• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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This story is a sequel to A Place To Relax

It has been months since Celestia visited the human world and befriended Jason. After communicating with each other, Celestia is planning another visit. Although, she's not the only one who wants to go.

Join Jason as he once again welcomes a Princess into his home.

The third story in the Jason & Celestia storyline is now up - Welcome To The World

Chapters (5)

Like ponies, changelings can get pretty paranoid at times. After all, it's not every day that a changeling gets kicked out of the hive for being a pony.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is about to go run errands with Pinkie Pie, and leaves Spike to foalsit both her little niece and the Cake Twins. Remembering the disaster that was her first meeting with Pound and Pumpkin, Flurry tries to make up for last time by having a friendly conversation with them. Will the twins forgive her?

Set before the finale. Rated T for potty humor (though it's no worse than what you'd see in a nineties Nicktoon).

Chapters (1)

Twilight's caught a special type of flu, and it's up to none other than Princess Celestia to nurse her through it. A special, tender little moment follows in this most unexpected of circumstances.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Truth Hurts

A slightly different take on my story “Truth Hurts”, in which Starlight and Sunburst go after their parents and overhear their conversation, learning some painful truths themselves.

Chapters (1)

After being told off by their children, Stellar Flare and Firelight discuss some hard truths and revelations from that conversation over tea together, and support one another through it.

Title inspired by the song of the same name by Lizzo.

Not Romance.

Warning: Slight mention of death.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Visiting Sunburst

Not long after Firelight visited Sunburst up in the Crystal Empire, Stellar Flare goes to visit Starlight at the School of Friendship so they can discuss Starlight's plans for the future. To put it lightly, the visit doesn't go as Stellar expected.

Chapters (1)

Everyone needs to relax once in a while - regardless of species.

The daily stresses of royal life has gotten too much for a particular pony. Her safe haven is about to be used for the first time in years. Unfortunately, someone's already there.

A sequel is now up! Return To The Haven

Chapters (3)

After another stunt gone wrong, Rainbow finds herself cooped up in a hospital room again. But when she ends up getting roomed with a nine-year-old colt, her stay at Ponyville General takes a turn that's worth just a little more than reading a book about an archaeologist.

Chapters (1)

After ascending to Princesshood, Twilight decides that it's time to really take the notion of "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body" to heart. She has the "Sound Mind" bit down (mostly), but years of sitting inside hunched over a book has given her quite a bit of ground to make up on the "Sound Body" front.

Fortunately, she has an athletic friend to help her out.

Chapters (1)