• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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Estimated Reading: 40 weeks



  • Featured 23558 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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When a drowning Twilight Sparkle is pulled from the ocean by a group of salvagers, she receives news that changes her life: she is now two-thousand years into the future, and Equestria no longer exists. Instead, there is the kingdom of Centuria, ruled over by the seemingly immortal tyrant, King Ganymede.

In this new world, unicorns are a rare sight and advanced technology is shunned by the general public. Twilight finds allies in Kevrana, a salvager with a heart of gold, and Hadran, Kevrana's suspicious and cynical brother. As a war brews in the land, Twilight, with only her new friends and legends of a strange place called the Vale to guide her, must set out to unravel the mystery of how she came to be in the future, and whether or not she can ever return to her own time.

Edited by Eldorado, Toothless the Night Fury, and Comrade Sparkle.

Image by SugarYoshi

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Freeport Venture: More Equal than Others

Sunset Shimmer had grand ambitions upon becoming Freeport's only magus, most importantly helping out the citizens of Freeport itself. When she hears of an outlying farming community in danger from a horde of undead, she knows she has to help them. Even if they can't pay her fees, it's the right thing to do.

However, this new challenge might be too much for her to handle. These zombies are unlike anything she's ever seen, and an old enemy is mixed up in the middle of all of this. Sunset has no idea what dark secrets the undead horde hides, or the danger posed by the necromancer behind it.

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle and Celestia are seeing one another.

They both want it - happiness, to share in their moments, trials and tribulations, all of it, no matter the changes that come.

Now they just have to tell the parents. It should be simple enough.

But a lot of things are simple at first.

My extra special, somewhat belated thanks go to friends Tired Old Man and Vylon for much editing, and additional thanks to Tired Old Man for penning the wonderful title description above. You guys are great, you really are.

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, (if the term even applies) two young ladies, (if that adjective even applies) decided to visit a magical land of Equestria, selected seemingly at random from about a million.

  • One of the two is a time traveler deprived of her time machine, the other is an eldritch abomination out of her element.
  • One would prefer the world of pastel-colored ponies to stay as it is, and can’t help but alter it. The other one is anxious to see how it can change, and can’t help but maintain it.
  • Both believe that this is not their story. But while they disturb the delicate world of ponies, they don’t even notice ponies doing the same to them.
  • Sandwiches are involved somehow.

There are many things this story is and some things it isn’t.

It’s not a fix fic, no matter what some of the characters think. It’s written in multiple first person narration, which happened for a pointlessly clever reason, that will eventually become quite obvious. It’s not a crossover, it just comes with an unhealthy amount of backstory. It could be a rational-fic, but since idealistic philosophy is typically not seen as very rational, it’s only a philoso-fic instead. It’s quite meta, in the original definition of metafiction: fiction concerned with fiction as a concept. In any case, it’s either a small monument to overthinking things – I’m trying to reexamine many fanon ideas here – or a digital paperweight, I’m not sure which. It’s quite a bit more subtle than it could be, and everyone talks way too much when they should be having glorious adventures.
I know how it starts, I know how it ends, and most of what happens in between. Readers say it’s a slow burner, but we’ll get there eventually.


With special thanks to my editors, Thainen, Shrink Laureate, and MitchH.
Further special thanks to ScarletWeather and Themaskedferret for valuable input.
The artist who made the cover image stubbornly wishes to remain uncredited, but thanks to her anyway.

Chapters (53)

On their six month anniversary, Twilight and Celestia were enjoying themselves when a power surge drew their attention to the Tree of Harmony. To their shock and horror, the second they arrived the tree began to glow so brightly they were forced to turn away. When they were able to see once more, there were two fillies asleep under the tree; both had wings and a horn. Not sure what else to do, Celestia lifted the fillies onto her back. Once she climbed the stairs, followed by Twilight, she was very glad they were on her back and not within the grasp of her magic. The Palace of the Royal Pony Sisters was gone and the Everfree Forest was bright, filled with the sounds of birds' singing.

Twilight and Celestia stared at each other in shock. It was apparent that they weren't in Equestria anymore.

Cover Art drawn by my twin bruddah Otto

Lovingly edited Chap 3+ by Jumbled

Chapters (4)

A mother will do a lot for her child, even give them up if it meant them having a safer life growing up, despite the obvious pain that comes for the parent.

That pain is something Queen Chrysalis has gone through for eighteen years, but now the time is upon them, and she wants her daughter back. Even if that means invading Canterlot during a royal wedding.

Edited by RC2101_Copey
New cover art was created by the talented Jesuka
Now has a TVtropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Change
Go watch the reading by Skijaramaz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecqtu_Djrw4

(Featured on 18/10/2015, the first day! Thank you!)

Change is now a printed book, information here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/732008/i-got-a-thing-change-is-now-a-physical-book

Chapters (64)

Based off of this comic by bronybyexception and written with their permission

Comic Dub here

Coinsides in the same world as this comic dub

Cover art from HERE

Apple Bloom always wanted her Cutie Mark. It was the one thing she wanted most in the world and her family fully supported her, encouraging her to keep going until she finds it.

However, she never expected that getting her Cutie Mark would come at such a high price. Apples always have something to do with apples in their Cutie Mark, but Apple Bloom does not.

Now, exiled from the only family she's ever known, Apple Bloom has nowhere to go. Heartbroken and unsure what to do, Apple Bloom goes to the only pony she trusted more than her big sister, in the hopes that she might help the now familyless filly.

In Popular Stories 24-26/7/2015 and then again 31/7/2015. Featured box 26/7/2015.

Holy- In the Featured Box 10/8/2018? Huh?

Chapters (4)

Michael Wilson lived for seven years as a normal, happy boy, until he had to go to the hospital for an operation to save his life. After falling asleep in the operating room, he wakes up in the ruins of a castle. But his location is not the only thing that has changed. He is now a strange horse-like creature with a mane and tail that seem to be made of stars. Just what kind of dream is that sleeping gas giving him?


Or is it not a dream at all?

Dark and gore tag for certain chapters. There will be warnings at the beginning of these chapters to let you know which.

Cover art from HERE by ClassicsAreDead


First Featured 17-20/10/2014 then again 27-28/11/14. And again 24/4/1016.Seriously, thank you, all!

Now with a reading by TripyVox

Also with audio reading by Tarot Duelwield

Chapters (31)

An alternative to HiE stories. Midnight, a 14th century knight's steed and veteran of numerous battles during the hundred years war, faces her demise during one such engagement only to find that fate has other plans in store; including a chance to start anew in another world. But can a mare who knows nothing but conflict adapt to a land ruled by peaceful pastel-coloured ponies, or will it prove too much?

Warning: contains brief scenes of descriptive violence; especially in earlier chapters. Not enough to warrant an M rating, I think, but hopefully the mods will let me know if I'm wrong.

(Cross-posted from my Fanfiction.net account)

Chapters (9)

The surface isn't safe anymore.

In the ruined depths of Canterlot, a team of brave salvagers discover six mares, long forgotten but miraculously preserved. Though these mares cannot remember what happened to their world, they possess powerful magic that hasn't been seen for centuries.

Now the Elements of Harmony are thrust headlong into a world beyond recognition. Twilight and her friends must dive into the sunken remains of history to determine what happened, but Equestria isn't the harmonious land it once was. Before they can focus wholly on the past, they may first have to survive the present.

It isn't going to be easy.

Audiobook by Skijarama!
Original Soundtrack by Noc!

Special thanks to Doccular42 for the original concept, and M1ntf4n for editing!

Join the Empty Horizons Discord!

Big thanks to dA artist fantazyme and reader jeffh4 for making this fantastic rendition of Rarity at Mr. Rich's party!

On the fence of whether to read? Check out the Rage Review or hear PaulAsaran's thoughts!

Chapters (27)