• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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After the events of 'School Daze,' Chancellor Neighsay is summoned by Celestia.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Contains spoilers for S08E01+02.

Chapters (1)

Featured on 1/31/2017
This is the story of two criminals by the name of Snatch and Ransack. They were petty thieves with a list of equally petty crimes to their names. It was on this day however that they decided to aim a little higher on their criminal escapades and upgrade from basic thievery to kidnapping. They planned it all out; they had chloroform, they had the windowless van, they had the ransom demands, they had the location they would hold their captive, it was perfect.

The only mistake they made was the target they chose. She looked like a harmless pink haired girl with a family that would pay through the nose to get her back. What they didn't realize is that every single animal, bird, and insect in within a ten mile radius was going to take umbrage with her getting kidnapped.

Chapters (1)

With the Equestrian Girls movies out, taken place in a universe that everypony from Equestria is in human form, I've decided to do a thought experiment.

The following story has to do with their version of Discord (simply known as Mr. Disc), and what would happen if he had stumbled into the land of Equestria.

A huge thank you to his Highness PrinceCelestia for making the cover art.

Edited by ginger468 and SecretBrony01

Chapters (18)

Dentists are prepared to deal with all sorts of situations. Being unexpectedly taken away to the other end of Equestria, to operate on a mouth they can fit into, is not one of them.

Chapters (1)

It was a bright sunny day when Princess Celestia was taken from us by three very familiar fillies... Or was she?

Idea from Rated Ponystar and Edited by Jumbled

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Drop of Moonshine

Sequel to Drop of Moonshine -

Applejack receives an order from Princess Celestia, for a batch of cider prepared with a very special recipe that involves honey, yeast, and time. She's even invited to taste the special cider when it's ready. But, when Rainbow Dash finds out about the special tasting, the three mares soon have a little too much to drink. What shenanigans will unfold and how will Twilight keep a lid on things this time?

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has every intention of crawling in to her freshly cleaned bed sheets.

So why is it so hard to get there?

Chapters (1)

All throughout Equestria, as a child grows up, each parent dreads the day their little precious asks them that immortal question: "Where Do Babies Come From?" Now, it's Flurry Heart's turn...

Featured from 20/5/19 to 21/5/19

Chapters (1)

During Luna's banishment to the moon, there have been a great many advances in medical practices and technology, one of which being the field of dentistry. Being the devoted and loving sister that she is, Celestia has taken it upon herself to make her sister an appointment with one of the most skilled dentists around, Doctor Colgate! How will Luna's first cleaning go? Will she have any cavities? Gingivitis? Or, Celestia grant us strength, will she need braces? Will Honor Bound and Razor Edge be able to keep their princesses in check? Will Equestria ever be the same again?

I came up with this idea after visiting the dentist after 2 years of not going due to lack of insurance and found out that I had the startings of gingivitis and got to wondering what it would be like if Luna went after her time on the moon.

Many thanks to evenfall369 and kosherpickle for their help in editing this story and helping me to fix all my derps

MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro, The HUB and Lauren Faust. Honor Bound and Razor Edge are OCs of my design, and the fic artwork was made by DeJiKo07 on DeviantArt


Chapters (1)

==Originally written Fall 2011== Equestria Daily Post==
After a long day of ruling Equestria, the Royal Sisters need a chance to unwind. Luna's solution is a few glasses of her once famous Moonshine, a drink distilled from moonlight. Celestia has been sober for a thousand years, but the temptation to have "just one" glass proves too great. Yet, when that one glass turns into several, it's Twilight who will have to deal with the princesses when they’re drunk off their flanks.

Chapters (1)