• Member Since 20th Nov, 2015


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The first time it happened, Sunset didn’t pay it any mind due to the circumstances. The second time it happened, she noticed it and brushed it off as the action of a concerned friend. The third time it happened, she finally figured out that Rarity was flirting with her.

6/20/2016: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

Every year, on Hearthswarming, Berry Punch makes a drink for Fluttershy. One perfect drink.

A gift for Shakespearicles.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Luminescence

Princess Celestia awakens in the very first hours of dawn to tap deep into her magical reserves and bring the ponies of Equestria a new day. She does this every morning, every day of her life.

However, she does so every morning with a smile on her face. One as warm and radiant as the sun itself.

This story is standalone. You do not need to read the prequel first.

Preread by Rainedash

Chapters (1)

From raising the bright moon to lighting the glittering stars, to guiding the majestic comets that streak across the skies on the darkest of nights, Princess Luna has done it all. Where other ponies see a dark, empty sky, Princess Luna sees a canvas. A canvas waiting to be filled with the beauty that is the night sky.

Editing help provided by joeSFX and CluelessFilly.

Chapters (1)

Nopony ever said the friendship between Fluttershy and Discord would be an easy one. The difference in their life expectancies doesn’t help, but that’s a problem Discord can fix with a snap of the talons—that is, until Fluttershy finds out. Discord isn’t one to give up easily, though. He’ll do anything to keep his one and only friend. Anything.

Inspired by the image by C-Puff.

There is now a video review! And still another video review! And Russian and French translations! And there are dramatic readings from Joehighlord and Dr. Wolf! But wait! There's more: Dr. Wolf has collaborated with Meb90 and a team of other talented artists to produce something amazing.

Chapters (1)

Many years ago, Ponyville was even smaller than it is now. But not too small to experience its first bank robbery.

In distinctly Ponyville style.

Editors: Tek, Irrespective
Picture credit: Stock Image

Now on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash asks her friends what they might want carved on their tombstones. Her friends tell her.

Based on the August 2014 prompt from The Writeoff Association, "Famous Last Words."

Chapters (1)

Ahuizotl threatens to sue A. K. Yearling for libel unless she stops writing the Daring Do books. She makes him a counter-offer.

Based on the November 2014 prompt from The Writeoff Association, "Title Drop," the original version of this story won second place in that month's contest.

Chapters (5)

Rarity’s little Temptation ends up on pins and needles. Literally.

With her shoulder-devil out of commission, other Temptations pop into her life to pick up the slack from their fallen sister.


Written for the Barcast's "Make Rarity Not Garbage" contest.

Cover art by JennDyLyon. Adore her. Fear Her. Admire her art!

Pre-read by ScarletWeather and Aragon.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has always loved mysteries. Researching them, dissecting them, and finally, solving them. Almost nothing could compare to the joy she feels when finding an answer to a question no pony knew.

But there are mysteries with answers better left unheard, truths that aren't meant to be known. Now Twilight has solved a mystery with an answer she doesn't want, an answer she can never forget.

Chapters (1)