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It occurred one peaceful night. Half of Equestria awoke to the sound like a double-shot thunderclap. A percussion heard in the skies and rattling windows from Apploosa, to Canterlot, to Ponyville. Nopony knew what it was or what it heralded for the world as it drew a line across the nation.

For Twilight Sparkle, this isolated incident might have faded from memory after a time, if not for the strange rumors of a creature sitting on the hill on the outskirts of town.

These are her thoughts given written form. These are Sparkle's Notes.

Report EVERYTHING to the Princess.

Chapters (3)

Twilight reads about a way to view a pony's soul, to see everything about them laid bare. When she tries it on her friends, will she be able to look at them the same way again? Or will the secrets hidden in their hearts drive her away?

(Yes, I borrowed the idea of a "soulgaze" from The Dresden Files, because it's something that really fascinates me. It's not a crossover, just an idea.)

Now has a sequel!

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle has, she is convinced, fallen under the effects of some bizarre hex. Why else would she be so captivated by a certain chartreuse lyre-player? Why else would her cheeks burn up every time she talks to Lyra Heartstrings? It must be some sort of magic. Right?

... Right?

Chapters (5)

Rarity has fallen hard for the lavender mare from Canterlot, but there is just one problem, that certain mare from Canterlot is completely oblivious to it all. Thus, Rarity does everything in her power to escape the dreaded friend zone, from skywriting to asking Twilight's parents for help. But will it be enough? Probably not. After all, Twilight is rather naive, but a mare's gotta try.

The pic that inspired this story, and the cover pic credit goes to ~SigneTheSlaske of Deviantart.com, check them out for more great artwork.

Chapters (6)

Years ago, two unicorn prodigies attended the same school without knowing it. One became changed by friendship at an early age--the other far later in life.

At a fashion show gone wrong, the two prodigies at last meet. Being who they are, it's impossible for them to resist comparing notes...

(Companion image graciously provided by TurboSolid on DA. Thanks!)

Chapters (5)

It's springtime in Equestria and Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia find themselves out of sorts despite the gorgeous weather. Luna and Rarity both think they know the reason behind their moodiness and set out to make sure that true love blossoms - but will an unfortunate misunderstanding keep the two star-crossed lovers apart forever?

Illustration courtesy of nightmaremoonluna, adapted from a sketch by bri-sta.

Chapters (9)

Mood Wings - Observations on Pegasus Body Language.

When Twilight Sparkle finds this book, she discovers an entirely new field of research. The secrets of pegasus wings lie before her, and she insists on making her own observations on the matter.


Field research, of course.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's slight miscalculation with the Elements of Harmony land her and Rarity in a telepathic funk. But when Princess Celestia goes missing, it looks like having a window into each other's minds is going to be the least of their problems. The Mane Six will find themselves everywhere from Equestria's capital, to the home of the sea ponies, to a battle on the ocean for the fate of the world - all in this long adventure with more innuendo than you can shake your plot at. (Comments are appreciated! Finally done!)

Chapters (18)

For Rarity, the words left unsaid are often most meaningful. A life of standards and a sense of class has led her to assume that breaking these standards are wrong, and that reining in one's true emotions is a path to success.

However, something has been keeping her up at night and threatening to break the mold she has lived by throughout her life. Which will crack first, her presumed lifestyle or herself?

Chapters (13)

Young Shining Dawn is very excited when she hears that Princess Celestia is coming to visit Ponyville. But for Sweetie Belle, her grandmother, the visit carries much deeper significance, especially when she learns that her old friends Scootaloo and Applebloom are also coming, and that the Princess is here on a very special visit for Grandmother Twilight.

Story inspired by this wonderful picture by Harwicks-Art. Click through the link for source.

Chapters (1)