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Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones, but words may marry me? A careless promise by Celestia when she was teaching Twilight when the young princess was still a filly comes back to haunt her. Twilight has proposed marriage to her, and she can't outright refuse because of an ancient law that says royalty has the right to marry whomever they chose without question. Since Celestia is not above the law herself she has to come up with a solution, and she thinks she's found just that. Twilight has never been able to resist the Scientific process, so why not appeal to her sense of science? But having Twilight date other ponies in a social scientific experiment has not exempt Celestia, as there still needs to be a control group, which winds up being Celestia herself. Has she found the perfect way to get Twilight to see that there's somepony better suited for her than the Sun Princess? Or is Celestia really her one true love?

((Current Editors: XiF
Story idea achieved after reading This Great Fic, give it a read.))

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Meeting Mister and Missus Sparkle

The Grand Galloping Gala: the premier social event in Equestria. Well known as the most glamorous event of the year by ponies who have never gone, and known by those who HAVE gone as being awful, and in recent years, downright dangerous. Sunset Shimmer has returned for The Gala for the first time since she ran away to the human world, and she has brought a date: her girlfriend, SciTwi.

With the reputation The Gala has gotten in recent years, one pony is insistent on having at least ONE year where no guests are sent to the hospital, no new construction is needed on the castle, and no one is almost sent to another dimension.

This can...only end well, right? Right?

No...no it can't.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Operation: ‘Stalk Twilight and Sunset’s First Date’

Twilight has been studying magic for a long time now, but only in the human world. For their second date, Sunset Shimmer is going to give her a chance to see real Equestrian magic, in person, in Equestria. Can the human Twilight handle transforming into a pony, meeting herself face-to-face, and everything else Equestria has to offer?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Terrible Dating Advice

SciTwi is on her first date with Sunset Shimmer. Everything seems like it's going well...until Twilight notices that her friends from Crystal Prep have followed her, and seem intent on spying on her date. Can Twilight hide them from Sunset Shimmer? Can she juggle having a good time on her date with keeping the fact that her friends have absolutely no sense of personal space?

Your friends will always be there for you, no matter what...whether you like it or not.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has found herself asking Sunset Shimmer out on a date...accidentally, but it happened. The Shadowbolts all have advice for her, but it's all rather...horrible. Can Twilight survive her friend's relationship advice?

They mean well, that should count for something...shouldn't it? Shouldn't it?

Chapters (1)

Banished to another reality by a vengeful Starlight Glimmer. Twilight ends up in a near copy paste version of the Equestria that she knows and loves…with one small difference, she doesn’t exist. Twilight played a huge role back in her Equestria. So what would happen to an Equestria that ended up losing its saviour years ago?

Attempting to figure out what makes this reality different from the one she was born in and what happened to the original Twilight Sparkle. Twilight tries to reunite with those that she was closest to and find a way to replicate Starlight’s spell to return back home. However things won’t be as easy as she had originally thought.

Though after spending time in this version of Equestria, making friendships and finding love. Will she really want to go back?

Note: More tags will be added later throughout the story when required. If a tag should be there though isn’t, please comment or DM and I will rectify this mistake.

Proofreader: Rainbow Sunbeam (chapter 5 only)

Chapters (12)

This Story undergoing Rewrite

A freak accident leaves Princess Twilight Sparkle blind. With magic unable to help her see again she is resigned to her fate as a shadow of her former self.

Sadness and depression strike hard and fast nearly every day. But luckily for the disable princess, she may stumble across an organisation that could help her to see again. But miracles don't come freely, fortunately, she may have a guardian watching over her.


Chapters (4)

Of Child of Mine,
And the Daughter Of Laughter,
Daughter of Sun and Daughter of Night,
I ask of thee,
What have you done?

Words and actions can sometimes hurt more than we know, sowing betrayal and hatred where friendship and innocence lies. A single thoughtless action can be a tipping point, one fallen domino setting off hundreds. Look back, and answer me.

What have you done?

(Brand-spanken new) TvTropes page here
Story theme is Chronophobia

Chapters (6)

The wedding was a disaster, Twilight abandoned by her friends and family alike during it yet expected to get things fixed up after the defeat of the changelings, it is understandable that she is upset. Trying to clear her mind she takes a walk and comes across a normally guarded corridor, though is left unguarded due to the recent crisis causing her to investigate. It isn't to get out of worrying about a wedding she isn't invited to, not at all.

She finds the portal mirror and enters it to explore it, her anger at the others encouraging her to skip any safety precautions. Unfortunately, she ends up trapped on the other side on the run from people trying to catch her. That is until one girl finds her, a girl willing to believe her story and offers to help. A girl with a much more painful past who is still working on her own issues. A girl who goes by the name of Sunset Shimmer.

Featured on:
April 25, 2016
April 26, 2016
A big thanks to everyone who made this possible! :heart:

Chapters (10)