Read It Later 532 stories
  • Read It Later 532 stories Stories that I have found and have interest in but have yet to read
    Created by rainsilent
    - September, 2018
Found 518 stories in 87ms

Total Words: 27,415,387
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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After so many years, Sunset Shimmer is finally ready to return to Equestria. At long last, she will be able to reconnect with the land she was born in and feel the magic flow through her body once more. Most of all, she’s ready to face the mentor she betrayed, to apologize for everything and beg for her forgiveness.

Princess Celestia is eager to see her old prodigal student as well. Finally, she will have the chance to forgive her and reaffirm her love for her. What’s more, she will finally be able to give Sunset Shimmer what she has earned for herself and fulfill all the dreams she had since she was a filly.

At least, that’s how it was supposed to go.

Cover art by Bluse

Chapters (2)

Sweetie Belle wonders if she can learn more about magic. It's a curiosity which has gripped her for some time, especially with how mysterious the subject is. Spending some time with Twilight Sparkle helps answer some questions, but she rarely has the time to teach Sweetie about the advanced spells which captivate her.

However, she soon gets an unexpected visitor in the form of Sunset Shimmer, who's willing to tutor Sweetie in the art of magic. It sounds like the perfect recipe for understanding magic, but Sweetie can only guess what kinds of challenges await her. And while Sunset is ecstatic to teach somepony, there's much more to her visit than just tutoring Sweetie.

Thanks to Verbose Mode for the amazing cover image.

Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkle has turned evil and is bent on taking over Equestria for herself; she has already killed Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Princess Celestia, stealing the Elements of Harmony, using their raw power to destroy anyone who stands against her path to total domination. Pinkie Pie and Flutterhsy evading Twilight's pursuit, with their respective Elements of Harmony in hand, Twilight enlisted Discord to draw out the two remaining elements by turning all of Equestria into a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and when that didn't work she released all foes she had previously defeated, including the likes of Queen Chrysalis, The Dazzlings, and Lord Tirek.

Sunset Shimmer, a former student of Celestia's, now works as a smuggler for anyone with good enough cash, all while avoiding rival employers and Twilight's Royal Guards, dubbed "The Alliance" by her and other smugglers.


Inspired by works such as: Star Wars, Firefly, and Fallout
Art by bakki

Edit (2/10/18): Revised almost everything, up to chapter 7 and the title.
Edit (5/31/21 - now): edited for better, more consistent terminology, word choice and other cringey things.

Chapters (18)

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!
TV Tropes and a group of its own.
Audio version
Three Nights in Manehattan, a sequel
Hardcover Print-on-Demand Order Page

As a child, Daphne knew of a world where magic lived, where an immortal princess reigned over a beautiful kingdom, and longed to journey there beside Leit Motif, the filly she'd grown to love in the woods behind her home. But one day, when she needed her most, Leit Motif was gone, and she never came back to show her the way. As she grew, she put aside her childish dreams, and taught herself to believe the lie.
When forces beyond her knowing take her sister Amelia, though, she discovers that her childhood fancies were entirely too real, and is thrust into a journey that will take her back to that land she longed for, back to the childhood friend she'd abandoned, and to worlds she'd only dreamed of.

Interview with Pre-Reader Amacita
PresentPerfect's Review

Chapters (26)


In the midst of trying to foil Starlight Glimmer's time travel plan, Twilight and Spike land in a future where Equestria is ruled by... one of their closest friends!

Based on an idea that me and my girlfriend came up with in a Skype call

Cover art from the Fall of Sunset Shimmer comic.

Edited by Bryce "The WrestleManiac" Kanyon

Chapters (1)

Aria Blaze is a very angry individual. She normally took that anger out on the bags at her favorite gym, where she could be alone. Sunset Shimmer decides to give her a bit of company.

Chapters (1)

As a filly, Sunset Shimmer made a difficult choice which affected not only the rest of her life, but the course of two worlds, when she turned her back on her mentor, her promises, and Equestria itself.

But there's more than one of everything, even entire worlds.
Now, another Sunset Shimmer, living in another world, comes to that same decision of trust or betrayal.

Though there are many Sunsets amidst creation, do they all share one fate?

Edited by Prak
Prereaders: Foals Errand and Minifig
Special Thanks to Between Lines
Art used with permission by SilFoe

Chapters (1)

With her friends and the school seemingly turned against her, Sunset Shimmer flees, quickly finding herself in the presence of a strange student, whose views clash with everything Twilight and the others have ever taught her about Friendship.

However, does that make him wrong? Is Friendship truly Magic? Or can it be something much darker?

Thanks place during the "Anon-a-Miss Incident" from the Equestria Girls Holiday comic. Video link to the comic in the comments below. Check it out if you haven't gotten a chance to read the book.

Edited by: Spirit Shift and FabulouslyCynical

Proofread by: AlicornPriest

Review by geartechthelivingrobot, check out and support his channel

Chapters (3)

A few hours after saving the Friendship Games, Sunset Shimmer and her good friend Twilight Sparkle are relaxing on the CHS lawn. The two are so close that Sunset finally feels like she can ask a question that's been on her mind for a while.

"Can I go home?"

Chapters (1)

Sunset's life was turned upside down after being expelled and banished from the castle by Celestia. Will Sunset be doomed to a life of mediocrity, or will Celestia give her one, final chance.

In this story, after Sunset is expelled, she does not go into the mirror like in the comic, "The Fall of Sunset Shimmer."

Chapters (1)