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Celestia, attempted conqueror of Earth stands atop a roof with nothing but herself for company. One year ago she failed to bring harmony to earth by way of the the Conversion Bureaus, and humanity has begun to reclaim what it lost. She has been punished for her genocide, though she wonders if her sentence was too lenient.

Written as a speed-writing exercise. Completed in about an hour, and it's unedited. It's just a concept I've had for a while and wanted to see what others thought of it.

Chapters (1)

"You see me as a friend?"

"Maybe more?"

Did you ever had that one person who stood by your side when you were young? That stood with you and taught you and loved you every time you meet that person?

No? Well you're a very lucky person.

Chapters (1)

The girls had known that their friend had been researching something. They had watched as he pored over books writing notes in a private code. They had watched as he went to town hall and failing that, Canterlot archives looking through Cutie Mark registries. And know they watched, as he finished his personal quest. The only thought they could dredge up was a single word. Why.

Chapters (2)

A summons in the dead of night.
A lone passenger on a train to the edge of Equestria.
Nothing but the clothes on your back.
Nothing but the ring in your pocket.
On a small hill you approached Princess Celestia.
On that day your fate played out.

Chapters (1)

Can you put a price on happiness? What are you willing to risk to find true love? What is that alien doing over there with all those pizza boxes?
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

When Twilight’s human friend must leave once again on an expedition, she must either come to terms with her feelings for him, or watch them fester inside herself forevermore. The only thing is, either option is far harder to choose than she thinks. Will she boldly place her friendship with this creature on the line, or will she sit and suffer quietly as he goes far and away once again?

Chapters (1)

After a rowdy party in celebration of Princess Celestia and the human Mark’s engagement, all things should be back to normal… should, being the keyword there. No running water in the castle is only the start of the downward spiral. Much love, many laughs, and too much of a good thing are about to put everypony over the edge.

Lots of talk about sex, but nothing explicit.


Cover art is by the wonderfully talented artist Silfoe without permission, so if there are any issues feel free to yell at me to remove it!

This is a gift for none other than the wonderful Little Big Pony! I hope you enjoy it, you’ve written some amazing stories, and I hope you keep up the trend. Pre-read and edited by the amazing Pascoite and wonderfully astute Fregz.

Box of Shame, M on, top position 3/5/2020. RIP.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Good Morning, Anon

Anon fears he'll disappear once more. Luna, however, remedies that situation. The night never seemed so beautiful.

Cover art by Goat Train. I don't think I can link them, due to some of their art, but you can search them on derpibooru. Just type Artist:Goat Train.

Audio Reading by StraightToThePointStudio.

Chapters (1)

Discord here! I'm going to tell you about the story of when I appeared on Earth and made a friend!

Thanks to Bronyz4ever90 for comissioning this story.

Chapters (1)

A man, sitting alone, isn't feeling his best, really.

He has also forgotten to clean the fluff out from beneath his sofa.

This has consequences for him.


Straight To The Points Studios again to the rescue with a reading.

Chapters (1)