggle between the Birdlike creatures called Angels and bestial monsters called demons has ground everything into dust. But the Equestrian gate stands, guiding the recently deceased ponies into the middle of it.

Spirit Aura is a Mediator for the Guild of the Lost, a group of ponies dedicated to guiding the Deceased to their new lives. By the rights of an ancient pact, the guild holds the land that separates the two warring species. They remain a neutral faction and allow all into their cities with a promise of reprieve from the everlasting combat. But one night, Spirit uncovers the plan for a demonic invasion that could tip the balance of the war.

Will she endanger the sanctity of the ancient pact, risk her life and that of a dear friend in order to do what she thinks is right? Can she face the consequences of such actions?

(Entry into the Batpony Writeoff Competition 2013)

Many thanks toHawk9mm on Deviantart for the picture of Canterlot in the cover photo.

Chapters (1)

Every year, snow or shine, Burnt Oak climbs the same hill at the same time of winter to light a campfire. Sometimes, he sings; sometimes, he talks to the breeze; always, he remembers the friend no longer at his side. And it's a nice, peaceful time of remembrance, one which the ponies around him know better than to interrupt.

Except, one winter, for an unexpected arrival - and for almost anypony else, Burnt Oak wouldn't have given them the time of day.

But he couldn't refuse his friend's daughter, could he?


A story written for Jinglemas, as my (first) gift to the lovely Akataja. They didn't get a story last year, and I figured that it was on my shoulders to try and make things right again.

Rated "Highly Recommended" by Present Perfect.

Now featured on Equestria Daily! (10/1/19)

Chapters (1)

Many ponies claim to be the Seventh Element of Love/Honor/Fluffy Kittens/Whatever, all in the name of superficial love and glory. Many seek to fight monsters, to claim famous mares as their lovers, or to just stroke their egos. Enough for the Powers That Be to notice.

Chuck Norris is not happy.

Chuck Norris is going to slap roundhouse kick a filly.

Incredible thanks to Regidar and ThatOneWriter for helping me out by prereading it!

Special thanks to Manes for giving me the inspiration I needed to finish this!

Chapters (5)

Starlight Glimmer is about to embark on a few little friendship lessons. Five to be exact. However she’s still a little murky on how to get all her friends to cooperate so things go as quickly and efficiently as possible. Luckily A surprise visit from another friend might solve Starlight’s problem.

An alternative take on Every Little Thing She Does and inspired by a conversation with Tired Old Man.

Chapters (1)

A powerful love story from Equestria’s history has been forgotten to time, yet it continues to this day.

Princess Celestia and Smart Cookie have watched Equestria rise. They’ve guarded it, and each other, against the most vile threats and darkest nights. They share a dream that’s entwined their hearts for two thousand years, and a love that’s given them the strength to see it realized.

Now they face the ultimate test of that love; one that comes not from monsters or armies, but from the opposed wills of two ponies who want only what’s best for one another, their friends, and Equestria, and who can’t back down when any of those things are at stake.

(Canon taken into account through season 6... this took me a long time to finish.)

Chapters (22)

It's been six months since Tirek was defeated, but Trixie still has nightmares. Nightmares of being pinned down, of the magic being ripped from her bones, of being thrown around like a worthless doll. It's been six months since Trixie has had a full night's sleep, and all she wants is peace.

But Trixie is fine. Trixie doesn't need Twilight. She doesn't need her family. She doesn't need anyone. Trixie loves being alone.

So why can't she stop crying?

A completely revamped version of a fic written for the Writeoff Association's May contest, "I Regret Nothing," which was originally published under the name Fight Back.
Loosely inspired by the song of the same name by Five Iron Frenzy.
Rated 'Teen' for some minor violent imagery.
Art by Kas92. Thanks to Manaphy, Floydien, Horizon, Trick Question, Majin Syeekoh, Imaginary Valued, and Pascoite for their advice and insights. I love you guys, and I couldn't do anything if it weren't for all of you guys putting up with my ceaseless nagging.

Chapters (3)

Based off the animation "Memories" by Nutrafin.

Memories hold many strengths and weaknesses. They are the keys to unlocking inner potential, and for Twilight that is no different. During her most helpless hour, she is visited by many ghostly memories of experiences that forged one of her strongest bonds. Through them, she is able to find the strength to carry out her duty and stand by her friend's side in his time of need.

But is she too late?

Chapters (1)