• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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Every day Celestia shares light and love with all the ponies of Equestria. In turn, they share their love with her. Still, the princess senses there is something missing. Something her heart longs for.

Something her responsibilities have denied her for all these years.

As luck would have it, she’s given a gift that will let her experience her deepest hearts desires and take her to a place she may never want to leave.


Inspired by the Alan Moore story, For the Man Who Has Everything.

Chapters (9)

Lovely new cover art courtesy of Dilarus.

Octavia Melody is in a bit of a spot. Life on the Manehattan Space Station isn't easy for most ponies to begin with, but when your BitCard balance is zeroed out and you're living meal to meal? It starts to feel like things couldn't get much worse.

The problem is that that sort of thinking only invites more trouble.

When Octavia suddenly finds herself stuck in the middle of a plot that could destroy the whole of the Grand Equestrian Empire, the source of her next meal is going to be the least of her concerns. Now she must find the Elements of Harmony, unravel the secrets of the Empire, save the universe, and, just maybe, find a way to make some friends.

Quick thanks to my group at the Artist/Writer Collab panel at BABSCon. Without us bouncing ideas around, this story wouldn't be happening!

Also want to thank my stable of pre-readers/editors. So yeah, thanks to The P-Man, Alun Aleriksson, Jack of Most Trades, and Sir Alex. Y'all are wonderful.

Featured on Equestria Daily 12/10/2014! Couldn't have done it without all of my lovely pre-readers, and, of course, my lovely readers.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to The Luna Cypher

Twilight sets out to learn more of the ways of the world, and soon decides that the whole planet is disorganized, insanely dangerous, and desperately needs to be fixed. And she's just the mare to do it... with a little help from her friends.

Also, there are sky-pirates!

Book 3 of the Alicorn Adventure series.

A few extra, slice-o-life chapters are here: On the Rocks

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Oskar Osäker: Your Worst Enemy

[Prototype 2] X MLP:FiM crossover

Emerald Gleaner once thought the NYZ would remain in her memories and nightmares. But with the appearance of one Sunset Shimmer this terror of the past is brought back to the forefront as Emerald and loved ones dive unknowingly back into the darkness of Blackwatch's heritage.... and there is no running from your past when it is screaming it's fury in your face

A big thank you to More Dakka for the Coverart, Nightmare Knight for editing
(Fimfiction likes to chew up coverart when it's big, if you want to see how it's supposed to look, take a look at my user page.)

Chapters (10)

Pinkie took a hop, skip and a fall straight into the underworld that exists in another dimension entirely.

Now her mane seems permanently popped, her heart keeps ejecting itself from her body, her cutie mark is missing and she's being constantly beset by strange monsters.

Pinkie fell to these monsters, now she has to dance with her heart to save them and herself.

This is an "Undertale" crossover.

Chapters (43)

Before going to Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle connects more dots than usual, which gives her more reason to face Nightmare Moon alone.

(Pamphile (PAM-feh-lee) means "friend of all" in Greek.)

AkumaKami64 continues this story in Pamphile: Alicorn of Harmony.

Chapters (1)

This story takes the oneshot of Crescent Pulsar's Pamphile and expands into how Twilight will deal with her broadening outlooks and revelations, becoming an alicorn, preparing to be a princess, and the implications of being the Sole Bearer of Harmony.

Twilight Sparkle was a humble unicorn, but between her defeat of Nightmare Moon, wielding the Elements alone, and ascending all in one night? The world will come to revere her for her growing abilities, her increasing deeds, and her virtue as a Pamphile, intending to be a Friend to all beings. There will be bumps, conflicts, and challenges along the way, but Twilight never was one to shy from tests.

But the question grows, how will the Alicorn of Harmony fair as a Defender and Future Princess of Equestria? Either way, one thing is certain.

There certainly hasn't seen one quite like her before.

AN First chapter picks up immediately after the original Pamphile. I WAS going to be Pulsar's chapter- with his permission and at his suggestion- but for some reason, this site refuses to allow you to use another author's piece as an opening bit, even with their expressed permission.

7/28/16: Somehow, this got featured just by updating it. Sweet. Which lasted all of five minutes.

Chapters (5)

Flim has a golden ticket. Princess Twilight and her new wife Applejack desperately require his signature on some very important paperwork. Obviously this is the sort of thing that should be worth quite a lot of bits up front, with the potential for favors at some point in the future. Flim and Flam hold all the cards, and there's no way this could go wrong.

Oh yeah, and there's a foal involved too. Not that that really matters.

Written for the Writeoff Association's prompt "A Matter of Perspective."

Chapters (1)

Strumming Heartstrings of the Equestrian Intelligence Services is on a mission. A mission from ... well, actually she just made one up for herself. Sure, she has her actual job of keeping an eye on Celestia's ex-student Sunset Shimmer, but that's not enough to occupy all her time. After all, Sunset seems to have gotten a bit better about not getting herself into too much trouble. Sometimes. Occasionally.

Thus, when Strumming encounters a mad zebra seemingly obsessed with getting revenge against the gryphons who injured him years ago, it seems like it might be an interesting diversion. Little does she know there's more to this case than meets the eye...

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to My Little Universe

Well, the troubles had past; Tirek had been defeated, Nightmare Moon had vanished, Sombra imprisoned, and both Earth and Equestria are safe once again. Time to kick back, and relax ...


Summer had been full of surprises, yes, but that's just the beginning! Twilight, Steven and all of their friends had been going up and down with all sorts of adventures, and even with summer passing, it's only going to go even more, especially with more gems involved on Earth and Equus, no less!

Time to go beyond the stars!

(Fulgurite belongs to Nova Arc, and Flint and Jade belong to Runic_Soul ^^ congrats, you're on the cover! :pinkiesmile: )

Chapters (22)