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After an accident robs them of their parents, Rarity writes Sweetie Belle a letter laying bare a secret kept all the little unicorn's life.

"It's fascinating the level of depth this story takes. Just the part alone about why Rarity represents generosity is enough to bring tears to even the toughest critics. This is an amazing story in every way. Mature in some of its themes and true to life, yet not graphic or exploitive, 'Dear Sweetie Belle' is a must for My Little Pony fans who need a great, sad story to tide them over."
-Obake, Pony Fiction Archive

Beautiful cover-art by AcrylicDawn

A fantastic bit of fan-art from my dear friend Kaitlyn Warner.

A live reading by the Doom Pie Network Right Here

Chapters (1)

Leave it to Twilight Sparkle to create the greatest spell of the past century – and then want to destroy it.

It's too dangerous to use, she says. It's too tempting. It can't help you the way you think it can.

Well, Starlight Glimmer knows a thing or three about temptation. She'll prove to Twilight that this spell – this magnificent book – is too important to destroy. That it can help ponies.

She just has to survive using it, first.

Second place in the May 2018 WriteOff.

Cover art is "Reformed" by Okaces.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash grew up not knowing who her mother is.

One Mother's Day, Twilight Sparkle becomes determined to find out who Rainbow's mother is and drag her back to Ponyville to reunite with her daughter.

There's just one little hitch:

Rainbow Dash's mother is Daring Do. And she's inconveniently off "researching" her next book.

Now, Rainbow Dash has to go on a journey. A journey of self-discovery. A journey of a thousand unanswered questions.

A journey to find...her biomom.

Oh, and there's an ancient alicorn tomb and a closely guarded secret that'll change the history of Equestria forever, but that's just another day in the life of Daring Do.

(This story ignores certain details established by the Journal of the Two Sisters and the Daring Do chapter books.)

Chapters (16)

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie have always been considered free spirits. Rainbow herself could never have thought she'd ever reanalyze her entire life for the sake of one person. But when she and Pinkie are put in charge of caring for a young sickly friend during the course of a legendary icestorm, the two learn quite a bit about self-sacrifice and growing up. Also there is a tortoise.

Not featured on equestria daily! (that place scares me kinda)

This story features your daily allotment of: sad things, happy things, and sappy things!

Authors Note:
I have the educational level of a kindergartner so if the story is kinda iffy you can blame the public education system! Hooray! In all seriousness I just wanted to write something cute.


the illustrations were sketches by me that were inked and colored by a friend who wishes, at the moment, to remain Anonymous. (bronies scare him).

Chapters (16)

After Cozy Glow is caught and the world is saved, a single mare has the nerve to blame the hero of the hour for the near destruction of Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Donut Joe keeps his store open on Hearth’s Warming Eve. And why not? He doesn’t have anywhere else to be, and neither do the tired, bitter ponies who find their way inside.

But the Eve is young, and strange things lie ahead. Who knows what might happen on a night like tonight?

(Inspired by the song "Old City Bar," by Trans-Siberian Orchestra)

Reviewed by TheifofZ here.

Chapters (1)

Spike is a dragon with mare troubles, and one of those mares just happens to be his mother. When he meets Lyra, who has troubles of her own, he hatches a plot that they think will be mutually beneficial.

Special thanks to Setokaiva for his proofing work.
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI can be found here

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis has only one grub that has survived into fillyhood; her daughter, the physically lame and mentally impaired Crown Princess Pupa. Chrysalis has never been what many would call the 'maternal type', even towards Pupa, whose adoration of her mother has no bounds. Preferring to swamp herself in the dire affairs of state, Chrysalis lets her crippled daughter be raised by her affectionate nanny.

But one day, as the Changeling Kingdom's problems reach boiling point, the Queen's already short temper erupts and she must deal with the heartbreaking consequences...

Edited and pre-read by Chaodiurn
Pre-read by Scarheart

Now with a TvTropes Page. Feel free to contribute.

Chapters (16)

Would you believe Queen Chrysalis has a child of her own? No, she is not a warrior or military tactical genius, nor is she planning to rise against her mother and bring liberty to her people, and she is sure not planning on infiltrating Ponyville to seek acceptance from the ponies anytime soon. Heck, if asked, she probably could not even point out Equestira on the map.

The truth is, Princess Pupa Roachanov, the only child of Queen Chrysalis spends most of her time in the royal gardens, waited on by her nannies and treated with as much delicacy and care as the rarest rose. It's a quiet, meager life, but it's the only one she's ever known and she is content with it.

The only thing she ever really wishes more of is the affection of her beloved mama...

Chapters (1)

A troubled colt with poor boundaries, bad language, and what seems to be a very troubled past is sent to reside with Rarity, a mare unprepared for true motherhood as well as being unknowing of how to raise a foal of a different gender. A long road ahead awaits them both.

Rated Teen for adult language and strong sexual references and situations. No sex occurs in this book.

As appropriate, this is a societal gender reversal role story; so expect some differences than what you may be expecting as far as gender authority is balanced.

This story is inspired by many other stories, most of which are incomplete and stopped years ago; never to be updated again(?).

Also, this story takes place before Alicorn Twilight.

Chapters (34)