• Member Since 8th Dec, 2013


I am the machinist. Lord over all machines and stuff. I like twinkies. That is all.

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Ever since Tirek had been returned to Tartarus, Celestia has been experiencing a recurring nightmare: Luna was never healed and she was only biding her time. Celestia wakes every morning covered in cold sweat and yet she knows the dream is impossible. Luna is only Luna. So why? Why can she not rid herself of these horrible images? Luna suggests a plan to vanquish the nightmare knowing it would be impossible in the dream realm. The only possible way: An old spell.
Luna and Celestia are willing to do anything for one another. Does that include becoming the other?

100% Approved by Twilight's library!
100% Approved by Luna's library!

Chapters (4)

One day, Applejack was petrified by a cockatrice in the Everfree forest.
It was a long time before she was ever revived.

A story of moving through lives and the bonds forged in-between.

Was begun before the season four finale, so disregard anything in canon relating to Tirek. He does not exist in this story's timeline.

Thanks to Discord Kantus for prereading.

Now with a reading by Terminal Velocity. Click here to view.

Chapters (6)

My second try are writing so any advice is appreciated. Timeline is before hearths warming eve when the three tribes were divided. Up until the season one opening (probably, nothing is set in stone yet). The inspiration behind this story is a question I asked myself one sleepless night: Why is it so many of us can relate to Princess Luna? This story was my answer.

My name is Luna, and I am writing this so I never forget.

For anypony reading this, if this is not just a string of random letters to you, and you actually understand this then congratulations you are reading English. The language a group of sentient beings called humans use. You might be wondering how I know this. The answer is simple.

This is not my first life. In my previous life I was a proud member of the human race.

I do not mourn the life I lost, but I shall not forget it. For, there is no reason why two species should make the same mistakes (or maybe there is a point, after all I can not see the future).

I am ranting aren't I? Well to sum it up nice and neat I am writing this diary to organize my thoughts, and to help me make difficult decisions.

By all means read along if you'd like, I don't mind. After all, I know you can't stop me.

Chapters (2)

I've never been one to face my problems head on. I've always thought it was much easier to let something run its course instead of dealing with it every step of the way. Why stress yourself over something when you can relax instead? All you need to do is find the little things to pass the time, and soon enough, you'll find whatever was bothering you is gone. Simple enough, right? It's always worked for me.

So what do you do when the thing you're waiting for to be over is your life?

Chapters (1)

I'm not proud of this fic by any means, it was my first, and by far my least favorite. Go ahead and hate it, I have to partially agree with you.

A chronicle of the precursing events and the ultimate conflict which left the world in the hooves of ponies. The first story of many which will revolve around this conflict, The War of the Fallen Race details one man's struggle to survive in a world fighting against him and his race.

Chapters (37)

Scootaloo asks her uncle a question...

***First story in the 'Ask' one-shot series. These are stand alone stories and can be read in any order. For the others, follow these links:
Ask Diamond Tiara
Ask Big Macintosh

***Added to Twilight's Library Feb 06, 2014! Thanks for all the support!***
***Reviewed by the Blunt Review Group***
***Huge thanks to JeffCvt for his great work proofreading this story***
***Props to CaptainAwesome67 for the cover art!***

Chapters (1)

This is the emotional tale of Bramley Apple, the father of Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Applebloom. He has returned to make amends with his family he abandoned over ten years ago. However, the sudden appearance comes to a total shock to the eldest sibling as he is resentful and determined not to accept his father's unexpected visit.

~ Kudos to Blaster Master for his assistance with the proofreading!

Chapters (1)

Humanity has grown to control most of the Sol system, and looks to distant stars for further expansion options. When probes discover an uncannily-earthlike planet at a vast distance, the Solar Government takes on a project larger than any before it.

A colony ship, carrying over seven thousand people, the Eclipse is constructed. Thanks to its translight engine, it is capable of making the journey within two decades. The expedition is launched with high hopes, its crew made up of the best and brightest, setting out to prove that the vastness of space was no longer an insurmountable obstacle, that landing on distant worlds full of life was no longer just a pipe dream.

What happens when this colony ship's crew arrives at their destination would forever change humanity's outlook on the rest of the universe, as well as what could be deemed possible. Supernatural beings, energies unexplainable, and most importantly, sapient organisms all populate this mysterious, fertile world. In all of its extensive preparations, is the Eclipse versatile enough to tackle the task assigned to it? Or, more importantly, is its crew?

Featured on Equestria Daily 1/1/2013.

Pre-read by Stringtheory and Milo. Proofread by Erumpet and Demetrius. Thanks! Contains some hard and some soft sci-fi elements.

Chapters (6)

Skyrim guard travels the magical land of Equestria, making friends and foes, having adventures and lecturing about proper citizen behavior.

But how will our hero fare against the native ponies with such a short repertoire of phrases? Will he help the land or cause its downfall? Should we follow?

Of course we should!


Also, all comments saying anything about anything get a prize!

Chapters (19)

My attempt at a more serious 'Luna meets Neil Armstrong' storyline. What would really happen, both on the moon and on Earth? Inspired by 'The Eagle has Landed' by CyanBlackStone.

Princess Luna has found herself on a very different moon after some strange force interfered with her banishment. She doesn't know what the metal objects that keep orbiting and sometimes landing there are, but she wants to find out. Meanwhile, Neil Armstrong believes that being the first man on the moon will be the crowning achievement of his life. Hoo boy, is he ever in for a surprise.

For those who are interested, the most excellent Zanec has provided this link to an interactive Apollo 11 site.

Chapters (17)