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Friendship lasts forever.


Three years ago, Gilda and Rainbow Dash became fast friends at Junior Speedsters' Flight Camp. Time took its toll, though, and the pair drifted apart.

When Gilda tries to reconnect with her not-so-long lost friend, she'll discover that things can change a pony after three years: a new home, new job, and new friends.

This story continues in Summer Days

Title Image Credits
Original: http://mallorysbeast.deviantart.com
Coloring: Bandit (no link available)

Chapters (7)

The Firework Lotus Celebration, a grand festival which celebrates the dawn of a new year, is a tradition held near and dear to Spike's heart. But when the winds of change threaten to take this special time away from him, Spike is forced to make a difficult decision. Which is more important: what he knows to be right, or what he feels to be right?

And as Spike soon discovers, it's a choice best made with the help of some friends.

Inspired in part by (believe it or not) this comic.
Cover art by Sophie-Y.

Chapters (1)

Rarity has convinced Pinkie Pie to spend a little time at the spa with her. Since she knows Pinkie can keep a secret, Rarity takes the opportunity to ask some rather... personal questions. Shockingly, Pinkie is quite forward with her answers, but what do you expect from the one and only Pinkie Pie? After all, she loves to make ponies smile!

*nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*

You know what I mean, right?

Edited by: Level Dasher


Chapters (1)

He is the greatest superhero the galaxy has ever known.

Captain Copernicus L. Qwark was captured by Doctor Nefarious at a Galaxy Burger drive-thru. It couldn't have been a better situation for Nefarious. Ratchet and Clank were nowhere close to save Qwark...and this time, HE WOULD ANNIHILATE HIM!

After Qwark was strapped to a Black Hole Generator of Nefarious's own design, Lawrence handed Nefarious the button that would activate it. He gleefully pushed it, happy that it would finally destroy his long-time squishy nemesis...but something went horribly wrong.

Now all three of them were whisked away into a land of magic and ponies. Will Nefarious see this as an opportunity to conquer a new world? Will Qwark be able to adapt to such a place where magic is nothing like the technology of the Solana galaxy?


This is a crossover between MLP and R&C featuring everyone's favorite galactic superhero, Captain Qwark!*

*Captain Qwark may not, in fact, be everyone's galactic superhero. Especially to Doctor Nefarious.


Credit time!

Co-writer/Idea Fountain/Editor: RedDragon
Secondary Editor: Vrilix

Chapters (7)

When Apollo 11 lands on the moon, Neil Armstrong utters his famous lines as his boots land in the lunar regolith, but when he turns around he finds something no one was expecting or had ever planned for.
There's an alien on the moon. And it's blue, four-legged, and staring at him.

Sequel here.

Chapters (1)

"The nine most terrifying words in this language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help.’”

Veggie Vee is the model bureaucrat: enthusiastic, motivated, and absolutely enamoured with setting the world to rights from the safety of her desk in Canterlot. Being assigned to Ponyville to save her job, therefore, wasn't exactly on her to-do list.

The local citizens aren't too happy about it, either. What should have been a simple poster campaign against unhealthy eating swiftly becomes a war of attrition. An incompetent underground resistance attempts to foil her every move and Veggie's latent megalomania isn't helping. Princess Twilight is nowhere to be seen, and an explosion-happy, candy-loving sugar freedom fighter is on the loose.

Everything is about to spiral out of control...

Chapters (9)

[img]http://i.imgur.com/6MrWqNZ.png[/img]Twilight takes on the most important task in her career as a princess of Equestria, when she opens up a magical portal to a distant world with extra-Equestrian intelligence. With her organizational skills and keen understanding of scientific principles, she leads diplomats and scientists in a well-planned expedition to a historic first contact.

The first exchange doesn't quite go without a hitch, however, as the portal opens near a pony ranch at Texas, Earth.

For the purposes of this fic, assume Equestria Girls didn't happen.

Former one-shot.

Chapters (9)

Twilight's friends may not be immortal like her, but she's not going to let a stupid little thing like death get in the way of friendship. Now the ruler of Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers the truth of life after death: More life. Armed with this new knowledge, Twilight ventures from Canterlot Castle to find and befriend the reincarnations of her oldest friends, whether they like it or not.

Image used with permission of Heavens and Asteri

Feature box story of December 27, 2013. Thanks, everyone!

Chapters (2)

The discovery of a tiny extraterrestrial object within our own solar system makes a strangely equine alien race aware that the Earth is inhabited by an intelligent species, and they're on their way to come visit.

But since space is a really, really, really big place, they aren't going to get here for about a thousand years. They do have FTL communication, though, so while we wait maybe we'd like to be pen pals...

You could win a free one shot commission! Check the associated blog post for details.

Chapters (1)

It's all just a game, isn't it?

When it comes to Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle, Chess is much more than just moving pieces around on a board.

It's a game of the mind, of thoughts, of conquest.

But in a game like this, sometimes your greatest opponent is yourself.

Chapters (1)