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Following the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant, Twilight goes to Canterlot in order to research the historical events of Hearth's Warming Eve. However what she finds leads her on a journey across the sea and into uncharted northern lands. When she returns, she is visibly shaken and refuses to speak of what she saw to anypony. While over time she starts to recover, there are important questions left unanswered. What did she see on her journey and perhaps more importantly, what followed her back?

Chapters (21)

One thousand years ago, Nightmare Moon overpowered Celestia and banished her to the sun. As dictator of Equestria she's come to a slow eventual conclusion. She needs someone in charge of relations. And, like any good dictator would do with a undesirable job, she outsourced it.

Chapters (15)

She wandered. She left. Her friends lived their lives. But what about her? She's the new world's stranger.

She lived her lives to the fullest. She was a murderer. But she changed now. Her other friend was happy seeing this.

This happened after the events of the Pacifist Route. Before that she started the Genocide one.

Chapters (1)

Anything stated here is no longer valid to the overall lore. However, I will leave this story up as a monument to my first attempt at writing.

A human military government, known as the DAF, wages war against the infamous nation of Equestria. The DAF uses advanced technology to gain the upper hand in the historic struggle, while Equestria can only muster a fraction of what humanity has.

Mathew, a squad leader of twenty men in the DAF, has the ultimate responsibility of keeping every one of his men alive, while trying to complete the ultimate task of helping the DAF win the war.

While Scootaloo, a member of an eight-pony squad in the Equestrian Royal Army, must do everything she can to stay alive, keep her friends close, and defend her homeland from the human invasion.

How will both soldiers do what they can to survive, while fighting for what they believe in? How will they handle the gruesome and horrifying scenes of war, and maintain their sanity?

How will they affect the outcome of the "BLITZ"?

"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his."

George S. Patton

Feel free to comment!
This has the Alternate Universe tag for land and other various reasons.

(Cover art done by me, and only me. If it sucks, blame it on my poor experience with ArtStudio.)

Chapters (18)

The past has always been a mystery to the ponies of Equestria. Even to the Princesses who've lived for millenniums don't fully know what the world was like long ago.

However when a mysterious figure emerges from deep underground, its discovered that he originated from an ancient civilization that existed long before even magic came to be and that their ancient ancestors creations may have unintentionally played a key role in shaping the world that they now live in.

But the most shocking thing of all, the figure himself isn't like anything that anypony has seen in all of Equestria.

This is my first MLP Fanfiction so I'd like to hear some constructive criticism.

I hope you all enjoy this story!

Chapters (3)

While on a secret mission against the Griffon Empire, Spitfire is separated from the rest of her squad. Alone in enemy territory with a jammed gun, Spitfire's chances of survival are slim. What happened next could only be described as Supernatural.

Written from Spitfire's point of view.

Inspired by the Sabaton song "Camouflage" from the album "The Last Stand."

EDIT: Read by yours truly: Link (YouTube)

Chapters (1)

My father once said to me that what people want and what people get are rarely the same thing. The situation I'm in now only shows just how right that single statement truly is.

I never wanted to inherit the sins of a sadistic, insane bastard, but here I am regardless. Trying to make amends for sins that are not my own and doing what I can to wipe out the legacy of evil that others would now see me as responsible for.

Yeah, I'm doing my best. But there is only so much you can do when have become the being that is known and despised as Discord.

As we all know, this is a fan-fiction and not at all meant to be profitable in nature.

MLP is the property of Hasbro inc.


To all the people who have favored this, I thank you.

My only regret is due to the number of favorites, I cannot respond to each and every one personally.

Chapters (3)

James is a twenty eight year old man who is driving to meet his girlfriend, they have been holding a long distance relationship for a long time now, but James wanted to surprise her by visiting her, but on his way there he feels a strange tugging sensation in his chest, he is knocked out by a strange force and everything goes black, when he wakes up he finds himself laying on the forest floor, he soon discovers that he is no longer in his body.

Edited by https://www.fimfiction.net/user/272063/Organical

Chapters (7)


Luna has lived for a long time. In this incredible lifespan of hers she has never found a suitor that would fit her desires.

She does not desire the normal. She desires the strange, weird, the unwanted of the lot. Fortunately for her, he comes around often. He often tells her "I don't know how long I'll take, but I'll come back"

To which she always ask "Promise me you'll come back?"

The answer is inside.

Chapters (5)

Greetings I am Thrin. After purchasing a robe from a anime/video game store in the local Mall I'm transported to Equestria the day of Luna's banishment with the knowledge I can now transform into the Champions from League of Legends, and the first thing I do is intentionally get myself trapped in stone. Now one thousand years later I'm free, but soon I learn I'm not the only one sent here. Are they friend or foe? Join me on this journey to find out.
Thrin's Token's message: I am Thrin an Heir to Legends and the Half-Elf of the Wild Woods, if you need my aid in battle, problems with magic or merely some advice then hold this to the sky and say my name.

Edit: I've been thinking about reworking Thrin's story. more info can be found here

Inspired by MLPfan438 In League with the Legends 
League of Legends is property of Riot Games. Dragon's Crown belongs to Vanillaware and Dragon Quest belongs to Square Enix. Please support the official releases. Tags will change as needed.

Chapters (14)