• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

The One Bookshelf 272 stories
  • The One Bookshelf 272 stories One Bookshelf to sort all ponies, One Bookshelf to find them, One Bookshelf to bring all ponies, and in new bookshelves bind them.
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - December, 2018
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Why? Why couldn't they be there for her special moment? Applebloom tells Applejack how she feels about their parents not being there for them when they have something special to them happen like birthdays, weddings, and especially getting your cutie mark.

Chapters (1)

After the CMC got their marks and became friends with Diamond Tiara, Apple Bloom's grasp on reality starts to change. Blurry vision, jumbled words, and that's only the beginning. Friends coming in and out of life, and Apple Bloom has to suffer for it all. How will the CMC get through all this? Will she come to grips with the truth, or will everything she knew dissappear?

Chapters (1)

After a long and productive career, Apple Bloom reflects on what it really means to have a super special talent like her own. Not all of it is sunshine and rainbows though. In fact, come to think on it, none of it is sunshine and rainbows. Whoops.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle lay there in anguished silence for almost a minute until she decided to let Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and me help her. It came out as a whisper: "My special talent isn't magic." Of all the ponies we might help, I had never imagined our first might be Twilight, or that it would essential for Equestria that we got it right.

Featured (as high as #2) from Oct 18th through Oct 22nd 2015 for 100 hours.
Thank you everypony!

Chapters (1)

After becoming a better pony and making new friends, Diamond Tiara realizes she has yet to make up for the way she treated her best friend. When she tries however, she is met with an unforgiving Silver Spoon. In desperate need of help, she enlist the help of the Cutie Mark Crusaders in trying to find a way to make it up to Silver Spoon. Will she be able to become friends with Silver Spoon again, or will they forever be apart from one another?

Chapters (1)

Silver Spoon abandoned Diamond Tiara's drama, and Diamond turned a new leaf soon after. Silver Spoon, however, is less than convinced. Can the two repair their friendship? What will it take? Can the CMC help?

Chapters (1)

Ponyville is enjoying its biggest cute-ceanera in years; a triple celebration for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But while the party continues in town, back at Sweet Apple Acres two other members of the Apple clan find themselves turning their thoughts to the past. To ponies who aren't here to share in the joy of this incredible day.

Cover art and inspiration for this story drawn by Storm Blaze! http://stormblaze-pegasus.deviantart.com/ Art used with kind permission. :)

Chapters (1)

After standing up against her mother, Diamond Tiara has finally turned over a new leaf. Most of the class has forgiven her for her past behavior, and things seem to be moving on towards a brighter future.

However, she still feels guilty about the way she treated three particular ponies.

It's time to apologize.

Chapters (1)

Pipsqueak's classmates have a problem over the class pet, Daisy. Why not get Discord involved?

After fours years, this has been featured on EQD!

Written for the EQD Writing Prompt for "Crusaders of the Lost Mark".

Pipsqueak faces the many challenges that come with being student pony president.

Interpreted loosely, of course.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara just isn't happy with where her life is. She misses her father, she's stuck with a dictator of a mother, and she only has one friend to speak of, whom she only sees at school. Why hasn't her father come home? Will she ever be happy again?

Chapters (6)