• Member Since 27th Nov, 2013


Alright I love ponies, mechs, and explosions. Let's get some!

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Twilight Sparkle gets the chance of researching and questioning the first live specimen of a changeling since the Canterlot invasion three years ago.
Twilight goes in with a scientific mind and wants to figure out everything about these evil bugs, as clearly they have shown themselves to be nothing but cruel in the past. However, in an attempt to find a cruel primitive being, she instead finds something she did not expect.
A teacher.

Story Tags and notes: There is going to be no explicit sex in this story, but gender, sex, and general reproduction will be a subject, as well as love, affection, morality, society and any other subjects that boggles my mind.
This story is something I made out of a combination of my own headcanon for changelings, and with my frustration, yet love, for philosophy, which I study at writing moment at university. This story will have slow updates, but I will work on it. This is as much a work for me, as it is for you.
I hope you´ll enjoy.

Chapters (3)

When Sombra, ex-ruler of the Crystal Empire, is discovered alive and well, Twilight has her hooves full keeping the tyrannical king in check. Instead of the original plan of throwing him in a dungeon or banishing him to Tartarus, Celestia decides to go with the plan that worked out well enough for Discord.

To reform Sombra.

Pinkie takes the job, and gets right to work in helping Sombra become a better pony. Will Sombra finally change from his old, wicked ways and reform? Or will he instead strangle the annoying, pink menace known as Pinkie Pie?

Thanks to the awesomely talented Mickeymonster for letting me use his art! Check him out for even more spectacular artwork!

Chapters (11)

A vengeful demon steals Starswirl the Bearded from his pleasant afterlife and shoves his spirit in a book.

Starswirl is secretly elated by this.

Not so much once he meets the pony he'll be staying with for the indefinite future.

Featured on 13/02/2015

Proofread by the wonderful God Of Physics and CryHavoc21.

Art courtesy of the awesome Lightspeed!

Chapters (7)

History said that one thousand years ago, the younger sister of two sibling princesses grew jealous of her sister's day when ponies shunned her night and that she was banished to the moon for a thousand years through the power of the Elements of Harmony. However, only half of the truth has been recorded into books and ponies' minds. There was one other who aided the princess in sealing away Nightmare Moon, who without his help and his ancient magical power, would've meant eternal darkness in Equestria.

Warning: There will be some swearing used in later chapters. Also, as I been pulled up a couple of times, the beginning chapters are sub-par. I'll go back to the chapters at a later date to fix them. But, or now, I ask you to continue reading if the first chapters are what's putting you off.

This is a fan-based story, Fairy Tail, MLP and any references all belong to their respective owners. I own nothing.

Featured: 6/09/2014 Best birthday present ever! Thank you all so much guys!
Featured: 30/11/2014 Wow. Seriously, wow. Not even five minutes after submitting it and you guys got it into the featured box again. Thank you all, seriously, it means a lot to me.
Featured: 8/09/2015 Again. Seriously, this is amazing. Thanks everyone or making into the feature box again.

Chapters (10)

Ten years ago, Twilight made the ultimate sacrifice in order to defeat Tirek. Equestria has been in a state of civil war ever since.

Canterlot has at last fallen, and the six heroes of the rebellion now go to face the ultimate challenge: defeating the godlike Twilight Sparkle. What they expect to be a brutal, hard won quest for glory and Equestria's salvation turns into something entirely different... and now they face a choice.

This story is a reaction piece against the Tyrant Sparkle trope.

Special thanks to Absolution for pre-reading and Danger Beans for proofreading.

Cover art credit: BluestreakFUS

Now with a Chinese Translation courtesy of Hellagur.

Chapters (1)

In the magical land of Equestria, two alicorn sisters raise the Sun and the Moon every day to give the world a night and day cycle, basic for the survival of life. There are also two alicorns who rule over two very core aspects of life and harmony itself. Those are Love and Friendship. While not as ancient as the two sisters, all princesses are essential to the world's balance.
This balance is also sustained by the hard-working ponies, who make the seasons change and manage the weather to fit their needs, so everypony has enough food and water, and every animal is also attended to assure that any of them are caught in the changes of seasons.

But what about the planet itself? What about Mother Nature?
This is the question that Gaia asks when she arrives to this foreign world. After so much work her son persuaded her to take a long vacation in Equestria, saying that she needed one and assuring her that he would be in charge now, and she must take a break. But what can a several billion-year old alicorn possibly do to pass her time in this land?

(SimEarth/MLP Crossover)
(Timelife of Gaia's life 'till the start of the story)

Chapters (36)

I always wanted to feel like I was a powerful warrior that could use magic. But I never expected anything like this.

My Name is Nicko and for me, life sucks. I live at an orphanage with my egotistical twin brother, have a best friend who is a Reckless daredevil, and everyone who comes to adopt us always turns a blind eye on us. Maybe it's because I have autism? Maybe it's because anyone who refers to my height leads me to going off like a fireworks show on fourth of July? Honestly, I don't know.

Then came the day before our birthday. My brother suggested (since the party was going to be a costume party) that we go as something nobody else but us would recognize. He considered it as a "personal touch" since it was our 18th birthday. He heard of a new anime/comic store opening up at downtown that he wanted to go to. So, taking his suggestion, I decide to go there first.

That store was where I found a Rune Slayer costume from Elsword. My favorite character class from the game. Without even thinking twice, I bought the outfit and the sword prop. That though, was when things took a turn for the worse. After going to my room, putting it on, adjusting the pants and put the fake tattoo's on my shoulders, I end up falling asleep in my room. When I wake up, I find myself inside a warehouse filled with film props and was found by a Unicorn whose name sounds like a record label company.

Now, to sum things up, I'm in another world that has magic, mayhem, and talking ponies. A little girls dream come true for some people. But for me? I honestly don't really know what to make of it (Especially with all the corny names of the towns and cities). Not only that, but it seems like three other girls have already arrived here under similar circumstances. Something tells me that my journey through this place is going to get crazier the longer I'm here. Especially since now that a ticked off bug queen is wanting to kill me, a spirit of chaos is playing around with my head and everywhere I go, I somehow always attract something that might want to kill me, ask me questions or have the guts to call me short. I don't think all my time in Social Therapy is going to help me get through this.

Fortunately, I have the powers of a Rune Slayer now and have some idea of the powers I am capable of. That can't be too bad right?

A story I came up with based on an old fic called The Burning Crusader By ElementBrigade (Note, their will be some aged up characters and rule 63'd characters as well.)
Also a Displaced Story
Not my first time writing, but actually my first time putting up any of my written stories... Well, anywhere.

I do not own MLP or Elsword. MLP belongs to Hasbro while Elsword belongs to KOG and KOG games. Character tags will be updated over the course of the story.

Chapters (17)

A thousand years ago, Princess Celestia banished her sister to the moon, that much we know. What wasn’t known, and what Celestia kept secret was that before her banishment, Luna had given birth to a foal. Now a thousand years later, as Nightmare returns to Equestria to bring about Eternal Night.

Twilight Sparkle, protege of Princess Celestia, struggles against the tyranny of this ancient foe. But how will she be able to save herself and her friends when the truth of this ancient legend crashes down upon her? Twilight will have to confront herself...and her heritage.


Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to What Have You Done?

Canterlot has fallen.

Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen, has taken her prize, unhindered by Equestria's precious heroes. Celestia is little more than another prisoner of war now. The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony are lost, and the Elements themselves have turned away from Equestria's plight. As the world they once knew begins to crumble, a single question is asked among the people as they look up at their fallen heroes.

It is no longer the question that needs to be asked, however.
It is no longer about what has been done, but what must be done now.

There is no such thing as "miserably ever after," for someone will always be fighting for things to change. Hope doesn't die just because someone's turned off the lights. Truth doesn't vanish when deceit begins its reign, and Harmony can only shine brighter among chaos.
Even as this world falls, we'll work to build it up again.
Even as you lose yourself, you can find greater things within you.
Even as fear rises up like a tidal wave, we'll forge a sanctuary to stand against it.
Even as you break, someone will always be standing there next to you to carry you through it.

And even if this entire broken world stands against me, as long as you do not give up, I will find my way back to you.

Cover art is by Odin-odin.
Story theme (Equestria in Grey) is by Omnipony.
Main Characters are Twilight, Velvet, Discord, Nightlight, Luna, and Chrysalis, in that order.
See you in the comments, my dear readers.

Chapters (3)

Twilight, after decades of near isolation finds a way to rid herself of the curse put on her by her closest friend. Unbeknownst to her she is stepping into the realms of the unknown and into a fate far worse than death. Will her once friends save her from herself or will Twilight condemn herself to her own personal hell for all eternity?

Chapters (7)