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It's been a year since a tragic accident took Applejack's parents. A year, and she still doesn't know what to do with herself. Encouraged by friends and family, she decides to spend the summer vacation at Fluttershy's beach house on Splendora Island. She's not sure if it's helping.

Then, one night, she finds something injured on the beach. No, not something. Someone.

What starts as good intentions steadily grows into something else. Whether that something else is good for Applejack is another matter entirely.

Have questions regarding the story? Visit the Q&A blog!

Now with a TVTropes page.

"PaulAsaran’s attention to detail and use of repetition, flashback, and expression to create an unforgettable story is something I’m still trying to get a handle on in my own work." — leeroy_glBZ

"Impressed every step of the way. Thoroughly good writing." — Shrink Laureate

Inspired 100% by the cover art. The idea jumped into my skull and refused to leave until it was written out.

Props to my wonderful pre-readers: SorenPixels, NaiadSagaIotaOar, and Wanderer D!

Cover art used with permission from LooknamTCN, verily one of the best RariJack artists ever. Check out their immensely enjoyable Tumblr.

Chapters (7)

After the mishap with Trender, Rarity and Applejack discuss their feelings about the situation- and each other.

Chapters (1)

After a disappointing date with Fancy Pants, Rarity finds herself longing for a hard, rough, physical encounter. Hot and bothered, she sets off to find somepony who can fulfill her lustful desires. Luckily for her, a familiar face is among the crowd, and soon Rarity’s plans of seduction are set into motion. Will she succeed in her quest? A lady doesn’t kiss and tell ;) so you better just read to find out. (Rarity X Applejack)

Chapters (1)

Cutie Mark Crusader sleepover at Rarity's! But when three little fillies demand a bedtime story, the fashionista desides to weave a tale of an unlikely romance.

Inspired by Great Big Sea's rendition of Captain Wedderburn

(Decided to try my hand at a RariJack story, even if most of it is told by proxy. Enjoy!)

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has been assigned to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. Simple enough, aside from the fact that eternal night may be looming over Equestria...and oh, yeah. She's in love with Princess Celestia.

Thanks goes to OnyxTheGryphon for editing.

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadance has always been partial to wine. Twilight, however, wants to show her the wonderful world of beer. Understandably, they both wind up a little tipsy, but Cadance much more so. When Twilight takes her home, what does Cadance have in store?

Based on a prompt from the Twidance collab thread.

Chapters (1)

When Sonata Dusk said she had a boyfriend, Aria Blaze expected to be able to tell her how stupid he was and watch as she ran off crying. However, after meeting him, Aria finds herself crushing on him. Thus, she resolves to get them to break up and take Dusk Shine for her own!

Yeah. That's not going to happen.

A story about why trying to steal someone else's boyfriend is a really bad idea.

Featuring two normal characters and one R63 counterpart. No point for guessing who it is. (DuskDusk OTP!)

Chapters (1)

For as long as immortals have walked the planet they have had their own culture, rituals, and traditions. Of all these, the most sacred by far is the Bonding of Immortals, after which mortals modeled their marriages. Today Celestia and Twilight will take part in the Bonding of Immortals.

Written for the Seventh Bimonthly Twilestia Contest

Chapters (1)

When Twilight Velvet suffers a heart attack and passes away, Twilight feels nothing but guilt at the thought of their last conversation, and the last thing she said to her mother, being the cause of it. Things only get more complicated when her father, Night Light, reveals to her and Shining Armor a secret that he and Velvet had been keeping from them about Twilight's own past. Twilight then visits her former mentor, Princess Celestia, to have her help in finding some answers. Meanwhile, it seems that Celestia is hiding something...

This is my first real attempt at an MLP fanfic, and of course, what better first fic than Momlestia? This is mainly based off of In the Sun's Shadow, a fic by Polaris501, Golden Secrets by Backlash91, and Grasping Happiness by NeonEclipse. Being my first fic, some constructive criticism would be nice, but please note that I might end up not making any major corrections.

Chapters (12)

Twilight's mentor, Princess Celestia, tells her that the love between Cadence and Shining Armor is deeper than she knows, and can have deeper consequences as well.

Chapters (1)