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This story is a sequel to My Mortal Big Brother: Armor and Sword

The prequel is not a required read. Entire story to undergo re-editing to improve grammar and spelling quality This message will be delted when all chapters have been cleaned up by my new editor.

Shining Armor couldn't be more proud of his little sister, nor could he be more jealous. Both Cadence and Twilight will live forever. But what will become of him? When an ancient entity gives him an answer to the question, fear of death consumes his his mind.

Shortly after the vision, he confides his mortal anxieties to Cadence, who tells him of a legend regarding six artifacts that if collected can grant a pony one wish. For Shining Armor, he would like nothing more than to spend eternity with his loving wife and his adorable little sister. Willing to risk an early grave for a shot at immortally, Shining embarks on dangerous quest that set's a chain of events into motion that could very well mean the end of both harmony and chaos. Will Shining succeeded in his quest and become an alicorn, or will he nail his coffin shut early and ruin the full life he could have had.

Like this story? You can find this and other great Shining Armor adventure fics here.

This story has changed slightly from it's original publishing. I recommend all who favorite to reread the the story to avoid confusion going forward. You will find that most of the key event's are the same.

Originally Edited by Golden Vision, KMCA, bkster, General onefishtwofish, FrozenMasquerade, Loeden, Chaotic Mind and many others. All editorial writes have since gone to Koekelbag.

Chapters (17)

After the Smarty Pants incident, Twilight revisited one subject of books that she never did master: Self-help books. This time, its working! And with new things open to her, Twilight decides to liven up her life a bit.

And what better way to hit the track galloping than by pranking Pinkie Pie?

Her changes will bring both amusement and concern from her loved ones, wondering if they should be worried something is wrong or just happy she's enjoying herself. Because, either way, they got to admit its funny that Pinkie Pie thinks Twilight is reading her mind.

Slightly OOC Twilight, but that's the entire premise.

Timing is Season Three, Post-Sombra but Pre-Alicorn

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Stardust

Times are changing for Equestria as Twilight’s return brings with it news of people and cultures from beyond the peaceful world everypony knows. Aid and volunteers are freely offered to help the besieged humans of Earth because every Equestrian knows that’s what good friends do. Unfortunately, making friends can also have the unintended consequence of making enemies.

When the monsters besieging the humans strike at Equestria with a level of brutality not seen in over a thousand years, the cry for help is sent to all the kingdoms of the world. Honored allies step forth to fulfill ancient treaties and oaths. Enemies, old and new, bury their grievances. An alliance never before seen in Equestria will be created to combat the monsters from the void.

And because of these events, a grim but welcome sibling to the XCOM project is born.

(XCOM/FiM Crossover)
(Sequel to Stardust, which I recommend reading before starting this. Fortitude Amicitia and Broken aren't required reading but are supplemental to the storyline)
(Gore tag for blood and violence)
(Alternate Universe tag because of the divergence from canon that Stardust has caused)
(Uses elements of Season 4)
(Coverart produced by the amazing Carnelian!)
(Many thanks to Arzoo, BradTheBrony, Vandenbz and Setokaiva for prereading!)
(As of 03/07/2016, the prereading team consists of Arzoo, BradTheBrony, Noble Cause and Metallusionsismagic!)
(Complete with it's own TVTropes page as part of the Stardust continuity. Could use some updating!)
(Character tags will be added as chapters are added!)
(Featured 5/12/2014! Thanks folks!)
(Possible spoilers in the comments! BEWARE!)

Chapters (44)

Apparently, science isn't exactly perfect. Even when it's done by the likes of Winston and his genetically enhanced brain. It's just my rotten luck that when it does screw up, it leaves me separated from Earth entirely and completely unable to fulfill my duties as an Overwatch member. But where I end up really did need more heroes.

First I end up having to deal with a war between humans and robots, then I get involved in alien crises just as crazy. Hmph, good for them the cavalry dropped in!

Chapters (3)

(Part 1 of the Unfortunate Souls Series)

Artorias. Second in command to the Four Knights of Lord Gwyn. Having trekked the abyss once, and was told once again to, Sif and himself venture to Oolacile, only to find it's inhabitants turned against their will by Manus. After he and Sif venture into the Chasm of the Abyss, Artorias finds himself surrounded by strange creatures. In a desperate attempt, he tries attacking with sword, but it goes through them, he bashes with his shield, and the Abyssal creature destroys his arm. Able to no longer carry the burden of his shield, he gave it to his wolf companion as the Abyss swallows him and changes him...

Not long after, the Chose Undead finds himself triumphant against Artorias, sending the corrupted Knight fading away....
Although, this is not the end of our Abyss walking friend...

Chapters (4)

Applejack. For too long, that has been the only thought in Rarity's head. Finally, she will go all out to find out if the mare she cares for could ever return her feelings. The stage is set. The night is planned. Even the cutie mark crusaders will not be able to mess this up for her.
...Or so she thinks.
When Scootaloo is injured, and a certain secret revealed, the element of generosity is put to the test.

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to You're Not Fine

Friendship is a give-and-take relationship. Fortunately for you, Pinkie doesn't ask for much, and she has plenty to give.
Maybe it's time to start giving back.

Chapters (21)

My name is Octavia Harmonious Melody, and I am mentally deranged… No no, I assure you, I'm quite serious. For the past three years I have lived with a voice inside my head, a crazed, lunatic of a voice, who I, through the displeasure of living with for the past three years, have come to almost befriend...


Now my childhood friend-turned-enemy, Vinyl Scratch, is inviting me to further my musical prowess by living under the same roof as her, and as much as I can barely stand the sight of her, she represents what may be my last chance at closure and sanity. The irony of which being that I'm sure she's already insane, if not pushing me towards it.
Although, to her credit, she's a nice enough mare, maybe if I could stop the voice in my head for a minute we could grow to become friends again…
...it isn't a sin to dream, is it?

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash has never been to the eye-doctor. One afternoon Twilight takes her to the clinic to check her eyes after a minor flight accident. They end up finding out something that makes no sense whatsoever to any pony in Ponyville.

Woke up this morning to see that my random story that was published for no reason got featured 2/28/14. I'm not complaining, but it isn't a work of art :P. I guess anything a teenager writes about multicolored ponies amuses you.

Chapters (3)

* Voted Twice as the #1 Comedy FanFic on Equestria Daily *

Well, what can I say? This is the story of a man. Or maybe he was... a pony-man. Or maybe he was just a... Pony! But he was still...


... Yeah, this is that story. The story where a guy goes to a party and wakes up in Ponyville. That guy (I know him as 'me') seems to have landed in his own personal little heaven. Hell, I even brought me a pack of endless cigarettes. How does that not kick all kinds of flank?

So yeah, everything was awesome. The End.

Well, except for The Nightmare. And Trixie. And some jerk named David. Then there was that Azure Flora pony. And that skank princess that steals my goddamn phone!

Listen, summaries just... They just don't cut it. If you want the story, it's provided right here.

Just a warning. I use cusswords like a big boy.


Chapters (13)