• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Rainbow Dash 453 stories
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Amidst the stress of a difficult med school rotation, a medical student named Daniel gets an unexpected houseguest--Rainbow Dash!

Please leave a comment and any feedback you have; it would really help and make my day!

Chapters (1)

A chance meeting in town, an exchange of glances, and the beating of two ponies hearts...

Rainbow had never given much thought to finding romance, or even going on a date with a pony. After a chance meeting in town she finds herself thinking of a life with a simple farm Stallion; One Big Macintosh. At the same time, Mac finds himself thinking of the rainbow maned mare.

Read on and learn of the two as they trot a path of love...

And now for something far less formal. It's a romance fic, Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh. Feedback appreciated. MINOR INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT: Alcohol, suggestive situations, more alcohol, and profanity.

Chapters (1)

Spitfire is missing. She's been gone for four years. She's probably dead.

But she won't be forgotten. Rainbow will make sure of that.

Special thanks to EverfreePony for proofreading and editing. Cover art by Yakovlev-Vad on deviantart.

The always wonderful Nailah did a reading of this! You can find that here.

Chapters (1)

It has just been revealed who the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well is; Rainbow Dash's friends. All of them, in on this entire ordeal. From plotting to execution, without so much as a pause to consider how Rainbow would feel, or just how far they can go with the Element of Loyalty. Well now they will learn.

After a short while of really difficult thinking, questioning, and consideration, Rainbow Dash will be brought to ask a single question. Can they work it out?

Chapters (3)

This story takes place, after season 9 of MLP:FIM
When twilight is crowned the ruler of Canterlot and the agreement between the mane 6 is stated, that every now and then, they all gather at Canterlot castle and catch up as friends.

This story follows Twilight taking action as her friends begin to stop showing up, one by one. Eventually going to Ponyville.
As twilight arrives there, she notices that not everything is as it may seem.


All chapters (apart from chapter 1) are inspired by the author Junji Ito, in what happens to the characters. If you haven read any of Junji ito's work i would highly recommend you do. He is a body horror manga artist, and is very talented in his craft. He is one of my favorite authors as of writing this series

Chapters (8)

Last night, Dusk Shine-favorite student of Prince Helios and newly ascended alicorn-went to bed in a Ponyville where all of his friends were stallions and a major event was about to happen the next day. When he woke up, Dusk Shine had swapped placed with an alicorn mare named Twilight Sparkle. And, all of the friends and ponies that were male in his Ponyville were now female.

But, with the Princes (or is that Princesses?) coming tomorrow, Dusk Shine has no time to figure out what happened or what went wrong. Preparations need to be made and friends need to be consulted to get ready for the event. After all, everything else was just like his Ponyville. Surely it shouldn't be a problem, right?


A story that is inspired by and runs parallel with One Of Those Days by Taranth.

Proof reading and editing help provided by Door Matt.

Chapters (9)

As the cold winds of winter close in on Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres must be prepared for the frost that will threaten crops and livestock for the following months. Such a job usually fall on the whole of the Apple Family, but an unexpected early cold is forcing a very sick Applejack to handle the entire process herself. Rainbow Dash objects, but what does a city dweller know of the importance of a farmer's work?

Cover image by Light262

Chapters (1)

At a certain age, fame loses most of its power as a motivational force. Cold, hard cash on the other hoof...

A pegasus attempts a dangerous record-breaking flight.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Blitz meets Scootaloo and takes care of her during the Zombie Apocalypse.

What will decide their fate? Where will they go? How will they survive?

(Rainbow Dash is Rule 63fied. Characters are all Anthromorphized. Also, this was inspired by The Walking Dead Telltale Series.)

Chapters (1)

The Super Rainbow Dash fanfic, as written by her concept creator.

The follow-up to this fic can be found here: "Harmonic Retribution ~HERO~"


The Elements of Harmony. The most powerful magic in all of Equestria...

For two times now, they have been wielded by six individual ponies, bound together by the Magic of Friendship, to successfully counter the wicked and chaotic ambitions of those who sought to conquer the world.

Yet, for all their usefulness, these magical artifacts still remain a mystery to most of ponykind. Perhaps the most important question is, was it really the full potential of them that was displayed by the wielders? Or is there simply more than what meets the eye?

When Rainbow Dash recieves an updated version of the book focusing on the Elements of Harmony and reads its new chapter that tells of a special incident that supposedly happened eons ago, soon, a series of events happen afterward. Events which ultimately culminate in Rainbow Dash discovering her true destiny, as well as discovering what she really holds inside in her very own soul...


As this fic was started in 2012, the setting of it is after the events of the Canterlot Wedding, and therefore ignores most of season 3 and 4 while keeping some of what was revealed about the Elements of Harmony in those seasons intact, including the Tree of Harmony.

The main theme of this fic, as well as the theme of Super Rainbow Dash, is Daiki Kasho's "5OUL ON D!SPLAY" from Gran Turismo 5/6/Sport/7.

Super Rainbow Dash concept and design by me. Conceptualized in the summer of 2011, pre-dating Hasbro's Rainbow Power forms.

The short animation on YouTube by TehJadeh.
Fanart collection.

Cover art by DomesticMaid and me.

Chapters (7)