Read It Later 532 stories
  • Read It Later 532 stories Stories that I have found and have interest in but have yet to read
    Created by rainsilent
    - September, 2018
Found 518 stories in 95ms

Total Words: 27,415,387
Estimated Reading: 10 weeks



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On her way home one evening, Sunset Shimmer is jumped. Beaten and broken, she must now try and reintegrate back to her normal life, all while living under the constant fear her attackers will return to finish the job. As her mental condition worsens, it soon becomes apparent this is one problem that a blast of rainbow magic won’t solve...

Wonderful artwork courtesy of kul. Proofread by ForBloodySummer.
(Teen tag due to indepth description of physical violence in opening chapters.)

Now has a review by Arcanum Phantasy, which can be watched here!

Chapters (12)

Anon-A-Miss. They happened, people were hurt, the mess was cleaned up, people are begrudgingly forgiving the trio responsible, if only for Sunset, and everyone in the school is starting to become friends again. The problem was solved, right?

Not if you ask Rainbow Dash. She's still pretty mad at herself about it, after getting all the details shown to her. So are her friends, just slightly less so than her.

Yes, this is another Anon-A-Miss story, but at least it doesn't happen during the fiasco like nearly every other one I've read. I was considering a way I could write a story about the entire thing that wasn't done to death. Then I realized there weren't many stories that followed this particular line of thought, so I went with it to see what would happen when it was filtered through my brain.

Edit 2: Now has a Bookshelf to keep track of all the stories related to this one. TADAAAA!

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Terrifying Traps

A week has passed since all of their counterparts came over from the other side of the portal, and Sunset's friends are starting to get back to a more relative state of normal. It's not perfect, but then again, neither is life. However, an off comment from one of Sunset's friends prompts her to ask Twilight to help her set up something special to help their friends with getting past the events and the consequences thereof.

Who knows what they'll do after though. If it goes over well enough, she might even have some others meet with themselves.

And here we are, adding another addition to the story I never thought would actually be turned into a series that you can find (HERE). I know it is stated in the previous story's description that I was going to release a collection of short stories, but I realized that it would be better to tie them all into a third installment instead and add a little more to the plot while I'm at it.

I know, hard to believe. This is me after all.

But worry not! This little story is designed (and hopefully won't fail) to answer a lot of the little questions that popped up in the comments of the prior two. That being said, I would recommend reading them first, as it would probably aid in understanding what the ever living Tartarus is going on.

Please enjoy the story and remember,
May comedy guide you.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Beating Yourself Up Over It

When Twilight’s friends had gone through the portal to ‘talk’ with their counterparts, things ended up going in a direction that was not quite what they had intended. Okay, it went mostly the way some of them had expected, but there were exceptions in a few cases.

They thought that it was all planned out perfectly. Twilight gets distracted by, as Rainbow put it, the super nerd project of the century. Then, they sneak over, teach them a lesson, and sneak back before she’s ever done having the time of her life, and they sit there as she says words that would fly entirely over their heads in her excitement. They even timed it so that it was during a time Twilight would be preoccupied with princess work and would want to jump into the project even more.

As they came back through one by one, however, her friend's all soon learned that they weren’t as sneaky going into the portal as the five thought they were.

This little story was written as a Sequel/Side Story to "Beating Yourself Up Over It," and originally intended only to be a single chapter. However, I found that putting all of them into just one section would make a massive info dump. Not wanting to intimidate anyone who likes to read casually, or dwarf the other side chapters I planned on writing, I decided to move them to a separate story entirely. I still plan on releasing that collection at a later date, and it will probably have a similar title to the original.

So please, enjoy the side of the story taking place on the other side of the portal, and this one as well.

And remember, comments usually fuel my writing.

5/24/18 Edit: I thought I finally escaped you Feature Box... but no, you have claimed yet another story of mine.

Chapters (6)

After years of ever-mounting pressures of princesshood and the running the School of Friendship, Twilight makes a difficult choice. Now, she needs to surrender the stewardship of the Castle Library to somepony else. At least it’s her old friend Moondancer.

That should be simple enough. Shouldn’t be any complications. None at all. Right?

Historian’s Note:
The Librarian's Torch is set around 10 years after the events of the episode Amending Fences.

Cast: Twilight Sparkle & Moondancer with special guest star, Sunset Shimmer.

Cover Artwork by the amazing and lovely Firimil
Cover Text & Chapter Header Design by Novel Idea
Twilight Sparkle Cutie Mark By Intbrony

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Ebon Quill: Author, Supporter and Friend
JayMan155: Artist & Author Extraordiane!
Rose Quill: Pretty Author Kitty!
Beltorn: Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Cursori: Reader of Many a Pony Word

Word Count: 7,500 words
Version: 4.2

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle is fed up of her unrequited love for Rainbow Dash. She has decided that the time has come to reveal the passion she has kept hidden for so long - but how? There is only one sane, logical way to do this.

She must become a cloud.

Nothing can go wrong.

Chapters (1)

(This is an old story I wrote three years ago during season 1)

Twilight Sparkle's birthday has come around, and Rainbow Dash is unimpressed with Rarity's present. When Applejack pokes a bit of fun with her friend, Rarity becomes unusually upset. Twilight Sparkle investigates her friend's feeling, learning something she never expected about her friend and why she is truly suited to be the element of Generosity.

Spanish translation:

Chapters (1)

Perhaps life is stranger than fiction, as Sunset will learn one day. Recently told to go and make some friends by her teacher, she finds a small filly who is playing with a box and a doll. Weird right? Sunset's not much of a babysitter, but she will soon find out that the world has a curious way of catching up to her.

Featured 5/26/2017!

Chapters (1)

After a spell misfires, Twilight and Big Macintosh find themselves trapped in a world like none they've ever seen before. Together, they will face adventure, hardship, loss and longing, as their shared experience brings them closer together.

Chapters (5)