Read It Later 532 stories
  • Read It Later 532 stories Stories that I have found and have interest in but have yet to read
    Created by rainsilent
    - September, 2018
Found 518 stories in 70ms

Total Words: 27,415,387
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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It was a simple dynamic. Simple enough that it didn't require any questions, only the unspoken agreement to remain silent. It only required Twilight broken into pieces, so she could never put herself back together again.
It only required a list in a torn sheet of paper to question it all.

Trigger Warnings: Pretty subtle suggestions of eating disorders and sexual abuse, hence the non-con tag.

Original work in Spanish here.
Proofreaded by the great and patient Jay Tarrant :twilightsmile:

Version 3.0 - Fixed quite a few things here and there.
Note: I'm working on version 4.0, improving translation and mostly the first scene from the main story.
If you have any suggestions, feel free to PM me!

Based on a dream and a bunch of buried feelings. Don't shoot me.

Chapters (3)

Egg-cracking and witty LA Detective Cole Phelps has solved many seemingly impossible cases. He put the right men and women behind bars, killed criminals before they could commit their next crime, and gave hope to the LA Police Department. The question is, where did that flood of water lead him? Did it actually kill him? During his funeral, his casket was closed. Secretly, the police didn't want the public to know that his body was never found. Considering this, and his personality, how will the observant detective fare in a world devoid of crime and murder? More pressingly, how will he fare in the land of ponies?

A LA Noire Crossover.

Thank you, HenryAnthonyCourtler, for the new cover image! His new one seems more fitting with Cole Phelps' bond with Rarity.

Chapters (11)

My name is Starlight Glimmer, and I hate bad endings. It isn't fair when some ponies win and others lose, purely by chance. If I had my way, every pony would be equal. Every pony would win. After all, the only other fair thing would be for us all to have a bad ending, and who would want that? This colorless world is bad enough already as it is.

So far, my record is flawless. Never once have I prematurely ended someone's story, never once have I hurt someone more than they can bear. And every time I spare a life, make a new friend? I get stronger for it. Eventually, I'll be so strong I can fix the entire world.

No matter what the world throws my way, I'm never going to give up.

Placed second in FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns contest, and featured in the Royal Canterlot Library on 4/21/17. Thank you so much!

Expect spoilers in the comments. Inspired by Undertale, but not a crossover.

Chapters (1)

With the memory stone crisis behind her, it's time for Sunset to deal with an even bigger challenge:

A caring Princess Celestia interested in seeing how Sunset lives on Earth.

* Takes place right after Forgotten Friendship, Teen for some tame Sun x Sci-Twi Romance Fluff
* Helps to have seen the two minute short Rarity's Display of Affection
* Cover From a Picture by akainu7
* Editing help by Clancrusher
* Featured on Equestria Daily's 2018 Sunset Day 50 Fic list! :yay:
* Translated into Chinese on Fimtale by Cyber Poison

Recommended - PresentPerfect

Chapters (5)

For years, Sunset Shimmer has happily held her place at Celestia's side. She was her prized student, her number one prodigy. In return, Celestia was Sunset's world, her passion and drive. However, with time and age come change, and Sunset cannot take it any more.

She doesn't understand why Celestia won't look at her any more, why she is so enthralled by the talent and simple nature of her newest discovery. All she knows is that as much as she may aspire and hope, she'll never again be the object of Celestia's interest.

Sunset Shimmer intends to leave, and she has no plans of returning.

Written for Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Changing Seasons

Special thanks to Ceffyl Dwr for pre-reading as well as helping me to iron out the creases in my original idea.

Chapters (1)

When Princess Celestia comes down with a mysterious illness despite her immortality, her loved ones flock to her side, including Sunset Shimmer. With only so much time left, Sunset takes it upon herself and Twilight to get to the bottom of it. The two of them work together non-stop to find a cure, which would be fine, if Sunset had gotten around to telling any of them she's dating the other world's Twilight.

Edited by the kind and insightful Space Jazz. Cover art designed by the incredibly talented Kiki-Kit and modified by the masterful Amber Spark! Spoilers in the comments.

Chapters (7)

For Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle is a great friend and is always a joy to be around.

It's just Midnight she has trouble with.

Inspired by art from Tralalayla, and commissioned by nonimportantstuff

Now with Reading by Scribbler Productions

Video commissioned by Sarsath

Legend of Everfree spoilers

Chapters (1)

On hearing the story of the Mirror Pool, Starlight Glimmer questions what happened to all the Pinkie clones sent back to the pool and the ethics of apparently eliminating sentient beings. Further investigation shows that the pool has the magical means to accommodate an unlimited number of orphaned souls. This is put to the test by an infinite set of Pinkie Pies.

Chapters (1)

A good story lets you immerse yourself into the world it creates. A great story is one you don't even realize you're in until it's over. But what about the stories where the characters come to life?


How about one that's a little more than just a story.

A tale of a human who has found himself in an unfamiliar world, years off in technology from his own, in a town called Canterlot... but not that Canterlot.


A human in Equestria story with a twist.


Cover Art by PillowRabbit! Go visit their FIMFiction Page for their info!
Edited by:
Something new to add, hopefully. Always welcome for criticism and suggestions.

Original Chapters:
Google Docs

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Unicorn and her Boy

Trapped in the memories of her past adventures, bringing nightmares and dreams she does not want, she can't stay home.

There is only one creature in all of Equestria who can help her. Make her good and nice again, but how far will Sunset have to go to find her?
A sequel to the Unicorn and her Boy. Reading not required but recommended.

NB! The story contains some very mild elements of [Gore] and while it contains no graphic descriptions of sex, it does raise some rather uncomfortable sexual themes.

Chapters (8)