• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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This story is a sequel to Hive Alive

After the chaotic series of events that created it, Twilight's small hive is now positioned with her at the peak of Equestrian authority. Not all are pleased by this. A coup has just been averted and the plots of those behind it may still be in motion.

With all other alicorns away and Discord gone with them, Equestria's history will be written by only one mare. She and her hive of friends and lovers are already being dragged into the tragedy of power-seeking pony elites, invaders, and ancient evils.

It begins as Cloudsdale falls...

1. Please see the age rating note below for a disclaimer on content and general story mood.
2. This is the direct sequel to Hive Alive. There is no significant time jump between stories.
3. Due to the length of Hive Alive and the time since it was finished, I have put together a useful timeline summary. Those interested in remembering key details from the 230,000+ word story will be able to do so easily. It is posted in a blog entry here.
4. Recommended to be read with the background color set to "Dark" via Formatting. It's the changeling thing to do. Chrysalis approved. :raritywink:

Biweekly. One new 3,000-4,000 word chapter every other Wednesday.

FULL TIMELINE SUMMARY OF HIVE ALIVE (for those that want to refresh themselves)

Rated Teen for violence, non-graphic injury, some crude language or terminology, innuendo, and suggestive content. No explicit scenes or descriptions will be included. Deaths may be mentioned but are not detailed. The intent of the story is not to be entirely serious or dark and therefore is not tagged as such. There will be more cheery scenes to come after the beginning chapters and thus this should not be confused with going the path of improperly tagged grimdark.

Alternate front cover is in progress.

In Popular Stories: December 31, 2016 :heart:
First Featured: January 4, 2017 :heart: :twilightblush:

Thanks for reading!

Art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Ageless, or Celestia Plays Dice With the Universe

Twilight learned she was ageless a few weeks ago. She also started dating Celestia a few weeks ago. Life moves swiftly, even for the long-lasting and the long-suffering. There are a lot of things that Twilight will have to adjust to. Dating Celestia may be the easiest of those things to accept.

Editing/Pre-reading done by the ineffably gracious and generous TheMaskedFerret and oftentimes by the lovely, beautiful, and brilliant ScarletWeather, whom I love with all my heart.

Chapters (12)

When Twilight Velvet suffers a heart attack and passes away, Twilight feels nothing but guilt at the thought of their last conversation, and the last thing she said to her mother, being the cause of it. Things only get more complicated when her father, Night Light, reveals to her and Shining Armor a secret that he and Velvet had been keeping from them about Twilight's own past. Twilight then visits her former mentor, Princess Celestia, to have her help in finding some answers. Meanwhile, it seems that Celestia is hiding something...

This is my first real attempt at an MLP fanfic, and of course, what better first fic than Momlestia? This is mainly based off of In the Sun's Shadow, a fic by Polaris501, Golden Secrets by Backlash91, and Grasping Happiness by NeonEclipse. Being my first fic, some constructive criticism would be nice, but please note that I might end up not making any major corrections.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Seven Years

Family had always been a strange notion to Princess Skyla, and anypony who knew her history would never wonder why the filly had such a vague grasp of the concept. Every memory she had of her family was tainted and dark, the photographs of her life smeared and marred by the decisions made by her mother and father, and she couldn't remember a time when she could even think about the word "family" without a black veil of disgust and sadness drawing over her heart. As such, family was never something that Skyla had ever given much thought, unless it was how she was going to get away from them.

Now, however, family is all Skyla can think about. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor have welcomed her with open hooves into their home, and their daughter, Princess Flurry Heart, is overjoyed to suddenly have a "big sister" to learn about and play with. She hasn't been officially crowned a Princess yet, but despite that the whole of the Kingdom is abuzz with news of her, and all of the Princesses of Equestria have all set aside time to come and see her for themselves...

...but try as she might, Skyla can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. Not with anypony else... but with her. She doesn't know how family is supposed to act around each other when they're not trying to scheme and stab you in the back; she has no earthly idea how sisters are supposed to behave around one another, or how a mother and daughter are actually supposed to talk to one another in normal, every day situations. She's a mess, with her heart and head all tangled up in knots that may never come undone -- and that's even before the nightmares start.

Flurry Heart, however, isn't about to give up on her, and with a little bit of help from a lot of different ponies, she'll work hard to show Skyla that a family isn't about the blood that you share, but about the bonds that you forge.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to A New Dragon in Ponyville

Didn't read the first story? Catch the summary over here.

Everfree Village, the first place in Equestria where dragons and ponies live together in peace. Fluttershy never thought she’d live in a community full of dragons, let alone get married to one. Married life carries its own set of amusing, awkward, and sometimes frustrating challenges, but Fluttershy doesn’t mind. It’s the little surprises and joys that make each day worth living.

Talon Wind has never heard of Everfree Village, or Equestria, or even ponies. She’s a wyvern, one of only six thousand still alive after the Endless War, well, ended. Refugees from their homeland, they’ve entered into an alliance with a species of dragons called drakes. The drakes are having a hard time of life as well. Some other species went and built a city on the land where they get their food. So now the continued survival of the Dragon Alliance depends on them getting that land back. What was the city called again? Oh right, the Crystal Empire.

Sex tag for discussions about the topic and some innuendo.

Featured 10/10/16!

Expect updates about three times a week, more if I can manage it.

Special thanks:
rcmgamer218, for his help with the story and permission to use his character, Yol Toor.
-Singleton-, for help with the story.
km, for help with the story.
DrWingbeats, for the cover art.
Kudamon, for help with the story.

Now with a Spanish translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Un-nuevo-dragon-6-11-923168964

Chapters (63)

"Crystal Synergy used to be a middle-aged brony before she abruptly appeared as a young filly at the spot where lightning had struck the ground out of the clear blue sky, roughly two years before the Sonic Rainboom. She only wants to help. What could possibly go wrong?" :pinkiehappy:

"I can't believe you just said that, Pinkie..." :facehoof:

Crystal has lived ten years with fading memories about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic canon and fanon, the first two of which were spent unable to make any but the most illegible notes as she tried to keep them separated in her head. Not helping matters is the fact that while things mostly seem to be lining up with what she thinks is canon, there is a difference between events as presented in the thirty-minute blocks of a show aimed at a younger demographic (and intended to help sell toys) and living in that setting as a real world with a dynamic history. And she's not quite sure which version of Equestria she's actually in, but things seem to be just enough like what Crystal Synergy believes to be canon that she thinks she has a fair idea of what may happen, and how to help navigate or circumvent some of the more worrying problems looming on the horizon.

A little foreknowledge couldn't hurt, right?

A little foreknowledge can prove to be a very dangerous thing indeed. Especially when you aren't sure which bits of foreknowledge are actually true. And just ignoring the foreknowledge doesn't help either, because some of it is true...

A bit of a grab bag of categories: AU and Human should be self explanatory, but Random was selected because the story fluctuates between serious and silly, adventure and slice-of-life, and black-and-white values vs. blue-and-orange values.

[img]https://i.postimg.cc/sDLsnphg/Princess-Columbia-s-List-Badge.png[/img] Featured on Princess Columbia's List on 9/25/2019

Chapters (11)

When Starlight Glimmer decided to play with time, she created worlds that never should have been. Now she goes to a young Twilight Sparkle, to give her the tools to end the war with Sombra.

She can only hope the Twilight in this world can forgive her for it.

Editing by: m1ntf4n

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hurricane's Way

It's no secret that pegasi have a long, proud history as the warrior tribe. Their race boasts some of ponykind's greatest military minds, fearless legions that struck fear into the hearts of any who dared oppose them with their mighty lightning lancers and thunderhead squads.

Honor, duty, and protecting their own kind were the very foundation of the old legions, a notion that holds true to this very day. The strong protect the weak, and the weak stay safe under wing, grateful for their care.

But just how do they make such a big decision? Who determines the stronger pony out of two so closely bonded?

For all those questions, there is but one answer:

The Challenge.

Preread by Cynewulf, Jondor, and Timaeus. Thanks, guys.

Cover art by FairDahlia.

Chapters (1)

If it weren't for a group of young mares, saving the day with luck and intuition, Equestria would fall. Chrysalis finds this absolutely unacceptable. For the love of ponies and their carefree way of life, the changeling queen takes a stand. Will she survive? Will Equestria?

Whoa, buckle up everypony, this one promises to be another big story!

The art is once more done by the amazing Vavacung, please show them some love and appreciation!

See This Blog for licensing.

Chapters (36)