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The Glorious Thousand were the ones who stayed. They were the ones who fought. They were the ones who died so that others may live. This was their final moment of respite, in the face of certain death. Here they waited, at the end of it all.

Chapters (1)

During a routine training flight Rainbow Dash decides to just keep flying. Along the way she discovers ancient ruins better left forgotten.

Chapters (1)

Rarity awakens to find herself in unfamiliar surroundings. Wherever she is, however, definitely isn't home.

And her only hope to return there lies with a man clad entirely in black iron armor.

Chapters (3)

This was an idea I had in my head for the longest time. Read the story before this as it kinda spoils the whole tale but I always liked to imagine Discord using the most extravagant and over the top ways to write to Fluttershy. He seems the type to want to impress, and the idea of Fluttershy sending cozy, laced letters in fine writing and getting these magical lands within paper from Discord just seemed to exotic and strangely heartwarming not to make a short story about it.

This is probably a oneshot, unless people really want more letters.

Chapters (1)

Equestria stands on the brink of ruin. A necromancer has raised an army of the dead and is poised to plunge the world into darkness. Monsters and brigands roam freely across the land, preying upon the innocent.

Only one hope remains. Armed with swords, spells, snacks, and a bag of dice, five heroes band together to defeat the forces of evil… if their rolls are good enough.

Welcome to gaming night in Ponyville.

Dramatic reading by Goombasa.

Cover image by Elosande used with permission.

Chapters (5)

Twilight has a problem. She's been Ponyville's librarian for more than a month now, but nopony has ever actually checked out a single book! It seems the only time anypony visits the library is for impromptu parties and because the world needs saving. Well, no longer! Twilight has a plan, and she'll see a book checked out today if it kills her. She really hopes it doesn't come to that though.

Takes place sometime during the first season. A short story I wrote to relieve stress and relax.
This is my first fanfiction, please be nice. Though, I would love constructive criticism, and any help with grammatical/spelling errors.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia went out for a stroll to a coffee shop. The next morning, she is single-hoofedly destroying the coffee industry.


No really, how?

Chapters (5)

Gather around children, and I will tell you stories of a time long ago. Back in the days when Princess Luna strode the night sky, bringing beauty and joy to the hearts of all ponies who truly appreciated the night, before she was banished to the moon by a jealous and cruel elder sister. It was Luna who created us and gave us our gifts, and someday if we are all loyal and follow the guidance she has left behind, we will see her return to take her place as our glorious Queen of the Night.

So pay heed, and listen closely. For it all started on a night like this...

(Started as a response to Aegis Shield's 60-Minute Writing Challenge. Parts of this show up in Genealogy (or the Mating Habits of Nocturnes Pegasi) as part of the Nocture Saga that I have been putting together.

Update: With an excellent narration by Bad Horse with the most amazing peacock I have ever heard.

There’s a Zebra in my Bed - Narrated by Bad Horse

Chapters (8)

Major Sky Buster had been put out to pasture long ago, no longer able to keep up with the strenuous career of a Royal Guard. Now as the last surviving member of his regiment, he will need to rise to the challenge of the changeling invasion despite his age and infirmity. For not even the risk of death can keep the Royal Guard from rising in response to the bugle’s last call.

Bugle Call : Alarm
Bugle Call : To Arms

Done in respect for Veteran’s Day, and all those who laid down their lives so we might live free.

Chapters (1)

The history of war may be written by the winner, but the Royal Historian is the one who provides the notes and background to the writer. The recent events that some have called ‘Mare Wars’ or ‘The Invasion of the Barracks’ are no exception. The Royal Historian has painstakingly compiled this folder of notes and background material on what should more accurately be called, ‘The Opening of the Guard.’

Please remember to return the folder back to the Royal Historian when you have completed reading, in the event we gather more material that needs to be included.

Musty Pages, Royal Historian

Source for inside photo
Featured on Equestria Daily and the Royal Canterlot Library
With sequel, The Night Guard - Night Mares
And an interview by Benman

Chapters (1)