• Member Since 20th Nov, 2015


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Set in the continuity of Tailor of the Crown, though if you haven't read it, all you need to know is that Rarity took a job to work as a tailor in Canterlot Castle.

Avoiding social entanglements at Canterlot galas can be quite a tricky business for Rarity.

Luckily, Rarity has a very beautiful alicorn princess to help with that.

amazing cover art by apricalico!

Chapters (1)

Finding herself unable to sleep, Princess Celestia occupies her mind by penning a letter to Twilight Sparkle. But for a weary princess, the mind has a tendency to wander...

Written for Equestria Daily's Writer's Training Grounds #7.

Dramatic readings available courtesy of Goombasa and PhantomBrony.

Cover art by unknown artist; modified version by Goombasa.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Irony of Applejack

The secret's finally out. All of Equestria knows about Applejack's true identity, and the identities of her fellow changelings.
But even with all of the new responsibilities being laid upon the young changeling, surely asking for one day of normalcy – a single day of celebration and pageantry amongst her closest friends – couldn't be too much to ask for, right?

Written because my Muse is a fickle one, she is.
Set between the events of The Irony of Applejack and it's sequel, The Advent of Applejack.
Cover art provided by Somepony. No really; don't give me that look.

Chapters (6)

Welcome to Trotondo, where the lakes freeze overnight and the snow never stops falling.
Welcome to the outermost Equestrian colony, where the foreign threat is so marginally low that only two royal pegasi guards were needed to keep it safe.
Welcome to the town protected by Dawn Guard and Dust Mote, two peacekeepers so hopelessly in love that they don't even know it.
... Thankfully, the other four hundred and thirty eight denizens of Trotondo are more than willing to help resolve this predicament.

Chapters (2)

"...The test ends when you open that door."

Princess Luna has begun searching for her own personal student, and her test has hit a small snag: Not a single unicorn, out of the dozens of applicants, has passed. In fact, every last candidate has failed the test in seconds.

But just what is the purpose of this test? And how can somepony pass it?

A young earth pony named Morning Glory is going to find out.

Chapters (1)

Mole Cricket, a changeling, faces the greatest challenge of his life so far: Convincing all four princesses that he deserves a chance at earning citizenship in Equestria. Can he convince Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance that he can be a contributing member to society?

An Interquel to the story "Your Fangs Are Showing", this takes place between chapters 3 and 4.

Chapters (10)

In the wake of Chrysalis' failed invasion, a different hive breaks tradition and steps into the light to open relations with Equestria. The ever eager scholar, Twilight Sparkle, uses this truce as the perfect opportunity to learn more about this enigmatic race. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, she will learn all there is to know about what it means to be a changeling.

But will Twilight lose herself in the hive, or will she regain what she has lost? Only time will tell.

Featured on 9/24/13

My first featured story! You guys are awesome.

Story readings and cover art by Luminescent Skies: Click here for some audio novel treatment

My Editor in Chief: Cloud Hop

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Of the Hive

Having fully embraced her new changeling heritage, Twilight Sparkle turns to the past to learn more about her people. A difficult task, given that every other queen cares next to nothing about it.

What she finds will shed unwanted light on a secret better left forgotten.

Editor in Chief: ABitterPill

Coverart: Tulip

Chapters (24)

Scootaloo's life hasn't been the easiest. Being orphaned at a young age and brought up in the foster system came with its own set of challenges, not the least of which was a lack of older pegasi around to teach her how to fly. Fortunately, Rainbow Dash can help with that. With her honorary big sister taking a more active role in her life, Scootaloo learns much more about herself than just how to fly.

A story about love, family, and growing up.

Editing by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Chapters (18)