• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

The One Bookshelf 272 stories
  • The One Bookshelf 272 stories One Bookshelf to sort all ponies, One Bookshelf to find them, One Bookshelf to bring all ponies, and in new bookshelves bind them.
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - December, 2018
Found 245 stories in 74ms

Total Words: 5,036,096
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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Bon Bon... er, Special Agent Sweetie Drops has come clean to her very best friend Lyra about her past, but there's one secret she's still keeping.

Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #6.

Chapters (1)

Here you will find a collection of stories and tales from across Equestria.

Final Story: Resurgence

Past Story: With Nightmare Night coming to a close, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo settle in for a sleep over at the Sweet Apple Acres farm with their fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders. The three decide that one thing is missing however. A little extra "something" to bring an end to their night of treats and frights.

A/N: This is made for the EQD writer's training grounds. After participating in the last one, I feel it wiser to not make ten to fourteen plus individual stories, which can clog up my story count level.

Stories will be marked in parenthesis with the appropriate style of (Slice, Dark,) and the like. I will also update the characters selection for the newest/most relative story.

Chapters (12)

EqD Writers Training Ground stories for Season Five from Georg.

Week 6: Slice of Life - Lyra and Bon Bon Are Just Best Friends. Honest.
Bon Bon comes clean about her past. Now it’s Lyra’s turn.
Run, Lyra. Run.

Week 5: Castle Sweet Castle - And Now A Word From Our Sponsors
The new season of My Little Pony is bringing something a little different to make Twilight Sparkle’s new castle seem more like a home.
Product placements.

Week 4: Phineas and Ferb Tribute - Gummy the Gator - Secret Agent of O.W.A.C.A.
When Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie return to Ponyville to tell Twilight Sparkle all about their trip, they each have a somewhat odd idea of what Gummy has been up to while they were gone. A tribute to the last episode of Phineas and Ferb, which will air June 12, 2015.

Week 3: Cheerilee's Thousand Tribute - The Ooze at the Bottom of the Bin
Once again, one of Cheerilee's dates goes horribly wrong, although she gets to meet a celebrity: The Smooze.

Week 2: Starlight Glimmer - A Matter Of Complete Trust
A villain from Twilight Sparkle’s past returns to Canterlot. It’s time for Princess Celestia to teach her a lesson about redemption and trust.

Week 1: Short Legs and Tall Tails - Braeburn tells a bedtime story to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Can he keep his natural instincts for telling tall tales in check?

Editors: Tek

Chapters (7)

Discord learns a friendship lesson in the space it takes to release a breath.

Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #3.

Chapters (1)

After being immediately left out of the competitions they hoped to enter at the traveling rodeo, the Cutie Mark Crusaders hold their own to upstage them.

Chapters (1)

Parcel Post, the long-missing mailpony who delivered Discord's ticket to the Gala, staggers into work to explain where he's been. Spoilers for "Make New Friends But Keep Discord", but not serious ones.

Chapters (1)

A strange filly shows up at Ditzy Doo's home in the middle of the night, bruised and beaten beyond belief. Who is she, and why does she look so familiar.

My Second story and the first to have cover art designed and created my me. Criticism and likes are appreciated

Chapters (3)

After heading home after a party at Applejacks' to celebrate saving Equetria again, Twilight comes across her Library. How will she handle seeing her destroyed home? What will she find?

Edited by: TimberWolf65

Chapters (1)

Surrounded by the old tomes of her new castle, Twilight starts to wonder if she can have again books she can call her own. Luckily, Spike and her friends help her start a new collection, lending her stories they have enjoyed and hope Twilight will do the same.
Set after the Season Four Finale, it contains some spoilers, obviously. Never forget Golden Oaks...

Chapters (1)