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Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie have been marefriends for quite a while now. This is a series of short mini adventures consisting of TwiPie cuteness! Recommended if you just want to read something short and sweet with humorous elements in it.
Side Pairings:

Edit: While some stories may fall into the adventure category, the majority of this will be slice of life.

Art goes to this wonderful artist: Click Here

Chapters (7)

Princess Celestia was going for an incognito stroll through the town in order to unwind from court, that was until she came across a small oddity of a shop called 'Cliff's Craft' on Elder Street.

So, she decided to pay Equestria's only resident human a visit.

[E] Means it has been professionally edited.

Mild violence, swearing and sexual themes.

Please note: In this story ponies (and others) are similar (anthropomorphic) to humans. Though ponies (for example) are generally shorter, have fur, magic, cutie/destiny marks, and the extra appendages like wings or horns.

Also shout outs to:
PurpleFloof for editting!
Dekaskittalz for proof reading!
Vongoalyken for the advice!

Chapters (10)

Three curious fillies...check
Owl delivered school letters ... check
Boy named Harry Potter ... check
Dash of Discord ... check

This can't possibly end well.

**Public safety notice::: Do not drive while spouse is reading latest chapter out loud. While this may considerably stroke the author's ego, in a guilt inducing manner, it may not be conducive for maintaining low insurance rates **

Taneysha has graciously consented to the use of this picture
Featured on August 2nd 2017 :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (106)

For years, Ponyville has wondered why the Everfree forest is the way it is. Why does everything there want to eat you or kill you as a means of recreation? It'd be nice to, for once, not worry about the town being destroyed by a giant, luminescent, bear-thing that Celestia seems too lazy to do anything about. What if there was some way to...NORMALIZE it or something?

Daring Do wondered the same thing. In fact, if she could discover the fabled center of the Everfree and do something to neutralize it, she'd finally do something big to live up to her parents name! Just think, "We can take walks into the Everfree because of Daring Do!" So she set out to find this so-called center. She would bring back proof of how she did it. The fabled artifact that generated the chaos that was clearly evident in the Everfree. She'd bring it back and finally have enough money to buy a home with some decent SECURITY measures. Yep. It was a simple plan by her standards. There's only one problem though.

Where's the relic? And what's this weird lookin' THING in the center?

Authors Note:

Bruh'....front page?! Schweet! Thanks guys!:pinkiesad2:

Chapters (8)

Celestia feels as though she isn't as intimidating or helpful in a fight as she once was, and neither is her sister, so she devises a plan to become formidable again. The four Princesses will train intensely for six months, and Rainbow Dash of all ponies will be in charge of the whole thing, the powers of some of the greatest ponies in history at her hooves, including a former commander of the Storm King's army and the great sorcerer Starswirl the Bearded. What could possibly go wrong?

(Due to the scope of this story it focuses on a lot more characters than are tagged.)

[[FEATURED on May 13th, 2018! My thanks to all of you!]]

Chapters (6)

Discord has long been the last of his kind. Feeling lonely he searches for familiar creatures and finds some strange creatures that are an apparent subspecies of his, who knew?
These Homo Sapiens have long since left Equestria to start over for fun. Over time they lost their powers and began to make sense.
Most of them.
A small few still remember and know their origins. Or at least have an idea.
They came back.

Just a little mini-series on the antics of a few humans who come to Equestria.

Chapters (22)

Dave has had a rough couple of weeks. His girlfriend dumped him, his mom died, and now he lost his job. He wanted some time to relax but a being from another world has a different idea.

Not mention an evil sense of humor.

Featured on 9/24/2015
edited by RC2101_Copey and PixelFluttershy

Chapters (22)

Just for Harmony and the Sisters, Discord decided to take things a bit seriously the second time around.

Now seemingly unopposable on his Chaos Throne, King Discord has all of Equestria at his clawtips.

His very first decree? The very first royal act of chaos? The moment that may define his reign?

Pardoning Mane Six.

Wait, what?

Discord's reign will be filled with surprises, chief being how the draconequus is far from malevolent to those in his lands, despite what the ponies have been told. It seems that while Equestria belongs to Discord now, but he does play(mostly) responsibly.

And as time goes on, the appeal of Chaos can worm its way into most any heart.

NOTE: Not a tyrantlestia fic.

Chapters (3)

Have you ever wondered what Spike actually thought?

Chapters (10)

When a human appears in Equestria and is considered a threat, he is forced to flee from everything in the new land with nobody to help him while he is chased by colorfull ponies that want nothing but put him in a cage.

Chapters (34)